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# and already ??...CLEANING the FISH? BEWARE of ANISAKIS_# ANISAKIS, THE TRUE GOURMET FIEND. WHAT FISH LIVES IN, HOW TO FIGHT IT. MANY CHEFS SHOULD KNOW THIS IN THEIR RAW FISH RECIPES.Anisakis is a parasite found in many fish: scabbardfish, dolphinfish, swordfish, tuna, sardines, herring, anchovies, hake, cod, monkfish, shellfish, cephalopods, mackerel, and anchovies. This parasite is present in fresh fish, and the larvae can implant on the wall of the human gastrointestinal tract, from the stomach to the colon. This parasitic worm attacks the mucous membranes resulting in acute or chronic parasitosis that can occur as early as a few hours after ingesting raw fish. It manifests with intense abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and in severe cases can even generate ulceration and perforation of the stomach wall. These problems occur only if you eat raw fish (if the fish is frozen or cooked, this parasite dies). Or, if one does not want to give up the goodness of raw fish, immediate evisceration of the fish (which, however, is never practiced), or methods based on exposure to high or very low temperatures (blast chiller) are sufficient when cleaning the fish: - immediate quick freezing: the parasite dies after 24 hours at -20 °C - exposure to high temperatures: the parasite dies in 15 minutes at 60 °C Recipes with raw fish, Italian-style crudités (with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper), shellfish and crustaceans "at the drop of a hat," freshly seared or sesame-seared tuna, and fashionable and ethnic Japanese "sushi and sashimi" are all opportunities to fall into the Anisakis trap and hopefully get away with an infection that resolves only with symptomatic treatment. One should always ask the chef or restaurateur if such a procedure is applied to the fish in question. Eating raw is good, but with "downed" fish is better!

domenica 17 settembre 2023

# Spaghetti con bottarga e carciofi # Neapolitanische Braciola (gefüllte Röllchen) # Stuffed artichokes # Spaghetti ai gamberi e limone # Triglie alla livornese # Gnocco fritto # Spezzatino di manzo # Quaglia in sauce all'uva # Pastiera Neapolitan # Arancino sicilien # Sauce Tzatziki # Baccalà alla Ghiotta # Sicilian caponata # Mushroom rice # Cartellate pugliesi # Rice Barese # Bucatina all'amatriciana # pasta alla trasteverina # crab Spaghetti # Spaghetti and mussels # Polipo affogato # Seafood Paella only fish # Rice Milanese with ossobuco # Gazpaco my way # Calamarata with clams and mussels # Oysters with citron and cognac # Stuffed tomatoes à la Greca # Rice to trevigiana #

Spaghetti con bottarga & carciofi # ingredienti e dosi -320 gr di pasta ( or spaghetti ) - 100 gr di olio d'oliva extravergine - 4 carciofi sardi - 1 spicchio d'aglio - cucchiaio di prezzemolo tritato - sale q.b. - scorza di limone - 1 cucchiaio di succo di limone - bottarga di muggine grattugiata .METHOD -Mettete l'acqua salata della pasta a bollire e nel frattempo pulite i carciofi: privateli delle foglie esterne più dure, fino ad arrivare a quelle interne più tenere. Tagliate le punte e poi a quattro parti. Pulite la bavetta interna e le punte delle foglie interne e tagliate i carciofi a fette. Se siete abbastanza veloci non c'è bisogno di mettere i carciofi in acqua con limone in modo che non anneriscano. Potete mettere le fettine direttamente in padella con l'olio e successivamente accendere il fuoco e farle ammorbidire. Aggiungete lo spicchio d'aglio intero se non lo gradite molto oppure tri

tato se vi piace. Salate leggermente i carciofi e lasciateli soffrigere aggiungendo magari un goccio d'acqua e il prezzemolo tritato e il succo di limone.Appena la pasta è pronta, scolatela, saltatela in padella insieme ai carciofi e servitela subito con una generosa spolverata di bottarga di muggine grattugiata..


Neapolitanische Braciola (gefüllte Röllchen) # Zutaten und Dosierung - 4 Scheiben Fleisch (Rind oder Kalb) - 15/20 gr Pinienkerne - 20/30 gr Sultaninen - 20/30 gr geriebener Schafskäse - Petersilie - 2 Knoblauchzehen - natives Olivenöl extra - 600 gr Tomatenmark - 300 g geschälte Tomaten - 1 Dose - Rotwein - Salz - Pfeffer. Mit Pinienkernen, Sultaninen, einer klein geschnittenen Knoblauchzehe und Petersilie füllen und mit Pecorino-Käse bestreuen, dabei die Ränder frei lassen. In einer Kasserolle den Knoblauch in etwas Öl anbraten, die Koteletts dazugeben und gut anbraten. Mit dem Wein ablöschen und diesen verdunsten lassen. Den Knoblauch herausnehmen und das Tomatenpüree und die geschälten Tomaten hinzufügen. Die Hitze auf niedrige Stufe stellen und bei geschlossenem Deckel mindestens 2 Stunden kochen, dabei gelegentlich umrühren. Am Ende der Kochzeit mit Salz abschmecken. Die Sauce muss, wie man in Neapel sagt, "pippiare", d. h. köcheln. Den Deckel abnehmen und die Sauce ein paar Minuten einkochen lassen. Die Braciole alla napoletana können als Hauptgericht serviert werden; die Sauce der Braciole kann zum Anrichten von Nudeln verwendet werden.

