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# and already ??...CLEANING the FISH? BEWARE of ANISAKIS_# ANISAKIS, THE TRUE GOURMET FIEND. WHAT FISH LIVES IN, HOW TO FIGHT IT. MANY CHEFS SHOULD KNOW THIS IN THEIR RAW FISH RECIPES.Anisakis is a parasite found in many fish: scabbardfish, dolphinfish, swordfish, tuna, sardines, herring, anchovies, hake, cod, monkfish, shellfish, cephalopods, mackerel, and anchovies. This parasite is present in fresh fish, and the larvae can implant on the wall of the human gastrointestinal tract, from the stomach to the colon. This parasitic worm attacks the mucous membranes resulting in acute or chronic parasitosis that can occur as early as a few hours after ingesting raw fish. It manifests with intense abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, and in severe cases can even generate ulceration and perforation of the stomach wall. These problems occur only if you eat raw fish (if the fish is frozen or cooked, this parasite dies). Or, if one does not want to give up the goodness of raw fish, immediate evisceration of the fish (which, however, is never practiced), or methods based on exposure to high or very low temperatures (blast chiller) are sufficient when cleaning the fish: - immediate quick freezing: the parasite dies after 24 hours at -20 °C - exposure to high temperatures: the parasite dies in 15 minutes at 60 °C Recipes with raw fish, Italian-style crudités (with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper), shellfish and crustaceans "at the drop of a hat," freshly seared or sesame-seared tuna, and fashionable and ethnic Japanese "sushi and sashimi" are all opportunities to fall into the Anisakis trap and hopefully get away with an infection that resolves only with symptomatic treatment. One should always ask the chef or restaurateur if such a procedure is applied to the fish in question. Eating raw is good, but with "downed" fish is better!

domenica 17 settembre 2023

#리조또 셰프AdrianoMennillo ( my rice ) # Pasta alla carbonara # wild zwijn alla cacciatora mijn manier # Baccalà alla livornese # la Genovese # Calamarata with octopus # Tortino di alici # Petto d'Anatra al pepe verde # Braciola napoletana # Capesante al forno # Pasta potatoes and mussels # Beef fillet with cocoa # Zarzuela # Octopus Luciana # Pasta to Norma # Potato gattò # Zeppole S.Giuseppe # Beccafico sardines # Onion soup my way # Boar wild stew # Baked pasta # Rabbit all'ischitana # Filetto alla Wellington # busecca # clams with spaghetti saffron and leex # Burgundy snails # Cuttlefish and peas stew # Gnocchi to Sorrento # Stuffed tomatoes with rice # Chamuang pork # Priest's hat # Aubergine parmigiana #

리조또 셰프AdrianoMennillo # 3/4 인분 재료 및 제공량-카나롤리 쌀 380 gr-스펙 150 gr-레드 라디치오 (샐러드) 1~2개-버터 50 gr -강판 페코리노 치즈 30 gr-야채 육수를 위해 셀러리와 당근 2줄기, 양파 2개-육수에 넣을 정향과 월계수 잎 2개 (양파에 붙일 못)-2/3잔 카베르네 레드 와인 (Paoul Mas , 내 사진을보세요)-약간의 올리브 오일-큐브 소금-큐브 흰 후추. 방법-빨간 라디치오를 먼저 준비하고 씻어서 필란지에 얇게 썰어 리조또를 요리하는 냄비에 반점을 작은 조각으로 자른 기름 1 티스푼을 넣고 2 분 동안 요리 한 다음 즉시 지방에서 라디치오를 4/6 분 동안 익힌 후 익 힙니다, 밥을 넣고 2 분 동안 저어주고 마지막으로 적포도주를 뿌린 다음 잘 섞고 뜨거운 국물을 한 번에 조금씩 넣고 13/14 분 동안 계속 요리하고 불에서 팬을 옮기고 버터와 치즈 30/40 gr과 후추를 넣어 맛을냅니다; 뜨겁게 제공합니다.

Rice chefAdrianoMennillo # ingredients and servings for 3/4 people - 380 gr Carnaroli rice - 150 gr speck - 1 or 2 red radicchio ( salad ) - 50 gr butter - 30 gr grated pecorino cheese - 2 stalks celery and carrots with 2 onions for the vegetable broth - 2 carofano nails and bay leaves to add in the broth ( nails to stick in the onions ) - 2/3 glasses of red cabernet wine ( Paoul Mas , look my photos ) - little evo oil - qb salt- qb white pepper . METHOD -Prepare first the red radicchio , washed and thinly cut into filangeè , in the pot where you cook the risotto , add 1 teaspoon of oil with the chopped speck and cook 2 minutes , then immediately in its fat cook the radicchio for 4/6 minutes , once cooked , add the rice , stir 2 minutes and finally wet ( fade ) with red wine , mix well and add the hot broth a little at a time , continue cooking for 13/14 minutes , move the pot from the heat and add 30/40 gr of butter and cheese with pepper to taste ; it should be served hot .

Risotto chefAdrianoMennillo  # ingredienti e dosi per 3/4 persone - 380 gr di riso Carnaroli - 150 gr speck - 1 or 2 radicchio rosso ( insalata ) - 50 gr di burro - 30 gr di formaggio pecorino grattugiato - 2 gambi sedano e carote con 2 cipolle per il brodo vegetale - 2 chiodi di carofano e foglie di alloro da aggiungere nel brodo ( chiodi da conficcare nelle cipolle ) - 2/3 bicchieri di vino rosso cabernet ( Paoul Mas , look my photos ) - poco olio evo - qb sale- qb pepe bianco .METHOD -Preparate prima il radicchio rosso , lavato e tagliato sottile a filangeè , nella pentola dove cucinate il risotto , aggiungete 1 cucchiaino di olio con lo speck tagliato a pezzetti e fate cuocere 2 minuti , poi subito nel suo grasso cuocere il radicchio per 4/6 minuti ,  una volta cotto , aggiungete il riso , mescolate 2 minuti e infine bagnate ( sfumate ) con il vino rosso , amalgamate bene e aggiunete il brodo caldo poco alla volta , continuate la cottura per 13/14 minuti , spostare la pentola dal fuoco e aggiungere 30/40 gr di burro  e formaggio con il pepe a piacere ; va servito caldo .


Pasta alla carbonara # ingredienti e dosi -350/400 gr di spaghetti-100 gr di guanciale-100 gr formaggio di pecorino -4 uova;sale e pepe q.b.METHOD- il primo passaggio consiste nella cottura della pasta. La pasta ( or spaghetti )  dovranno essere immersi in acqua bollente già salata, senza spezzarli. Il livello di cottura dovrà essere controllato più volte, poiché per una carbonara che si rispetti è necessario che la pasta sia al dente.Mentre si attende la cottura degli spaghetti, si raccolgono in una ciotola i tuorli delle quattro uova. Si aggiunge il pecorino grattugiato, il sale, un mestolo di acqua di cottura della pasta e si mescola con attenzione, fino a ottenere un composto omogeneo e cremoso. Nel frattempo, si taglia il guanciale in striscioline (or piccoli rettangoli) , dopo lo si fà rosolare in pentola, senza l’aggiunta di nessun altro ingrediente. Il grasso rilasciato dal guanciale potrà essere recuperato nel composto a base di uova e pecorino.Scolata la pasta, si versano gli spaghetti nella ciotola con l’uovo e il pecorino, poiché la lavorazione dovrà avvenire a freddo. Si aggiunge quindi il guanciale rosolato e croccante e si serve, eventualmente aggiungendo un pizzico di pepe, se gradito.