Braciola napoletana ( involtini imbottito ) # ingredienti e dosi - 4 fette di carne ( manzo or vitello )- 15/20 gr di pinoli - 20/30 gr di uvetta - 20/30 gr circa di pecorino grattugiato  - prezzemolo -2 spicchi di aglio -olio extra vergine di oliva -600 gr di passata di pomodoro - 300 gr di pomodori pelati 1 lattina -vino rosso -sale - pepe .FATE COSI -Mettete le fette di carne su di un tagliere, salate e pepate. Farcite con pinoli, uvetta, uno spicchio di aglio a pezzettini, il prezzemolo.Completate mettendo una bella spolverata di pecorino, lasciando i bordi liberi. Richiudete le fette di carne ad involtino usando lo spago da cucina oppure gli stuzzicadenti.In una pentola fate un bel giro di olio e fate imbiondire l'aglio, unite le braciole e fate rosolare bene. Bagnate con il vino e fate sfumare. Eliminate l'aglio ed aggiungete la passata di pomodoro ed i pomodori pelati passati. Abbassate la fiamma al minimo e fate cuocere con coperchio per almeno 2 ore mescolando di tanto in tanto. A fine cottura aggiustate di sale. Il ragù, come si dice a Napoli, deve "pippiare" cioè dovrà sobbollire. Togliere il coperchio e fate restringere il sugo per qualche minuto. Le braciole alla napoletana sono pronte per essere servite come secondo piatto, con il sugo delle braciole potete condire la pasta .


Carciofi ripieni #  ingredienti e dosi _4/5 carciofi medio grandi-1 uovo-4 cucchiai di caciocavallo (o poco più di altro formaggio stagionato)-40 gr di caciocavallo a pezzi-2 cucchiai di pan grattato (+ quello da spolverare in superficie)-1 fetta lunga di pane per tramezzini (or 2 pan carrè)-poco di latte  -Sale-Prezzemolo fresco-2 patate medio piccole-1 carota-1 cipolla bianca o dorata .FATE COSI -Preparare in una ciotola dell'acqua con il limone. Pulire i carciofi togliendo le foglie esterne più dure, non si deve arrivare proprio al cuore ma fermarsi poco prima, tagliare a metà rimuovendo anche gli aghi. Pelare il sedano dopo aver spuntato le estremità. Man mano che si fa quest'operazione mettere tutto nell'acqua acidula, che impedirà ai carciofi di annerirsi. I carciofi dovranno avere una base piuttosto piatta, faciliterà l'equilibrio in cottura .Preparare il condimento: in una ciotola bagnare il pane morbido con un goccino di latte, unire l'uovo, il formaggio grattugiato e quello tagliato a dadini, il pan grattato, il trito di prezzemolo e un pizzico di sale (poco perchè i formaggi stagionati sono già abbastanza sapidi). L'impasto dovrà essere molto morbido, se non lo è unire ancora un goccino di latte.Spingere il composto dentro le foglie di carciofo che si apriranno da sole, farcire il più possibile. Terminare spolverando un pò di pan grattato .Adagiare sia i gambi che i carciofi in un tegame.Pelare le patate, la carota e la cipolla. Tagliare in due solo le verdure più grandi.Riempire il tegame con dell'acqua arrivando a metà dell'altezza dei carciofi, salare leggermente .Cuocere a fuoco basso pe 40/45 minuti con un coperchio.Una volta cotti e quindi ammorbiditi, toglier il coperchio e lasciarli intiepidire prima di mangiarli

>> Stuffed artichokes # ingredients and quantities _4/5 medium-large artichokes-1 egg-4 tbsp. caciocavallo cheese (or a little more of another mature cheese)-40 gr shredded caciocavallo cheese-2 tbsp. breadcrumbs (+ the one to sprinkle on top)-1 long slice of sandwich bread (or 2 loaves of breadcrumbs)-a little milk -Salt-Fresh parsley-2 medium-small potatoes-1 carrot-1 white or golden onion. DO THIS -Prepare water with lemon in a bowl. Clean the artichokes by removing the tougher outer leaves, do not go right to the heart but stop just before, cut in half removing the needles too. Peel the celery after trimming off the ends. As you do this, place everything in the acidic water, which will prevent the artichokes from turning black. The artichokes should have a rather flat base, which will facilitate the balance while cooking. Prepare the seasoning: in a bowl, soak the soft bread with a drop of milk, add the egg, the grated and diced cheese, the breadcrumbs, the chopped parsley and a pinch of salt (a little because mature cheeses are already quite savoury). Push the mixture into the artichoke leaves, which will open by themselves, and stuff as much as possible. Finish by sprinkling some breadcrumbs on top.Place both the stems and the artichokes in a pan.Peel the potatoes, carrot and onion. Fill the saucepan with water to half the height of the artichokes, season lightly with salt and cook over a low heat for 40/45 minutes with a lid. Once cooked and softened, remove the lid and leave to cool before eating.

Spaghetti gamberi e limone # ingredienti e dosi -1 kg di gamberi freschi -1/2 kg di pomodorini ciliegini-1 spicchio di aglio-prezzemolo-olio evo-1 pizzico di peperoncino (a piacere)- spolverata di limone grattugiato -300 gr di spaghetti o linguine o altra pasta lunga .FATE COSI -Pulite e lavate velocemente i gamberi, fate un leggero soffritto di aglio e peperoncino con abbastanza olio evo in una padella (grande abbastanza da contenere poi gli spaghetti), aggiungete i ciliegini tagliati a spicchietti e fate cuocere per 10 minuti circa. Poi aggiungete i gamberi, coprite e portate a cottura per altri 10 minuti e spolverizzate di poco limone grattuggiato.Nel frattempo avrete messo a lessare gli spaghetti, tirateli al dente e saltateli nel tegame dei gamberi.Impiattate e aggiungete prezzemolo fresco tritato.


Triglie alla livornese # ingredienti e dosi per 2/3 persone-6 triglie di circa 100 gr l'una - 300 gr. di pelati o pomodori freschi - olio extra, 2 spicchi di aglio, peperoncino, prezzemolo - sale e pepe nero .METHOD-Soffriggere l'aglio e un pezzetto di peperoncino. Quindi aggiungete i pelati, un poco di acqua, sale e pepe. Lasciare cuocere per una ventina di minuti.Intanto pulire le triglie, squamarle con delicatezza. Sono pesci che cuociono rapidamente.Appena pronto il sughetto adagiarvi le triglie e cuocerle per una decina di minuti scoperte, non giratele perchè essendo molto delicate si possono rompere: basterà smuovere il tegame ogni tanto.Prima di portare a tavola la spolverizzata di prezzemolo è d'obbligo!

****** consil du chefAdrianoMennillo_A Livorno c'è una comunità ebraica molto numerosa e cucinano le "triglie alla mosaica". La differenza stà nella preparazione del sugo di base: insieme al pomodoro adoperano il sedano e fanno cuocere a lungo. Quindi passano il sugo e successivamente vi adagiano le triglie.

Nel frattempo preparate il ripieno, unite la carne macinata e la mortadella tritata, le erbette aromatiche fresche, le bietoline e alcune foglie di verza lessate e tritate grossolanamente, l’uovo, il parmigiano e il pangrattato, sale e pepe e poi mescolate bene.Togliete il costone centrale duretto alle foglie di verza, mettete una pallina di ripieno e chiudete la foglia attorno al ripienoformando un rotolinoIn una teglia da forno avrete scaldato i pomodori pelati tagliati e conditi con un filo di olio evo, sale pepe e erbette aromatiche fresche, adagiatevi i rotolini uno vicinoall’altro, un flilino di olio e una grattatina di parmigiano, infornate a 180° per 40 minuti circa.



Spezzatino di manzo con patate # ingredienti e dosi -750/800 gr di manzo ( tagliato a bocconcini ) 300 gr di patate -sale q.b - 2 carote -poca farina -2 coste di sedano - 1 cipolla tritata -100 ml. di vino bianco -200 di brodo vegetale - -olio extra vergine d’oliva q.b. -1 mazzetto di prezzemolo fresco -50 gr di passata di pomodoro o pelati -METHOD-Per prima cosa preparate un po’ di brodo vegetale con verdure miste tipo carote e sedano , mettete sul fuoco un grosso tegame con 4 cucchiai circa di olio extra vergine d’oliva, fate rosolare la cipolla e fatela imbiondire per 5 minuti a fuoco medio.Passate i bocconcini di manzo nella farina e versatela nel tegame con la cipolla facendola dorare e insaporire bene su entrambe i lati  per 10 mintuti circa sempre a fuoco lento, nel frattempo sbucciate le patate sciacquatela, tagliatele a pezzi e mettetele da parte.Versate ora sulla carne il vino bianco, fate sfumare e  evaporare bene l’alcool per 5 minuti e unite le patate tagliate a dadini, il sedano e le carote,  distribuite una manciata di prezzemolo fresco tritato o basilico se preferetite, la passata di pomodoro per insaporire e del brodo vegetale.Aggiustate di sale e lasciate cuocere a fuoco dolce ( basso)  per 50/60 minuti circa regolandovi fino a che la carne e le patate sono morbide, aggiungendo se necessario qualche mestolo di brodo all’occorrenza .


Gnocco fritto # ingredienti e dosi - (per 6/8 persone) -500 gr di farina 00 -180 gr di acqua tiepida (or + 20 gr circa) -4 gr di lievito di birra disidrato  - (oppure 12 gr di lievito di birra fresco) -1 cucchiaino di zucchero -10 gr di sale -70 gr di strutto -Olio di oliva o strutto, per friggere .METHOD-Mescolate in una ciotola il lievito (se utilizzate quello fresco sbriciolatelo), 50 g di acqua presa dal totale e lo zucchero fino a sciogliere bene tutto. Aggiungete quindi due cucchiai colmi di farina presa dal totale e mescolate ancora bene. Lasciate riposare per circa 30 minuti il lievitino., se per l'impasto utilizzate la macchina del pane , versate nella vaschetta i 130 gr di acqua rimanente, sopra la farina, praticate un incavo che contenga il lievitino preparato precedentemente e versatevelo. Dalla parte opposta fate un buchino e versate il sale. Unite anche lo strutto a pezzetti. Azionate la macchina impostando il programma per lievitati salati. Come sempre date una controllata all'andamento dell'impasto perché potrebbe essere necessario aggiungere acqua e/o farina. Nel mio caso ho dovuto aggiungere circa 20 gr di acqua. Dopo qualche minuto dovete iniziare a vedere l'impasto che si compatta (sia pur rimanendo morbido) e che si stacca dalle pareti della vaschetta con facilità non lasciando tracce di farina sulle stesse.Una volta appurata la corretta consistenza della pasta, lasciate lavorare il programma compresa la lievitazione. L'impasto dovrà triplicare il suo volume. Io ho lasciato lievitare la pasta nella vaschetta anche a programma concluso per un'ulteriore mezz'ora (quindi in totale la lievitazione è durata solo un'ora e mezza , se invece utilizzate il methodo tradizionale ,  versate la farina in una ciotola capiente, unite il lievitino, lo strutto, il sale sciolto nell'acqua rimanente. Impastate fino a completo assorbimento del liquido. Trasferite sul piano di lavoro e lavorate fino ad ottenere un impasto liscio e omogeneo.Trasferite la palla ottenuta in una ciotola infarinata, incidete una croce con una lama liscia e coprite con pellicola trasparente. Lasciate lievitare in luogo tiepido e al riparo da correnti d'aria (nel forno spento con la lucina accesa, per esempio) fino a quando l'impasto avrà triplicato il suo volume (circa 4 ore).Stendete l'impasto  sul piano di lavoro leggermente infarinato fino ad uno spessore di circa 3 mm.Ricavate i rombi con una rotella tagliapasta.Preparare la pentola con olio profondo (o strutto) bollente. Fate friggere pochi rombi per volta per pochi secondi (fino a quando si formeranno le caratteristiche bolle). Scolateli con una schiumarola e fateli asciugare su carta assorbente distribuendoli in un solo strato. Una volta assorbito l'unto in eccesso si possono anche impilare.,serviteli  ancora caldi accompagnati da affettati misti e/o formaggi.