Pasta alla carbonara # ingredients and doses -350/400 gr spaghetti-100 gr guanciale-100 gr pecorino cheese-4 eggs;salt and pepper to taste.METHOD- the first step is to cook the pasta. The pasta ( or spaghetti ) will have to be immersed in already salted boiling water, without breaking it. The level of cooking will have to be checked several times, as a self-respecting carbonara requires that the pasta be al dente.While waiting for the spaghetti to cook, the yolks of the four eggs are collected in a bowl. Add the grated pecorino cheese, salt, and a ladleful of the pasta cooking water and mix carefully until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Meanwhile, you cut the guanciale into strips (or small rectangles) , then brown it in the pot, without the addition of any other ingredients. The fat released from the guanciale can be recovered in the egg and pecorino mixture.After draining the pasta, you pour the spaghetti into the bowl with the egg and pecorino, since the processing will have to be done cold. The browned and crispy guanciale is then added and served, adding a pinch of pepper if desired.


Nicolò Aprile 2024

Wild zwijn "alla cacciatora" (mijn manier) # ingrediënten en doses voor 3/4 personen - Voorde marinade: >1 kg reeds schoongemaakt zwijnenvlees - 500 ml rode Barbera wijn - 2 rode ui - 1 wortel - 1 selderijstengel - 1 takje rozemarijn - 4 blaadjes laurier - 1 takje salie - 1/2 lepel zwarte peperkorrels - 10 jeneverbessen. >>Omte koken: >> 1 rode ui - 1 wortel - 2 selderijstengels - 4 teentjes knoflook - 250 ml rode wijn - 1 eetlepel tomatenpuree - 400 gr tomatenpuree - 2 takjes salie - 2 takjes rozemarijn - 5 laurierblaadjes - 1/2 eetlepel peperkorrels - 10 jeneverbessen - 100 gr zwarte, bittere, ontpitte olijven - extra vergine olijfolie - zout en peper. METHODE -Schoon het everzwijnvlees en snijd het in kleine stukjes, doe het in een kom en overgiet het met de wijn. Voeg de gesnipperde ui, wortel en selderij, rozemarijn, laurier, salie, peperkorrels en jeneverbessen toe. Dek de schaal af met huishoudfolie en laat minstens 12 uur in de koelkast staan.Giet na afloop van deze tijd het vlees af uit de marinade en doe het over in een grote pan en laat het op hoog vuur gaar worden, zonder toevoegingen, waarbij u geleidelijk de sappen verwijdert die uit het vlees vrijkomen. Herhaal deze stap een paar keer.Als het zwijn geen water meer afgeeft, doe je het over in een vergiet.Maak de pan schoon en giet er een half glas olie in. Zweet de fijngesneden ui en de teentjes knoflook aan op laag vuur. Als de ui transparant is, voeg je de fijngesneden wortel en selderij toe. Wanneer de gesnipperde ui doorschijnend is, voeg je de fijngehakte wortel en selderij toe, voeg je het everzwijnvlees toe, laat je het een paar minuten op smaak komen, draai je het vuur hoger, giet je de wijn erbij en laat je die verdampen. Voeg de tomatenpuree en tomatenpuree toe, een snufje zout, flink wat peper en de kruiden (salie, rozemarijn en laurier) samengebonden met een touwtje, voeg je de peperkorrels en jeneverbessen toe en gooi je de knoflook weg. Giet er een glas heet water bij, dek af met het deksel iets omhoog en laat 2 uur op een zacht vuurtje koken tot het vlees heel zacht is, voeg indien nodig meer heet water toe. Voeg na ongeveer een uur koken de zwarte olijven toe. Voeg zout toe als het vlees gaar is.

Cinghiale alla cacciatora ( a modo mio )# ingredienti e dosi per 3/4 persone -Per la marinatura: >1 kg di polpa di cinghiale già pulito - 500 ml di vino rosso di Barbera -2 cipolla rossa -1 carota- 1 costa di sedano- 1 rametto di rosmarino- 4 foglie di alloro - 1 rametto di salvia- 1/2 cucchiaio di pepe nero in grani - 10 bacche di ginepro .>>Per la cottura:>> 1 cipolla rossa -1 carota -2 costa di sedano -4 spicchi d’aglio -250 ml di vino rosso - 1 cucchiaio di concentrato di pomodoro - 400 gr di passata di pomodoro -2 rametti di salvia -2 rametti di rosmarino -5 foglie di alloro -1/2 cucchiaio di pepe in grani -10 bacche di ginepro -100 gr di olive nere, amare, con il nocciolo -olio extravergine di oliva -sale e pepe .METHOD-Pulire la polpa del cinghiale e tagliarla a piccoli tocchetti, metterla in una ciotola coprendola a filo con il vino. Unire la cipolla, la carota ed il sedano a pezzi, il rosmarino, l’ alloro, la salvia, il pepe in grani e le bacche di ginepro. Coprire il contenitore con pellicola trasparente e lasciare riposare in frigo per almeno 12 ore.Trascorso questo tempo, scolare la carne dalla marinata e trasferirla in un tegame capiente e cuocere a fuoco vivo, senza nessuna aggiunta, eliminando via via i succhi che si verranno rilasciati dalla carne. Ripetere questo passaggio più volte.Quando il cinghiale non rilascerà più acqua trasferirlo in uno scolapasta.Ripulire il tegame e versarvi mezzo bicchiere di olio. Far appassire la cipolla tritata finemente e gli spicchi d’aglio a fuoco lento. Quando la cipolla sarà trasparente unire anche la carota e il sedano tritati. Quando il trito sarà colorito unire la polpa di cinghiale, lasciar insaporire qualche minuto, quindi alzare il fuoco, versare il vino e lasciate evaporare.Unire quindi il concentrato e la passata di pomodoro, un pizzico di sale, un’abbondante macinata di pepe e gli odori (salvia, rosmarino e alloro) legati assieme con uno spago, aggiungere il pepe in grani e le bacche di ginepro ed eliminare l’aglio.Versare un bicchiere d’acqua calda, quindi coprire lasciando il coperchio leggermente alzato e cuocere a fuoco dolce per 2 ore, fino a che la carne non sarà tenerissima, se necessario aggiungere altra acqua calda.Dopo circa un’ora di cottura unire le olive nere. Salare a cottura ultimata.


Baccalà alla Livornese # ingredienti e dosi ( ricetta originale ) Baccalà dissalato 600 gr  - patate 250 gr - farina 100 gr - vino bianco 40 gr -sale -pepe nero -olio extra vergine di oliva .> Per il sugo chiaramente i pelati, 800 gr -cipolle 1 -aglio 1 spicchio -sale -pepe nero e olio Evo.METHOD-Per prima cosa si prepara il sugo, si tagliano le cipolle, dopo aver messo l’olio in una padella si fa scaldare aggiungendole ad uno spicchio di aglio intero. Si fa soffriggere qualche minuto, aggiungendo un goccio di acqua, quindi si schiacciano i pelati e si versano nella padella, si copre con un coperchio a fuoco lento per una quindicina di minuti, controllando sempre che il sugo non si rapprenda troppo, altrimenti si può aggiunge un po' di acqua. Intanto si prepara il baccalà tagliandolo in piccoli tranci della stessa grandezza. Quindi si infarina il baccalà per bene, si scalda dell’olio in un tegame, si mette il baccalà dentro per farlo rosolare in ogni lato girandolo piano piano, aggiungendo sale e pepe e si fa sfumare con il vino bianco; il sugo sarà pronto, si toglie l’aglio e si versa il sugo nel tegame del baccalà, facendo attenzione a mescolare molto piano, il baccalà deve rimanere intatto. La cottura andrà avanti per 20 minuti. Quindi si aggiungono le patate a cubetti, si prosegue la cottura per altri 20 minuti, mescolando sempre con attenzione controllando l’eventuale bisogno di altra acqua, quando le patate saranno cotte il baccalà alla livornese è pronto, si aggiunge del prezzemolo e si porta in tavola.