Quaglie in salsa all'uva # ingredienti e dosi - 8 quaglie pulite  - 200 gr di salsiccia   -
16 fettine di pancetta arrotolata - salvia - 1/2 bicchiere di Marsala - 1 mestolo di brodo di carne ( or brodo vegetale ) - 30 acini di uva bianca -1 cucchiaio di burro -olio evo - sale e pepe .METHOD-Sciacquate bene le quaglie e asciugatele con carta da cucina.
Eliminate il budello della salsiccia e create quattro polpettine.
Riempite ogni quaglia con un acino d'uva, la salsiccia e  una foglia di salvia. Salate e pepate. Chiudete con uno stecchino.Bardate ogni quaglia con due fette di pancetta e legate con spago da cucina.Preriscaldate il forno a 180°.Scaldate due cucchiai di olio e uno di burro in una padella che vada anche in forno e fate rosolare le quaglie su tutti i lati. Salate e pepate.Sfumate con il Marsala e fatelo evaporare.Aggiungete qualche foglia di salvia, la metà dell'uva e un mestolo di brodo e infornate per 30 minuti bagnando ogni tanto con il sugo.Aggiungete il resto dell'uva e proseguite la cottura per 15 minuti fino a quando le quaglie e la pancetta saranno dorate.Servitele subito con il loro sughetto.


Neapolitan  easter grain pie > pastiera napoletana  # ingredienti e dosi :   The Pie Crust  . , 1 pound (450 gr) flour   , 1/2 pound (225 gr) lard (at room temperature)  , 1 cup (200 gr) sugar  , 4 yolks  _The Grain -1/2 pound (225 gr) well-drained soaked grain ( Some  delis carry  this , canned) 1 1/2 cups (375 ml) milk  - the zest of a half an orange  - A walnut-sized piece of lard   - 1 teaspoon sugar   - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract _  The Filling - 10 ounces (300 gr ) ricotta (purchase this fresh from a delicatessen)  - 3/4 cup (150 gr ) sugar - 3 eggs, separated  - 1 vial (1/4 cup) acqua di fiori d'arancio (not orange extract, but orange  -blossom water -- purchase this from an Italian deli) - A pinch powdered cinnamon  - 1/4 cup minced candied citron   - 1/4 cup minced candied orange peel - 1/4 cup candied squash (cocozzata, in Neapolitan) -fate cosi -Method - The major variations are in the amount of acqua di arance, a non-alcoholic somewhat oily orange essence (if you cannot find it use orange extract) and the use of crema pasticcera (pastry cream), which some families include and others do not. - As I said, this is particular; it requires presoaked grain, which takes time to prepare (Neapolitan delicatessens now sell canned presoaked grain, and you may be able to find it near your house). To start from scratch, purchase 1/2 pound whole grain and soak it in cold water for two weeks, changing the water every two days (this is Caròla Francesconi's soaking time; another cookbook suggests three days, changing water daily). Come cooking time, drain it and cook the amount indicated. The pastiera is traditionally served in a 10-inch diameter round metal pan with a two-inch rim; Neapolitan pastry shops sell the pastiera in the pan and it is presented so at even the most elegant table. And now the recipe: >> Begin the day ahead by cooking the soaked grain with the milk, zest, lard, sugar and vanilla over an extremely low flame for at least four hours, or until the grains come apart and the milk has been absorbed, so that the mixture is dense and creamy.  The next morning make the pie crust: Make a mound of flour, scoop a well in the middle, and fill it with the lard, sugar and yolks. Use a fork or pastry cutter to combine the ingredients, handling the dough as little as possible (don't knead it). Once you have obtained a uniform dough press it into a ball and cover it with a damp cloth. Pass the ricotta through a strainer into a large bowl, stir in the 3/4 cup sugar, and continue stirring for 5-6 minutes. Next, stir in the yolks, one at a time, and the grain. Next add the orange water; begin with half the amount and taste. Add more if you would like it orangier, keeping in mind that the aroma will fade some in baking. Stir in the cinnamon and the candied fruit as well, then whip the whites to soft peaks and fold them in. Roll out 2/3 of the pastry dough and line the pan. Fill it with the filling. Next, roll out the remaining dough and cut it into strips, which you will want to lay across the filling in a diagonal pattern (lift them from the pastry cloth with a long spatula to keep them from breaking). Bake in a moderately hot oven (180 C or 370 F) for an hour or slightly more. The filling should dry almost completely and firm up, while the pie crust should brown light _.

                                 **** MATTEO MENNILLO 2021 

Arancino  Siciliano # Ingredienti e dosi : 500 gr rice  - pinch of salt  1200 ml chicken or vegetable broth (or water) -  30 gr butter - 100 gr grated caciocavallo cheese (aged -hard table cheese) - saffron . for the ragù >  1 onion -1 medium carrot, peeled -1 celery ribs -100 ml olive oil -250 gr minced pork  - 300 ml canned tomato pulp -25 gr butter -50 ml white wine -100 gr baby peas - salt & pepper to taste > also ; 50 gr soft caciocavallo or mozzarella - 200 gr flour - 3 eggs - breadcrumbs - sunflower oil for frying .FATE  COSI (Method)  -Begin by cooking the rice. Boil broth or salted water and add rice.  Cook for about 15min, stirring occasionally.  All the liquid should be absorbed once the rice is cooked. (Cooking it this way allows the starch to remain which will help compact the rice when making the arancini.)Dissolve the saffron in 100mls of boiling water, and stir through the cooked rice.Stir through the butter and the grated caciocavallo.Spread rice into a shallow glass baking dish and cover with plastic kitchen wrap to prevent a skin forming on top of rice. Allow to cool completely for a couple of hours at room temperature before refrigerating.For the ragù, finely chop the onion, carrot and celery rib and add to a saucepan with about 100 ml of olive oil and butter. Cook on a medium heat until onion is translucent.Add the minced pork and brown.  Add white wine and cook, stirring for a further 5 minutes.Add tomato pulp, and salt & pepper.Cook on low heat for 20 -30minutes with the saucepan covered. Add the peas after 15 minutes of cooking time.  Pay attention that the ragù doesn’t stick to the base of the saucepan during cooking and burn, and if necessary, add a little hot water if ragù results too dry. (It should not be liquid).  Allow to cool.Cut fresh caciocavallo cheese into small cubes – you’ll need one for each arancino).To make the arancini by hand, wet your hands, then place 1 heaped tablespoon of rice into the palm of your hand, and shape it into a hollow bowl like shape. Place 1 /2 teaspoons of the filling in the center, 1 cube of soft caciocavallo (or mozzarella) , and then gently close the rice around the filling, and using your hands mould it into a cone shape. Repeat until all rice is used and refrigerate while you clean up the kitchen and prepare for breadcrumbing the arancini.  Next, prepare 3 bowls, one with the flour, one with 3 beaten eggs, and the last one with the breadcrumbs.Gently roll each arancini first in flour, then egg, and finally in the breadcrumbs.  Refrigerate again until you are ready to fry them.Heat your oil to about 185°C, and fry the arancini in batches of 2 at a time.  This depends on the size of the saucepan or deep fryer you are using, but cooking too many at a time will reduce the oil temperature too much.  Best not to overcrowd them.Cook, turning occasionally if necessary until they are golden brown.  Drain on kitchen paper towel and serve hot. They can also be reheated in a hot (180°C) oven for 20 minutes and enjoyed hot the day after.


Sauce Tzatziki ( original recipe ) # 300 gr Greek yogurt-1 large or 2 small cucumber-3 tablespoons white wine vinegar or alternatively lemon - ¼ bunch finely chopped dill, optional - 2 tablespoons evo oil - 1 or 2 cloves of garlic -1 pinch of salt, for me pink -pepper .Method-Wash and peel the cucumber. Let's cut it in half and salt the surface to get the vegetable water out. Let it rest at least 30 minutes entirely wrapped in a tea towel.Cut the cucumber into more or less large pieces, pour it into the food processor along with the yogurt, vinegar, garlic and oil. We blend until we obtain a smooth sauce.Finally, we add the finely chopped dill - alternatively we could use chives or wild fennel - we adjust the salt and pepper and let our tzatziki sauce rest in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.


Baccalà alla Ghiotta # Ingredients and Servings -1 kilo of codfish -400/500 gr small potatoes -100 gr olives (black and white) -2 onion -30 gr raisins -30 gr capers -30 gr pine nuts -3 bay leaves -1 glass of cognac -pepperoni-pepper-salt-Evo oil .Method-Make the codfish soak (change the water often) until it is completely desalinated and turns white and pulpy. Rinse it under running water and then cut it into pieces. Peel the potatoes and wash them (if using larger potatoes, cut them into chunks). Finely chop the onion and fry it in a large pot with oil; then add the potatoes, salt and cook for a few minutes then set aside in a bowl . Put the cod in the pot and soak with cognac , then add add add the capers , raisins and pine nuts and olives , then add the potatoes and pepper , little chili , bay leaves and 1/2 liter of hot water and tomato puree , let it cook on low heat for 50/60 minutes , stir slowly and serve with some of its broth.,look my photos chefAdrianoMennillo by Milano.