Baccalà alla Livornese # ingredients and doses ( original recipe ) Desalted cod 600 gr - potatoes 250 gr - flour 100 gr - white wine 40 gr -salt -black pepper -extra virgin olive oil . > For the sauce clearly peeled tomatoes, 800 gr -onions 1 -garlic 1 clove -salt -black pepper and Evo oil.METHOD-First prepare the sauce, chop the onions, after putting the oil in a frying pan heat it by adding a whole clove of garlic. You sauté a few minutes, adding a drop of water, then mash the peeled tomatoes and pour them into the pan, cover with a lid on low heat for about fifteen minutes, always checking that the sauce does not congeal too much, otherwise you can add a little water. Meanwhile, you prepare the cod by cutting it into small slices of the same size. Then flour the cod well, heat some oil in a pan, put the cod inside to brown it on each side turning it slowly, adding salt and pepper and let it fade with white wine; the sauce will be ready, remove the garlic and pour the sauce into the cod pan, being careful to stir very slowly, the cod should remain intact. The cooking will go on for 20 minutes. Then add the diced potatoes, continue cooking for another 20 minutes, always stirring carefully checking for any need for more water, when the potatoes are cooked the Livorno-style cod is ready, add parsley and bring to the table.

  •      *****

    la GENOVESE ( a modo mio ) _ Ingredienti e dosi # 350 gr di Paccheri - 800/900 gr di manzo ( tagliato a filangèe  sottile ) - 1 kg di cipolle ramate - 2/3 gambi  di sedano ( parte bianca ) -2 bicchieri di vino bianco - 1/2 cucciaio di pomodoro concentrato - 50 gr di burro - 50 gr di parmigiano grattugiato - olio extravergine - sale e pepe - FATE COSI ( Method ) affettate le cipolle e il sedano sottilmente e aggingere in un tegame con olio e burro a fuoco basso  , dopo 30 minuti aggiungere la carne tagliata a pezzetti fine e aggiungere il concentrato ,sale e pepe , rimestate e  bagnate con il vino bianco , fate evaporare , adesso abbassate la fiamma  ( minimo ) , mettere il coperchio  e ogni tanto rimestare cosi per 2/3 ore . looh my photo .  

    ******consil du chefAdrianoMennillo # per eliminare il tempo di cottura da 3 a 4 ore , io  ho usato la salsiccia napoletana ( senza budello ) tagliata , cosi ho dimezzato solo a 140 minuti ( look my photo ) .,  la ricetta originale ha più ingredienti di varietà  di  carne  bovina come , lo scamone-noce-fesa  , la fiamma per i primi 8/10  minuti un po' alta poi bassissima , scegliete il tipo di pasta a piacere ., le cipolle devono diventare quasi caramellare , il sugo deve essere di colore marroncino , la carne di manzo , si può scegliere dallo Scamone , Noce e Fesa ( a piacere ). 

    >> oppure questi ingredienti originali _ 350 gr candele spezzate(pasta)-1 Kg di cipolla ramata -150 di scamone (manzo ) - 100 gr di girello ( manzo ) -100 gr di muscolo di manzo -100 gr. di guancia di vitello( a piacere )-1 cucchiaio di strutto -2  stecca di sedano -10 bacche di pepe in grani -1 foglia di alloro -1 pezzo di cotenna di prosciutto -1 bicchiere vino rosso e 1 bicchiere di vino bianco .

    > http://cucinadriano.blogspot.com

     la GENOVESE ( my way ) # Ingredients and doses # 350 gr of paccheri - 800/900 gr of beef ( cut in thin filangèe ) - 1 kg of onions - 2/3 stalks of celery ( white part ) -2 glasses of white wine - 1/2 cup of tomato concentrate - 50 gr butter - 50 gr grated Parmesan cheese - extra virgin olive oil - salt and pepper - DO THIS ( Method ) slice the onions and celery thinly and add to a pan with oil and butter on low heat, after 30 minutes add the meat cut into fine pieces and add the concentrate, salt and pepper, stir and pour in the white wine, let it evaporate, now lower the heat (minimum), put the lid on and stir occasionally for 2/3 hours. looh my photo .

    ******consil du chefAdrianoMennillo # to eliminate the cooking time from 3 to 4 hours, I used the Neapolitan sausage (without gut) cut, so I halved only to 140 minutes (look my photo)., the original recipe has more ingredients of varieties of beef, the flame for the first 4/6 minutes a bit 'high then very low, choose the type of pasta as desired., the onions should become almost caramelized, the sauce should be brownish.


    Calamarata with octopus # ingredients and doses -300 gr calamarata (this is a type of wide pasta) - 1 small octopus 500/600 gr approx. -3/4 perini tomatoes -2 spoons of small, desalted capers -2 cloves of garlic -extra-virgin olive oil to taste -1 carrot, celery -a sprig of parsley -a whole small chilli pepper to taste. -salt. DO THIS. Boil the octopus in a little boiling water with the chopped carrot and celery rib. When about 20 minutes have elapsed and a fork will easily enter its tentacles, the mollusc will be cooked. Let it cool and skin it. Cut the tentacles into rounds and the head into strips.Cut the tomatoes into x-shaped slices at the tip and plunge them into boiling water for 10 seconds, then transfer them to ice-cold water and skin them. In a large frying pan, heat 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil together with the chopped garlic and chilli pepper, add the tomatoes, chopped parsley and capers, then reduce everything. Finally add the chopped octopus and sauté over a high heat for a few minutes. Boil the calamarata al dente. Drain the pasta and transfer it to the pan with the sauce together with a ladleful of the cooking water, toss again over a high heat to mix all the ingredients and serve.



    Calamarata con polipo # ingredienti e dosi -300 gr di calamarata ( è un tipo di pasta larga (1piccolo polpo 500/600 gr circa -3/4 pomodori perini -2 cucchiai di capperi piccoli dissalati -2 spicchi d'aglio -olio extravergine d'oliva q.b. -1 carota , di sedano -un ciuffo di prezzemolo-peperoncino piccolo intero q.b. -sale .FATE COSI .Lessate il polpo in poca acqua bollente con la carota spezzata e la costala di sedano. Quando saranno trascorsi circa 20 minuti e la forchetta entrera' facilmente dentro i suoi tentacoli, il mollusco sara' cotto.Fatelo intiepidire e spellatelo. Tagliate i tentacoli a rondelle e la testa a striscioline.Incidete i pomodori a x sulla punta, e tuffateli in acqua bollente per 10 secondi, poi trasferiteli in acqua fredda ghiacciata e spellateli. Eliminate l'acqua di vegetazione e riduceteli a dadini.In una larga padella, scaldate 6 cucchiai di olio extravergine d'oliva assieme all'aglio e al peperoncino tritati, unite poi i pomodori, il prezzemolo tritato e i capperi, quindi fate restringere tutto. Infine aggiungete il polpo a pezzetti e saltate a fuoco vivo qualche minuto.Lessate la calamarata al dente. Scolate la pasta e trasferitela nella padella con il condimento assieme a un mestolo della sua acqua di cottura.Saltate nuovamente a fuoco vivo per amalgamare tutti gli ingredienti e servite.

    Tortino di alici # ingredienti e dosi # kg di acciughe freschissime-un bel mazzetto di prezzemolo;2 spicchi d'aglio;origano secco;pangrattato;olio e.v.o.;sale e pepe-METHOD- dobbiamo preparare le alici; privarle della testa e delle interiora; disiscarle aprendole a libro ma facendo attenzione a mantenere uniti i due filetti per la coda.Sciacquarle sotto abbondante acqua corrente e asciugarle bene tamponandole delicatamente tra due fogli di carta assorbente.Preparare il trito aromatico, tritando finemente un bel mazzetto di prezzemolo fresco insieme ai due spicchi d'aglio;A questo punto possiamo iniziare ad assemblare il piatto; ungeremo con un velo d'olio il fondo di una pirofila e la spolverizzeremo con un po' di pangrattato;Procederemo con un primo strato di acciughe disposte una accanto all'altra e le insaporire con una manciata del trito di aglio e prezzemolo e con un po' di origano e pangrattato; regoleremo poi di sale e di pepe.Continueremo così alternando gli strati fino ad esaurimento degli ingredienti e terminando con un abbondante strato di pangrattato.Irrorare con un po' d'olio e infornare il tortino a 220° per una 30 minuti .Sfornare, far leggermente intiepidire e sformare.


    Petto d'Anatra al pepe verde ( in salamoia ) # ingredienti e dosi - 400/500 GR DI PETTO D’ANATRA - 1/2 BICCHIERE DI COGNAC - SALE - PEPE VERDE IN SALAMOIA - PANNA LIQUIDA.method-Scottare in un padellino il petto d’anatra dalla parte della pelle finchè non è ben rosolata poi girare dall’altra parte e continuare la rosolatura, salando entrambi i lati. Aggiungere il pepe verde ed il cognac. Se vi piace una cottura al sangue appena è evaporato l’alcol togliete il petto dal fuoco, tagliatelo a fettine e tenetelo al caldo. Se lo preferite più cotto aggiungete acqua calda finchè dalla carne non uscirà più del liquido rossiccio. Quindi tagliare il petto e tenerlo in caldo. Aggiungere al sughetto della panna liquida (la mia non lo era, infatti la salsina è venuta più densa) e lasciar bollire qualche minuto. Servire le fettine di petto irrorate con il sughetto.

    Capesante al forno # ingredienti e dosi - 4/6 capesante - 1/2 spicchio d'aglio -
    - 70 gr di burro - 2 cucchiaini di prezzemolo tritato - 15 gr di whisky - 90 gr di pangrattato **
    ** in caso di persona celiaca deve essere senza glutine .METHOD-Mettere  a sciogliere il burro in padella a fuoco basso. Una volta sciolto  aggiungere uno spicchio d'aglio schiacciato e ho fatto insaporire per bene. Ho poi aggiunto il prezzemolo, mescolato un pochino e tolto la padella dal fuoco.  Mettere  in padella poco per volta il pangrattato (mescolando in continuazione) e aggiunto infine l'whisky. , amalgamato per benino., lavate le capesante bene bene, le ho asciugate con carta assorbente e con un cucchiaio le ho riempite con il composto. Aiutandomi con una mano ho modellato il composto dentro la conchiglia e ho disposto le capesante sulla leccarda del forno (ci ho messo sotto un anello fatto con carta stagnola per tenere in piano le conchiglie anche se, devo dire la verità, non hanno rilasciato molto burro). infornare in forno statico preriscaldato a 220° per 5 minuti e ho finito al grill per altri 3 minuti (spostando la leccarda nella parte più alta del forno).
     L'aroma del burro si sposava alla perfezione con il gusto della capasanta e il retrogusto alcolico lasciato dal whisky.


    Braciole napoletana # ingredienti e dosi - 8 thin slices of beef (see Notes) -  generous handful of fresh parsley -1 clove of garlic -  small chunk of pork fat or a spoonful of lard - Provolone, caciocavallo or pecorino cheese, q.b. -  few raisins, soaked until soft -  few pinoli nuts - Salt and pepper

    Optional>8 slices of prosciutto# For the sauce1 onion, finely chopped - 1 clove of garlic - Lard or olive oil - splash of red wine - 500 gr (16 oz.) of passata di pomodoro or puréed canned tomatoes - Salt and pepper .FATE  COSI ( METHOD) .Take your beef slices and pound them between two sheets of wax paper until they are very thin.Mash up the garlic, the chopped parsley with a generous pinch of salt and a grind or two of pepper, with a mortar and pestle until you have a thick paste. (In the absence of a mortar and pestle, you can just chop them all up together with a knife or mezzaluna.)Lay out the beef slices on a clean surface and slather some of the garlic and parsley paste on each slice. Then add the provolone or caciocavallo (cut into little cubes) or the pecorino (grated), followed by a few raisins and pinoli nuts.Roll up the beef slices as tightly as you can. To keep them closed during cooking, you should tie them at each end with kitchen string into little bundles (as pictured) or skewer them with toothpicks.Melt some lard (or heat some olive oil) in a sauté pan, then add the braciole and brown them lightly.Add the onion and garlic, and season everything with salt and pepper. Simmer gently, covered, until the onion is very soft, turning the braciole from time to time. Add a bit of water if need be to prevent the onion from browning.Uncover the pan, turn up the heat and add the red wine. Let the wine cook off, turning the braciole from time to time so they color evenly in the wine.Now add the tomato, mixing it well with the soffritto. Turn down the heat again, cover the pan and let it all simmer very gently for a good hour or more, until the meat is tender and the sauce dark and well reduced. Add some water if the sauce is getting too thick before the meat is done.To serve, remove the string (if using) and lay the braciole, either home-style—whole with a spoonful of sauce on top—or, for a more elegant presentation, as picture above—sliced, over a ‘bed’ of sauce. Keep the rest of the sauce to dress pasta, perhaps as a primo at the same meal.****consil du chefAdrianoMennillo-Thin beef slices of the kind you want for this dish can be hard to find in the US outside Italian neighborhoods. But some supermarkets sell “sandwich steaks” that you can use for the purpose. And Korean supermarkets sell thinly sliced beef for barbecue that will do very well, too. If you have a friendly butcher, he should also be able to cut you some slices to order. If all else fails, you can always buy a cut of beef and slice them yourself with a large, sharp knife. (Freezing the meat a bit will make the job easier.) The classic cut is natica di manzo, or beef buttock, better known in the US, as the round (either top or bottom will do). The cut is usually quite lean, but if you can find a piece with some marbling in it, all the better.


    Pasta potatoes and mussels # ingredients and servings for 3/4 persons_- 350 gr pasta mix - 600 gr mussels - 3 medium-sized potatoes - pecorino cheese - extra virgin olive oil - pepper - 1 lemon - garlic - basil - parsley stalks (to taste). METHOD-Peel the potatoes and cook them in a pan with oil, a clove of garlic and a little pepper, add a little (light) vegetable stock prepared earlier and cook them.Meanwhile, clean the mussels and open them in a pan with oil, garlic, parsley stalks and pepper. As soon as the mussels have opened, peel them and set them aside. The resulting guazzetto should be strained and added to the potatoes you have previously cooked.Bring the broth with the potatoes and the mussel water to the boil and drop the pasta directly into it, cook until al dente, adding the rest of the vegetable broth little by little as if it were a risotto. When the pasta is cooked and has a nice creamy consistency, add the mussels you set aside, grated pecorino cheese, a little pepper, grated lemon rind and some chopped basil. Stir-fry, leave to rest for 2 minutes away from the heat and serve.