Sicilian Caponata #  Ingredients for 4 people _2 aubergines -2 onions -1 celery stalk-4 auburn tomatoes-2 tbsp salted capers-2 tbsp raisins-20 pitted green olives-50 gr almonds-80 gr pine nuts-50 ml (about 2 tbsp) white vinegar-1 tbsp sugar- 8 basil leaves-extra-virgin olive oil. METHOD- An hour (1h) before you start, put the sultanas and capers in two separate small bowls with hot water to soak the sultanas and desalinate the capers. then rinse thoroughly.Wash and peel the aubergines, cut them into 1 cm cubes and fry them in a large pan in a finger of hot oil. Drain them on absorbent paper. Remove most of the oil from the pan, leaving a little. Wilt the thinly sliced onions. Remove the stalks from the celery, cut it into thick strips, blanch it for 5 minutes in boiling salted water, then add it to the onions together with the sultanas, which have been soaked in warm water for at least half an hour and then rinsed.Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water, peel them, remove the seeds and water, dice them and add them to the pan with the sugar, vinegar and chopped basil. Cook for ten minutes. Add the aubergines, olives, pine nuts and desalinated capers (left for at least an hour in warm water and then rinsed thoroughly). Cook for a further 10 minutes, season with salt (about a teaspoon of salt) and pepper. Toast the almond granules for a few moments under the grill. To add flavour and colour, I added, together with the tomatoes, a tablespoon of double tomato paste dissolved in half a glass of hot water, added a little more sugar if desired, and added an extra pinch of salt, because with half a dose of vegetables, a tablespoon of vinegar and two teaspoons of sugar, everything was still too sour. The sweet and sour is to be balanced to taste, then cook for about 5 minutes more, to evaporate the alcool from the vinegar, and serve lukewarm.

Mushroom risotto # ingredients and servings # 2 cups of rice 200 gr Carnaroli -
300 gr porcini mushrooms (or mixed mushrooms) - 1 white onion - 1 glass of white wine -3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil - 1 tablespoon chopped parsley and thyme -1 liter or so of vegetable broth -margarine ( or butter ) -salt and black pepper -For the vegetable broth :2 liters of water -1 carrot -1 onion -2 celery stalks -1 clove of garlic.METHOD- Prepare the vegetable broth by putting a pot with water on the stove.Clean the mushrooms by removing the stem end with a knife comma wash them and then slice them.Chop the onion and almost brown it in a nonstick pan with a little oil, Add the rice and brown it for about 4 minutes. Add half the mushrooms and stir-fry for 3 minutes.Pour in half a glass of white wine and stir until it is absorbed.At this point add the mushrooms and remaining and gradually add ladles of broth, trying to keep the rice dry at all times until cooked through.Add the remaining wine and stir over high heat, then add the margarine, herbs and black pepper, stir serve hot.


Cartellate pugliesi (Bari) # ingredients and doses _500 gr flour -50 ml extra virgin olive oil - 1.5lt / 2lt peanut oil -50 gr white wine -10 gr dry liqueur(Whiskey) - 150 gr water - 1lt vincotto .METHOD-Take the flour and place it in fonta with the hole in the center, in the hole insert oil then wine and liqueur(which will be used to make the cartellate stay crispy).Make the mixture homogeneous and add water to make the dough more malleable. Work the homogeneous dough, which should be non-sticky, by cutting it and running it through a pasta machine until it reaches the thickness of Emilian pasta( as thin as possible).With a shaped pasta cutter create the cartellate.# COOKING: Bring a pot filled with 1.5lt / 2lt peanut oil to a boil and fry the cartellate. Dip the latter in vincotto .


Tiella barese ( Rice, potatoes and mussels ) # ingredients and servings for 3/4 persons -150 gr rice -300 gr potatoes -500 gr black mussels -1 garlic - 1 onion - parsley -extra virgin olive oil - tomato fillets - grated pecorino cheese -breadcrumbs (optional) - Pepper .METHOD- Boil the rice until al dente. While it is cooking, clean the mussel shells well and wash with plenty of water, taking care to brush the shells. Open the mussels raw (absolutely not in a frying pan), crush slightly, slide one of the two valves forward until you hear the typical "clack," inserting a small knife between them and sliding it until the shellfish opens; move the mussel to one valve only and discard the other, collecting the liquid that will come out in a bowl. Strain the water through a narrow strainer or cotton cloth to remove all impurities and set aside.Lay in a baking dish sprinkled with extra virgin olive oil, the onions cut into rounds and the potatoes peeled and cut into half-inch slices. Continue arranging the layers with cherry tomatoes and the parsley, sprinkling with cheese and pepper.On the next layer, lay all the mussels with the fruit facing up, drizzle with oil, and top with rice, more onion, parsley, cheese, the remaining cherry tomatoes, and pepper. Now add the liquids, i.e., the filtered water from the mussels and lightly salted water, to be inserted sideways until, by exerting light pressure on the last layer, they resurface a little.Bake at 200° in a static oven for 45 to 60 minutes, preferably after reheating on the stove, until the potatoes are cooked and an appetizing golden crust has formed. Let cool so that the flavors can meld further.


Bucatini all'amatriciana #  ingredients and doses _500 gr bucatini -200 gr guanciale -450 gr peeled tomatoes -100 gr pecorino romano -1 chili pepper -white wine - salt and pepper .METHOD-Cut the guanciale into strips and make them crispy. Remove half of the guanciale and leave the other half in a pan. Deglaze with the wine, add the peeled tomatoes and chili pepper.Adjust the salt and pepper and continue cooking for about 40 minutes. Blend the amatriciana sauce and let it rest for an hour. Then transfer the sauce to a frying pan. Cook the pasta in lightly salted boiling water. Drain the pasta in the sauce, add the grated pecorino cheese and toss to coat. Serve the bucatini all'amatriciana in a serving dish and garnish with the crispy guanciale.