    Beef fillet with cocoa # Ingredients for 2 persons: 2 adult beef fillets of 220 g each - 6 slices of bacon - 30 g cocoa butter (or clarified butter) - 120 ml Nebbiolo - 1 tablespoon of sugar - 40 g extra dark chocolate 75% - 2 oranges (or 2 tablespoons of nibs (toasted cocoa beans) optional) - salt, pepper. METHOD _Coat the fillets along the edges with the bacon slices.Melt the cocoa butter in a non-stick frying pan, when it is hot, place the fillets in the pan and cook for 4 minutes on each side, turning them only once and seasoning with salt and pepper when cooked.Transfer the fillets to a plate and add the wine to the cooking liquid, let it simmer and add the sugar. Turn off the flame, add the chopped chocolate, cover with the lid and wait a few minutes for it to melt.Add 1 tablespoon of nibs and stir.Return the fillets to the pan and heat them for 2 minutes over a medium heat.Serve the dog with the wine and chocolate reduction and complete with 2/3 slices of orange or a few slivers of nibs.

      *****consil du chefAdrianoMennillo_ Clarified butter is a pure fat because it has been deprived of the watery part, proteins and lactose contained in classic butter.This is why it is recommended for lactose intolerant people. This butter has the ability to eliminate toxins and strengthen the immune system.

         *****consil du chefAdrianoMennillo_Il burro chiarificato è un grasso puro perché è stato privato della parte acquosa, delle proteine e del lattosio contenuti nel burro classico.Ecco perché è consigliato per gli intolleranti al lattosio. Questo burro ha la capacità di eliminare le tossine e rinforzare il sistema immunitario.

    Zarzuela (typical Catalan recipe) # Ingredients and servings for 5/6 people - : 500 gr Clams - 500 gr Sea Hearts - 400 gr Cuttlefish - 12 Scallops without shell - 6 Fresh Scampi - 3 Lemons - 1 kg Tomatoes - 2 large Onions - 4 cloves of Garlic - 1 fresh Chilli - 1 slice (approx. 100 g) of prosciutto crudo - 1 dl Olive oil- 100 g ground almonds - 3/4 sachet saffron - 4 bay leaves - a few clams (to taste) - 1 sprig thyme and 1 rosemary - 1/4 litre dry white wine - juice of half a lemon - black pepper, salt.METHOD_ Blanch the tomatoes, peel them and remove the water and inner seeds, then finely chop the pulp. Peel the onions and garlic, and chop finely. Remove the inner seeds from the chilli pepper, wash it and finely slice it. Also dice the ham slice. Heat the oil in a large saucepan and brown the garlic, onion and chilli pepper, then add the diced ham. After a few minutes, add the tomatoes and simmer for about ten minutes.  Add the almonds, saffron, bay leaf, thyme sprig and rosemary sprig. Sprinkle with the white wine and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper, then after a few minutes add about half a litre of water. Bring to the boil, then cover the saucepan and let it simmer for about 15 minutes. In the meantime, brush the clams and cockles well under cold running water, removing any shells that have already opened. Put the clams back into the casserole, cover and cook for a further 5 minutes, leaving the shells to open well (remove any that have not opened). Cut the cuttlefish into rings, then add them to the casserole dish with the scallops and langoustines (with the intestines removed), cover and cook for another 10 minutes or so over a low flame, cut the lemons into wedges, taste the zarzuela and add salt if necessary, serve with slices of toasted bread and the lemon wedges.

    *****consil du chef adrianomennillo _ or use these ingredients ; 1 cooked lobster- 20/22 fresh mussels-1 large monkfish tail-250 gr squid rings-3 tbsp flour-6 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil-12 raw prawns-450 gr ripe tomatoes-2 chopped sweet onions-4 pressed garlic - 2 tbsp cognac-2 laurel leaves-1 tsp parika 2 tbsp cognac-2 laurel leaves-1 tsp parika-1 fresh red pepper, seeded and chopped-30cl fish stock-2 tbsp ground almonds-2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley- salt and freshly ground pepper , green salad , to serve.



    Octopus Luciana # ingredients and doses : 2 small octopuses (or at least 1 each) - 400 g of tomatoes -2 cloves of garlic -1 pinch of chilli pepper 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil -50 gr black olives -1 tablespoon of desalted capers (optional) -1/2 glass of dry red wine -salt and pepper to taste -minced parsley to taste METHOD-Clean the octopuses by removing the mouth, eyes and the contents of the head; wash them thoroughly under running cold water and put them to strain in a colander. In this way any sand is eliminated and the unpleasant smell that octopuses usually have is attenuated. Sauté the oil, garlic and chilli pepper in a saucepan. When the oil is well flavoured, add the octopus and fry over high heat. lively.As soon as the octopuses change color, blend with the red wine and let it evaporate.Add cherry tomatoes and black olives (and possibly capers) and season with salt and pepper.Cook over low heat for about 25 minutes. If you want a more restricted sauce, remove the octopuses from the sauce and set them aside in the heat. Cook gravy until desired thickness. Then add the octopuses again. Serve hot sprinkled with chopped parsley and accompanied by toasted bread. Accompany everything with an excellent white wine from Campania.


    Pasta alla Norma ( Sicilia )_ingredienti e dosi : 500 gr of macaroni (but that’s okay any kind of pasta)-1 kg ripe tomatoes for tomato sauce -4 local aubergines (see caponata)  -A bunch of basil -2 cloves of garlic -Oil for frying -Salt and pepper to taste - salted ricotta .FATE   COSI >Gently fry the whole garlic and add the cleaned tomatoes cut into pieces and a few leaves of basil. Season with salt and pepper and cook over low heat. When the tomato is withered, remove from heat, pass it through a sieve and set aside the so obtained sauce.Wash the aubergines, remove the stems together with a piece of the aubergine, cut just a strip of skin practicing a vertical cut from end to end (the skin must remain, but this strip). Now you have to choose wether to cut the eggplant into slices or cubes, I prefer them in cubes the result does not change. Then fry them in plentiful oil and place them on food oil absorbing paper towels. Cook the pasta al dente, mix it with the tomato sauce and serve laying down on it the fried eggplant, some basil leaves and a final sprinkling of freshly grated salted ricotta.

    Potato Gattò (Naples) ingredients and doses: -1 kg of potatoes -300 g of white scamorza cheese -200 g of diced salami -3 eggs -80 g of Parmesan cheese -50 g of butter -breadcrumbs to taste -3 / 4 tablespoons of milk-salt -pepper -nutmeg.METHOD-peel and boil the potatoes in abundant salted water (cooking times depend on the size of the potatoes, therefore after half an hour it is advisable to test the cooking with a fork).When cooked, drain and mash them again hot with a potato masher.Put the puree in a large bowl, add salt and pepper and add a pinch of nutmeg; add the butter cut into small pieces and mix to make it melt At this point add the eggs one at a time, adding the next egg only when the previous one has been absorbed. Add the diced salami, the Parmesan, season with salt and pepper and dilute with three / four tablespoons of milk.Butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, put half of the mixture and then distribute the scamorza.Finish with the second part of the dough, sprinkle abundantly with Parmesan, breadcrumbs and knobs of butter. Bake for forty/fifty minutes (the cooking time varies according to the oven used. In the last few minutes, activate the grill to obtain the delicious crust.Here is a dish ready that will not make you look bad, excellent for a thousand occasions.