Pasta alla trasteverina (Rome area) # Ingredients and doses _bavette: 400 gr - tuna: 100 gr - anchovies: 5 - porcini mushrooms: 800 gr - peeled tomatoes 700 gr - garlic 3 cloves - butter: 30 gr - chopped parsley - olive oil - salt - pepper. METHOD-Fry a clove of garlic, 3 anchovy fillets and the chopped tomatoes in oil. After seasoning with salt and pepper, add the tuna fish and continue cooking for a few more minutes. When the mushrooms have dried, add the butter, the remaining anchovy fillets and chopped parsley.cook the bavette pasta separately, drain it, toss it with the sauce and add the mushrooms.


Crab spaghetti # ingredients and servings for 2/3 persons _1 crab  -300 gr cherry tomatoes - 1 clove of garlic -Prezzemolo -White wine to blend -Salt and chili pepper -Extra virgin oil .METHOD- With the help of a knife separate the head shell from the body, rinse it thoroughly under water, remove all the innards and with a small hammer break the claws. After that, while you prepare the rest of the ingredients (cherry tomatoes, garlic clove and chopped parsley), soak it in a bowl with water and salt to allow the liquids to seep into it again as if you had pulled it out of seawater. Now sauté a clove of poached garlic in oil and brown the crab on both sides, deglaze with white wine and once it has evaporated, put the head part in contact with the pan and add two ladles of water and continue cooking for 10 minutes. In another pan prepare the cherry tomato sauce, and add it to the crab.
At this time of year, cherry tomatoes don't really bring out who knows what flavors, so every now and then I add a teaspoon of tomato paste to the sauce and that's it.As soon as the sauce has reduced, taste for salt, add the parsley and chili, drain the pasta al dente and finish cooking in the pan. ******Consil du chefnapoletano >If you have to prepare this dish for more than one person and you only have one crab, you can add, while preparing the sauce, either shrimp heads, scampi heads or even add a restricted crustacean fumet


Spaghetti and Mussels # Ingredients and Servings - 400 gr spaghetti- 1kg mussels- 100 gr parmesan cheese (to taste)- 15 cherry tomatoes- extra-virgin olive oil- salt and pepper .METHOD-Wash the mussels, scraping them with a sponge, place them in a pan with oil, cover and cook, until the shells open, then remove them, recover the fruit and strain the cooking liquid. In a pan with oil, brown the cherry tomatoes cut in half, add the mussels and a ladleful of the cooking liquid, season with salt and pepper and leave on the heat for a few minutes. Cook the spaghetti in salted water, drain them, mix them with the prepared sauce and serve them at the table in the serving dish with the Parmesan reduced to flakes ( to taste) .


Octopus( or small octopuses )drowned # Ingredients and servings for 3/4 persons -900/1000 gr small octopuses -Extra virgin olive oil -1 chopped onion - 1/2 cloves of garlic - 2 bay leaves -1 glass of dry white wine -400 gr cherry tomatoes - 200 gr of fine peas ( to taste ) - Salt & Pepper .METHOD-Cut the tomatoes into cubes, crush the garlic (I normally use the flat side of a knife to do this) and sauté everything in a saucepan together with the onion, the two bay leaves and two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil for a few minutes over moderate heat. Then add the cleaned octopuses (if you can get them cleaned by the fishmonger, otherwise just turn their heads and clean them inside, also removing the eyes and beak). Raise the flame for a few minutes so that the octopus tentacles curl, then lower the flame, add the white wine and cook for ten minutes without a lid, then add the peas, then salt and pepper to taste (do not overdo the salt), stir with a wooden spoon and cook for another 10 to 15 minutes. Arrange in the center of the dish also pouring some of the sauce for the scarpetta ( wet the bread ).,serve hot

  •  Ingredients and doses for 4 people _4 ossobuchi - 1/2 lt of mixed meat and vegetable broth - 100 gr of chopped celery, carrots and onion - 1/2 glass of white wine - 2 spoons of corn flour - 1 bunch of aromatic herbs - 100 gr of chopped tomato pulp - 1 untreated lemon - 1 bunch of parsley - a little butter - salt and grey pepper>> For the risotto : 300 gr of carnaroli rice - 1.2 lt of mixed meat and vegetable stock - 30 gr of ox marrow -2 teaspoon of saffron pistils -70 gr of butter -1/2 onion -1/2 glass of dry white wine - grated cheese - bay leaves - salt . METHOD-Prepare the stock by soaking the ingredients in cold water and bringing to the boil over a very gentle flame for at least 2 hours. Using a strainer, remove the foamy part of impurities that will form on the surface. Strain the stock and keep it on the heat. For the ossobuchi, flour the ossobuchi and brown them 3/4 minutes per side in a large frying pan with half a knob of butter. Remove from the heat and discard the browning fat from the pan, then return them to the heat adding the remaining butter, the chopped carrots, celery and onion and the fragrant bouquet. Deglaze with white wine, add the tomato conserve and half a glass of stock, season with salt and pepper. For the risotto, finely chop the onion and brown it in a pan with 20 g butter and the chopped marrow. Add the rice and a bay leaf and toast it, stirring with a wooden spoon. Deglaze with the white wine and let it evaporate over a high heat. Pour in the boiling stock a little at a time, stirring occasionally, and season with salt. After about 6 minutes add the saffron pistils softened in a little boiling stock and continue cooking the risotto. Once ready, let the risotto rest for a few minutes before stirring in the remaining butter and a generous sprinkling of grated cheese. To complete the dish, sprinkle the ossobuchi with grated lemon zest and parsley, cover with wet and wrung out baking paper, and leave to rest for a few minutes before serving with risotto alla Milanese.