    Zeppole San Giuseppe (fried) # ingredients and doses _ 300 gr of water, 270 gr of flour, 90 gr of butter, 6 eggs (even 5 if you use giant ones), 1 teaspoon of salt, grated lemon. For custard >400 gr of milk, 3 egg yolks, 50 gr of flour, 130 gr of sugar, grated lemon, sour cherries in syrup (not candied). METHOD-In a saucepan, pour the water with the pieces of butter, the salt and the sugar, bring to the boil and pour the sifted flour in one go, stir quickly with a wooden spoon and spread the dough on the sides of the saucepan to dry it (always with the fire lit). It is important to let the dough dry well, so that it can absorb all the eggs without becoming too soft. Let the cooked pasta cool down, put it in a planetary mixer or in a robot and add one egg at a time, work with the K whisk, beating the mixture well, until all the eggs are used up. At the end of the processing, the pasta must be firm and compact , like a solid custard, and more consistent than that for baked cream puffs, otherwise it tends to absorb too much oil. Put the dough in a Sac à pochè with a large spit nozzle, squeeze forming donuts of the desired size, on squares of parchment paper. At the same time pour the zeppole into a large pan with deep, hot but not boiling oil, as soon as they come off, remove the squares of paper. After a minute turn them and let them swell, turn them again and raise the heat to brown them. Remove them from the oil and let them dry on home paper. For the second series of donuts, add a little oil to cool the oil and fry other donuts, then raise the heat again halfway through cooking. I use this system to avoid frying with 2 pots which is a bit annoying, the result is good. Never fry, initially, with too hot oil, otherwise the donuts will not they swell well and are undercooked inside. I use peanut or corn oil for frying. Another way to eliminate excess oil is to put them in the oven, with casa nuova paper underneath, at 80° for 5 minutes, then leave them until the paper has absorbed most of the oil. Prepare the cream, put it in a sac à poche and squeeze it onto the donuts, add the black cherries and sprinkle with icing sugar.

    Beccafico sardines # ingredients and doses for 4 people -800 gr of fresh sardines-juice of half an orange - 2 teaspoons of honey -bay leaf-For the filling >50 gr of breadcrumbs -25 gr of raisins -parsley to be chopped -25 gr of pine nuts -2 anchovy fillets in oil -15 gr of sugar -1 pinch of fine salt -black pepper -extra virgin olive oil -METHOD-Turn on the oven at 200° and start cleaning the sardines by scaling them, removing the innards and depriving them of the head and bones, but leaving the tail. Wash them, dry them delicately and open them like a book. In a pan, brown the breadcrumbs over a low heat with a drizzle of oil, stirring constantly and being careful not to burn it. Put the raisins to soak in hot water and let them revive. Chop the parsley and the desalted anchovies. Put together the breadcrumbs, the pine nuts, the well-squeezed raisins, the parsley, the desalted and minced anchovies, the sugar, the salt and the pepper. With a wooden spoon, mix everything well and arrange this mixture inside the sardines, rolling them up starting from the head, so that the tail remains on the outside. Grease a pan with some oil and place the sardines gradually close together, placing between a and the other a bay leaf. Sprinkle them with the remaining breadcrumbs and sprinkle them with an emulsion of oil, orange juice and honey. Bake the beccafico sardines in a hot oven for about 20/25 minutes. Leave the pan covered for half an hour to cool down and you can serve. your beccafico sardines with EXTRA VIRGIN oil!


    Onion soup chefAdrianoMennillo ( napoletano ) # ingredients and doses - 800 gr white onions -1.5 lt meat stock - 30 gr butter - 1 tablespoon oil -1 glass of white wine -2 level tablespoons flour -100 gr toasted bread (baguette) -100 gr gruyère cheese -1 bay leaf -thyme - salt, pepper> METHOD - Peel the onions and slice them very thinly. Heat the butter with the oil in a saucepan, add the onions and, over very low heat, let them wilt for at least half an hour, stirring frequently.Season with salt and pepper and, when they begin to brown, sprinkle with flour and stir continuously until the flour begins to colour and stick.Wet with the wine and, once it has evaporated, add the hot stock. Place the bay leaf and thyme in a gauze bag and drop it into the stock. Raise the flame.When it comes to the boil again, lower the heat, cover the lid and continue cooking for about three quarters of an hour.Cut the bread into thin slices and toast it; when it is dry, grease it on both sides with oil.grate the cheese.discard the gauze bag with the herbs and distribute the soup among six individual soup bowls, place the toasted bread slices on top and cover with grated Gruyère cheese. Place the tureens under the grill (or in the oven heated to 220°) until a golden crust has formed on the surface.

    ****** ****consil du chefAdrianoMennillo_ I have served this recipe at least 32/38 times as a salon chef 47/5 and as a cook I have cooked it at least 32/38 times as a kitchen chef, my favourite is to use white onions cut into filangèe and small white onions, where I first add the onions cut into filangèe and then the small round onions; it should be served hot


    Boar wild stew # INGREDIENTI e DOSI : 3 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2 Medium Onions, Peeled & Coarsely Chopped - 2 Celery Stalks, Chopped  - 2 Garlic Cloves, Peeled & Minced --2 Pounds Wild Boar Meat, Trimmed & Cubed --Sea Salt and Freshly Ground Black Pepper - 1 Cup Dry Wine, Red or White --1 (28 ounce) Can Chopped Tomatoes - 1 Teaspoon Dried Oregano - 1 Teaspoon Chopped Fresh Rosemary - 2 Bay Leaves .>CREMOLATA >Zest of 1 Large Lemon -1 Large Garlic Clove, Peeled -3 Tablespoons Fresh Chopped Parsley .fate  cosi >>In a heavy frying pan, heat the oil and then brown the meat on all sides turning frequently.Add the meat to your 6 Quart slow cooker, then add the celery, onions, and garlic to the frying pan and lightly brown.Place the vegetables in the slow cooking along with the meat.Deglaze the frying pan by pouring in the wine and over high heat use a wooden spoon to scrape up all the browned bits.Add the tomatoes, oregano, rosemary, and bay leaves to the frying pan and bring to a boil.Taste the sauce, then season with salt and pepper.Pour the sauce over the meat and vegetables and set the times on low for eight hours.Just before serving, finely mince together the topping ingredients.Serve the stew on polenta, or in bowls with a sprinkling of gremolata on top.

    Baked pasta # ingredients and servings for 5/6 people -500 gr zitoni (or macaroni) -200 gr silano ( fresh cheese ) smoked -
    600 gr peeled tomatoes (or tomato puree) -
    200 gr of Neapolitan salami -
    250 gr ground meat (veal or pork) - 2 eggs -
    2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil - 1 clove of garlic -
    200 gr breadcrumbs - 100 gr grated Parmesan cheese -
    1 bunch of basil - 1/2 cup of flour salt to taste. -
    seed oil for frying -Do THIS >>In a large saucepan, brown the clove of garlic (which you will then remove) in extra virgin olive oil and prepare a simple sauce with peeled tomatoes or - if you prefer - passata.In a bowl put the ground meat, egg, breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese, mix all the ingredients and make small patties. Flour them and fry them in seed oil for a few minutes. Then let them go for a few more minutes, over low heat, along with the tomato sauce.While the water for the pasta reaches a boil, prepare a hard-boiled egg and then let it cool. Cut the salami first into large slices and then into chunks. Also cut the smoked silano, preferably into thin slices.Cook the pasta for half the time indicated on the package. Drain and toss the tomato sauce with the meatballs, making sure to leave a spoonful or two for the baking dish.
     Pour one half of the dough into the baking dish, stuff with a layer of scamorza cheese, salami and the chopped hard-boiled egg. Add a few basil leaves for fragrance. Top it all with the rest of the dough and finish with another layer of scamorza cheese, some grated parmesan cheese and a sprinkling of breadcrumbs.Place the baking dish in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes, or until you see a crust forming on the surface.