*****Consil du chefAdrianoMennillo _the rice should be cooked for a maximum of 13/14 minutes, never wet the rice with cold wine, pepper to taste .

  • Gazpacho my way # ( _is a cold soup ) and doses _For bread 150 gr crustless white bread ( cubed )-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil -2/3 daughters mint-.1 1/2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar ->For the soup :2 kg ripe cherry tomatoes -3/4 cloves of garlic- peeled and chopped -6 ribs and celery leaves, chopped (about 200 gr to taste) -1 small red onion, chopped -400 gr seedless watermelon pulp -100 gr crustless white bread in pieces -2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar -180 ml extra virgin olive oil -8/10 gr basil leaves or mint - salt and pepper to taste . For the croutons: Heat the oven to 200°C. Place the bread cubes in a large bowl along with the EVO oil, vinegar and a teaspoon of salt. Mix well with your hands then transfer the bread to a baking sheet and bake for about 12 minutes, or until golden brown. Set aside.For the soup:Peel the tomatoes and roughly chop them. Whisk together the tomatoes, garlic, celery, onion, watermelon, bread and most of the basil (keep a few leaves aside for garnish). Add a teaspoon of salt and pepper to taste. Blend until smooth. Continue blending while drizzling in EVO oil and vinegar. Taste the soup and adjust flavors to taste. Place the gazpacho in the refrigerator until ready to serve.Portion the gazpacho into individual soup bowls and garnish with the croutons, basil, and evo oil .
  • ******consil du chefAdrianoMennillo-I prefer mint , the first time I served it in Taormina ( Sicilia -Italy ) as chef de rang ) , I added pistachios ,or almonds cut into thin filangèe .


Calamarata with clams and mussels # Ingredients and servings for 2 persons- 200 gr calamarata pasta- 300 gr real clams- 500 gr mussels- 6 semi-dried cherry tomatoes in oil- parsley- chili pepper- garlic- white wine -METHOD -First purge the clams in water and salt x about 3 hours. Then clean the mussels with a small knife. In a frying pan brown garlic with oil along with chopped semi-dried cherry tomatoes Remove garlic and add mussels, cook covered until open and deglaze with white wineIn another pan brown a clove of garlic with oil When it has released its flavor remove it and add clams, cook until open and strain water . Combine the clams with the mussels along with the filtered liquid from the former and with the heat off, shell the mollusks keeping some whole .Cook the calamarata in salted boiling water, holding it back from cooking for 2 to 3 minutes. Remove the shellfish from the pan and set aside, then add the calamarata to the liquid in the pan and cook for 3 / 4 minutes covering the first 2 minutes and then uncovered for the remaining time to let the liquid absorb well -Then add the mussels and clams and stir everything over high heat for a few seconds . Plate the calamarata with clams and mussels by adding fresh parsley and a pinch of chili pepper on top .


Oysters with citron and cognac # ingredients and doses : 24 oysters , 1 citron , ice, 1 glass of cognac, sprig of parsley, lettuce leaf, extra virgin olive oil , salt, white pepper_ METHOD ( fate cosi )- Mix in a bowl a little oil with the cognac , the citron juice , pinch of salt and pepper .Open the oysters , detach the shellfish from the shells , clean from any scraps and flakes of the cusco . , place the oysters back inside the concave part of their shells and arrange them on a tray on which you will have spread a bed of crushed ice and a few lettuce leaves ( dried ) Dress the mullosks with the citron emulsion and lay a leaf of parsley on each oyster, garnishing with spiral-cut citron peels and carrot rosettes to taste .( see my photos )


Stuffed tomatoes à la Greca ( Greece ) # Ingredients and servings -6 large tomatoes -12 tablespoons '3 continents' rice (i.e. mix of basmati rice, French red rice, Canadian wild rice -( or to taste ) 120 gr feta cheese -1 handful of black olives - oregano to taste -chives to taste -salt -METHOD- Remove the c_ap and empty the tomatoes, turn them upside down and place them in the fridge overnight. In a blender put the pulp of the tomatoes, the olives and spices, salt and blend. Transfer to a bowl, add the rice and refrigerate overnight. Fill the tomatoes, add the diced feta and bake in a preheated oven at 180° for about 1 hour so that the tomatoes wrinkle. Serve hot. Also excellent cold the next day.

  • Risotto to trevigiana # ingredients and doses - 300 gr carnaroli rice -100 gr gorgonzola cheese -200 gr radicchio di Treviso -50 ml fresh cream ( to taste ) -100 gr butter 1 glass of red wine -1 red onion ( shallot ) -salt, evo oil, black pepper -METHOD- Open and shell the pomegranate, keeping the kernels aside. Wash the radicchio, dry it and cut it into small pieces, keeping aside the freshest and prettiest tips that will be used to decorate.In a small saucepan over very low heat, melt the gorgonzola with the cream, obtaining a thick sauce and keep it aside. In a pan sauté the finely chopped onion in a little oil, after a couple of minutes add the radicchio and season with salt, continue cooking until the liquid part is reduced.At this point whisk everything and keep aside. In another pot toast the rice dry for a few minutes, pour in the wine and let it evaporate, stir continuously with a wooden spoon and start pouring in the hot broth until the rice calls for it. about halfway through cooking, pour in the whipped radicchio. when cooked (it will take about 13 to 14 minutes) turn off the heat, adjust the salt and pepper and add butter to mantecarlo.

  • *****Consil du chefAdrianoMennillo : see my photo for serving use the first leaves of the radicchio.

# my campagna , Ruvo di puglia ( BARI ) 

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