    Rabbit all'Ischitana _ ( original recipe from Ischia-Napoli ) # ingredients and doses : 1 rabbit of about 1,500 kg - about 150 gr. ripe cherry tomatoes - parsley (or basil) - white wine - 1.5 dl of olive oil - chilli pepper, salt, pepper, garlic .METHOD-Cut the rabbit into pieces, wash it with wine and dry it with a dry cloth. Brown the whole garlic and chilli pepper in a pan (preferably terracotta) with the oil. When the time comes, remove both from the oil and set aside. Brown the rabbit in the same pan (one of the secrets for a good preparation is to brown a few pieces at a time, so as to keep the oil always hot). When it is well browned, put all the pieces together in the pan, add (if you want) garlic and chilli previously set aside, sprinkle with a glass of white wine, add salt and pepper, and cook over moderate heat for about 30 minutes. turning from time to time and possibly adding a little broth (or other wine) if the wine has already evaporated. Add the chopped tomatoes and deprived of their water and plenty of parsley. Leave to simmer for another 20 minutes, turning from time to time, until the cooking liquid has thickened. Cooking times obviously vary according to the meat of the animal and the pan used. If you believe that the dish requires longer cooking, you can use broth or a little water to add to the sauce. A little curiosity: it seems that one of the little secrets of this dish lies in making it "pull" during cooking until almost to make it "stick", to then lengthen the cooking liquid a little for a few minutes before turning off the flame to give body to the sauce.



    Filetto  alla Wellington #  1 kg beef fillet -100 ml olive oil - 300 gr brown mushrooms  - 60/70  gr butter -1 sprig rosemary - 1 sprig thyme - 100 ml  chardonnay wine -12 slices thinly sliced bacon -12 slices thinly sliced ham -500 gr puff pastry, thawed -Handful of flour, for dusting - 2 egg yolks - 1 teaspoon cream.FATE COSI _Start by cleaning the beef fillet by removing all the sinew and excess fat from its outside surface.Place the beef fillet on a roasting tray and brush it with a tablespoon of olive oil and season with pepper and salt. Place in the oven and grill in the oven at 200°C for 15 minutes for a medium-rare fillet or 20 minutes for a medium fillet.  When the beef is cooked, remove it from the oven and set it aside to cool, once cool, place the fillet in the fridge to chill for about 20 mins.Slice the mushrooms as finely as possible until they resemble breadcrumbs.Melt the butter with 2 tbsp of the olive oil in a pan and fry the mushrooms on a medium heat. Place the rosemary and thyme in the pan with the mushrooms whilst stirring constantly for about 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and pour the wine in the pan. Cook for a further 10 minutes until all the wine is absorbed. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Remove the thyme and rosemary from the mixture and discard.In a separate pan, grill the bacon off until browned but not too crispy. Place on paper towel to dry off and cool.Overlap two pieces of cling wrap plastic over a flat surface. Lay 12 slices of the bacon on the cling film, overlapping, in a double row. Place the ham on top of the bacon in a similar pattern.Spread half the mushrooms over the bacon and ham, then place the fillet on top and spread the remaining mushrooms over the fillet. Use the plastic edges to pull the bacon around the fillet, then roll it into a pipe or roll shape. In the end it should resemble a large sausage. Chill the roll in the fridge.Dust a flat surface with the flour. Roll out a third of the 500 gR of puff pastry to a 18 x 30cm strip and place on a non-stick baking tray which you’ve sprayed with Spray & Cook. Roll out the remainder of the puff pastry to about 28 x 36 cm. Remove the fillet from the cling wrap and place it in the centre of the smaller strip of pastry. Beat the 2 egg yolks with 1 teaspoon cream and brush the pastry’s edges, and the top and sides of the fillet.Using a rolling pin, carefully lift and roll out the larger piece of pastry over the fillet, pressing firmly into the sides. Trim the sides of the pastry. Seal the edges with the edge of a fork. Brush the top of the pastry all over with more egg wash and, using the back of a knife, mark the beef Wellington with long diagonal lines taking care not to cut too deep into the pastry.Chill for at least 30 mins in the fridge or overnight for the next day.Heat oven to 200°C. Brush the Wellington with a little more egg yolk and cook until golden and crisp – 20-25 mins for medium-rare beef, 30 mins for medium. Allow to stand for 10 mins before serving in thick slices.

    Busecca ( Milanese tripe )  # ingredients for 4-6 people >: 500 gr of tripe ;1 liter of good meat broth ;2 carrots ;1 onion ; 2 stalks of celery ;3/4 cloves of garlic ; 2 tablespoons of tomato puree, 1/2 can of cannellini beans; 1/2 glass of red wine, 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, 2 handfuls of grated Parmigiano Reggiano; salt and pepper >Method > Carefully chop the onion, carrot, garlic and celery and fry them in the oil. When they are browned, add the tomato puree, then add the cannellini beans and the tripe cut into strips. Leave to cook for half an hour, gradually adding the red wine. Salt and pepper to taste. Add the meat broth and cook for another half hour. Before serving, sprinkle the soup with plenty of grated Parmesan.
    > photo and recipe chefAdrianoMennillo -

    • Clams with Spaghetti saffron and leex # ingredienti e dosi per 4/5 persone  : 20 gr butter
    • 2 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 leek, washed well and thinly sliced
    • 4 cloves garlic, crushed
    • 125ml white wine
    • ½ cup chicken stock
    • 1 cup cream
    • large pinch of saffron threads, soaked in 50ml warm water
    • 1kg clams, purged
    • 400 gr good-quality spaghetti
    • 2 tsp chopped fresh dill
    • 3 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
    • juice of ½ lemon
    • sea salt and freshly ground pepper .FATE  COSI >>Heat butter and oil in a large lidded saucepan then add leek and garlic and cook, stirring occasionally, over low heat for 10 minutes or until soft. Add wine and increase heat to medium. Cook until reduced by half.Add chicken stock, cream and saffron mixture and simmer for 10 minutes or until sauce begins to thicken. Add clams, cover and cook for 5/8 minutes or until clams open. Discard any unopened clams.Meanwhile, cook spaghetti in plenty of boiling salted water until al dente, then drain well.Stir dill, parsley and lemon juice into clam mixture, season to taste, add spaghetti and toss gently to combine.Serve in shallow bowls.
    Burgundy snails # ingredients for 4 people. 1 kg escargot ( snails ) -Aromas: onion, shallot, garlic, carrot, celery, parsley -2 glasses of vinegar - 250 gr butter -50 g herb butter -100 gr breadcrumbs -salt and pepper .METHOD-Put the snails in a large container covered with cold water the night before preparing them. Remove the hard membrane that closes the shell. After cleaning, place the molluscs in another container and cover again with cold water, a handful of coarse salt and vinegar. Leave to soak for an hour, turning them from time to time.Rinse and repeat the operation a couple of times. Place the snails in a pot with high edges filled with water and cook for 30 minutes until the mollusc has partially come out of the shell. Drain and rinse under running cold water. Put the snails back into the pot with water and together with the onion, the carrot, the celery, a clove of garlic, a glass of vinegar, salt and pepper.



    Cuttlefish and peas stew # Ingredients for 5/6 people - cuttlefish 1 kg - fresh or frozen peas 400 gr - tomato sauce 400 gr - extra virgin olive oil - salt - pepper .METHOD - Clean the cuttlefish, removing beak, eyes, bone, ink sac (which you can keep aside to make the squid ink pasta) and meal: rinse them quickly under running water. Put four tablespoons of oil in a crock pot and lightly brown the cuttlefish: as soon as they have turned white, add the peas, tomato sauce, a pinch of coarse salt and two glasses of water. Lower the flame to the minimum and cook for about two hours, adding a little water only if it dries out too much.At the end of the cooking time the sauce should be thick and full-bodied, the peas should be soft and the cuttlefish very tender.adjust the salt and pepper, turn off the heat and let it cool.serve directly in the earthenware pot, accompanying with a nice loaf of ciabatta or Tuscan bread.

    Gnocchi alla Sorrento # Ingredients and doses for 4 persons _150 gr flour - 600 gr floury potatoes - 2 egg yolks - pinch of salt - fogkie of basil - 500 gr San Marzano tomatoes - 20 gr Caciottina (pzutella) canestrata di Sorrento ( or to taste ) - 100 gr fiordilatte . DO THIS. Wash the potatoes, boil them in salted water, peel them and mash them in a potato masher. On a lightly floured pastry board, knead the mashed potatoes with a little flour at a time until a soft, smooth dough is obtained. Cut the dough into finger-sized cylinders, cut them into pieces of about 2 centimetres and slide them onto the inside of a grater, the back of a fork or a special wooden utensil, crushing them slightly to give them their characteristic shape. When they rise to the surface, after 2-3 minutes, take them out with a slotted spoon, let them drain and serve them dressed with San Marzano tomatoes. Fry them with fiordilatte cheese and serve them in an earthenware or porcelain pan so that they can be baked for about ten minutes more with basil leaves and caciottina canestrata cheese from Sorrento.


    Stuffed tomatoes with rice ( Roman style ) where I did my military service # ingredients and doses - For the tomatoes :8 large copper tomatoes - 160 gr parboiled rice -10 gr basil leaves -5 g parsley - oregano -2 cloves of garlic -4 tbsp oil -1 little salt - pepper - >>For the potatoes : 600 gr potatoes -2 tablespoons of oil - oregano - salt and pepper -METHOD-Wash and dry the tomatoes, then cut off the top cap about 1 cm from the stalk. Empty the tomatoes of the inner pulp by first cutting along the edges with a sharp knife, keeping a distance of 7/10 mm, and then digging it out with a spoon. Sprinkle a little salt on the inside of the tomatoes, turn them upside down on a wire rack and leave them to rest for 30 minutes so that they lose some of their water.Meanwhile, put the tomato pulp in a blender together with the peeled garlic cloves, salt, pepper and oil.Blend the ingredients until a smooth sauce is obtained, then add the chopped oregano, basil and parsley. Place the emptied tomatoes in an oven dish lined with greaseproof paper, leaving a little space between each tomato. Stuff the tomatoes with the rice, fill them up to the edge, drizzle a little oil over the top and close them with the cut-out at the beginning. Peel the potatoes and cut them into chunks, then place them in a bowl.Season the potatoes with oil, salt, oregano and pepper, give them a stir and then add them to the same baking dish as the tomatoes.Bake them in the oven at 200° for 50/60 minutes. It is advisable to serve them warm.

    Chamuang pork # ingredienti e dosi per 2 persone - Marinata :250 gr pork tenderloin, sliced or 12 pork spare ribs, separated -1 tablespoon soy sauce-1 tablespoon fish sauce-1 tablespoon vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons coconut sugar -Marinade the pork for at least 20 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the curry paste. Curry sauce (paste) 5 dried cayenne peppers, seeds and stems removed, rehydrated in hot water for 5 minutes. -1 teaspoon white peppercorns -25 gr galangal, chopped -2 lemongrass stalks, chopped -20 gr shallots -10 gr garlic -1 teaspoon shrimp paste . METHOD-Pound the ingredients in the above order, adding them little by little: first the cayenne peppers and peppercorns, then the galangal and lemongrass, then the garlic and shallots and finally the shrimp paste. Between each group of ingredients it is necessary to pound until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. At the end, the paste should be smooth.Curry sauce :400 ml chicken stok -1 handful of young chamuang leaves -3 tablespoons tamarind juice .Bring a ladle of stock to the boil, then dissolve the curry paste in it and pour in the pork and its marinade. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes and then add the rest of the stock, the chamuang leaves and the tamarind juice. When it starts boiling again, cover and cook over a low heat for 15 minutes for tenderloin and 30 minutes for ribs.Taste to adjust the seasoning. Serve with sticky rice or rice noodles.


    Priest's hat # Ingredients and doses: 1 priest's hat -1 red potato (to taste) -sage and rosemary -salt and pepper, garlic-mushrooms -speak larded-bacon _METHOD-Leg the roast so that it keeps a compact and homogeneous shape. In a non-stick pan add oil, garlic, rosemary and sage and brown the meat well on all sides. Meanwhile prepare the potatoes, pass them under running water and cut them into wedges. Put the potatoes in a pan with lightly salted water and bring to the boil for 2/3 minutes.Tie the roast so that it keeps a compact and homogeneous shape. In a non-stick pan add oil, garlic, rosemary and sage and brown the meat well on all sides. Meanwhile prepare the potatoes, pass them under running water and cut them into wedges. Put the potatoes in a pan with lightly salted water and bring to the boil for 2/3 minutes.Tie the roast so that it keeps a compact and homogeneous shape. In a non-stick pan add oil, garlic, rosemary and sage and brown the meat well on all sides. Meanwhile prepare the potatoes, pass them under running water and cut them into wedges. Put the potatoes in a pan with lightly salted water and boil them for 2/3 minutes, Separately cook the mushrooms and add them at the end in the priest's hat pocket with all the ingredients ( see my photo ), Drain the potatoes and put them in an oiled pan together with the meat, add more rosemary, salt and pepper, some garlic and put in the oven at 190 degrees for about 40-50min, until the potatoes are well browned.

    Aubergine parmigiana # ingredients and doses -1 Kg medium-sized aubergines -Flour 00 - 5 eggs -500 ml tomato puree -300 gr buffalo milk mozzarella - Grated Parmesan cheese -1 bunch of fresh basil -1 clove of garlic -Peanut seed oil to taste -Extra virgin olive oil to taste -Salt -Pepper.METHOD-Fry the whole garlic in extra virgin olive oil for a few minutes, add the tomato puree, a few basil leaves and simmer for about 20 minutes; add salt and pepper to taste. In the meantime, wash the aubergines and dry them well, trim and peel them, cut them into thin slices no more than 3/4 mm thick. Dip the slices first in flour and then in eggs, previously beaten with a fork together with Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Fry the aubergines in peanut oil until golden brown on both sides. Drain the aubergines and let them dry on absorbent paper. On the bottom of a glass baking dish, spread a layer of tomato sauce prepared earlier, then one layer of fried aubergines; drizzle with tomato sauce again, sprinkle with grated cheese to taste and top with sliced or diced mozzarella. Continue like this until all the ingredients are used up; finish the aubergine parmigiana with a final layer of tomato sauce, topped with plenty of grated cheese and pepper to taste. Bake and cook at 180°C for about 30 minutes or until the top layer is au gratin. Serve the aubergine parmigiana still warm or even cold .

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