e già ...

e già  ...
lo Strutto , oggi quasi non si usa , ma è ottimo per friggere , con l'unica eccezione delle fritture di pesce .

domenica 17 settembre 2023

# Pasticcio ferrarese # Coda alla vaccinara au sauce cacao(罗马经典食谱)# Pasta lardiata alla napoletana # Artichokes Roman style # Wild boar in chocolate sauce # Ricotta and spinach ravioli # cake Ricotta e noci # Spaghetti ca n'ciova # Vincisgrassi # Arancini rice # timballo alla siciliana # Coda alla vaccinara # Neapolitan lasagne # Asparagus rice # cake pasqualina # cake Parrozzo # Cannelloni alla trevisana # Cassuola alla milanese # Veal soup with tamarind # Sauce basil # Cacio e pepe # Gaifan # Oysters Rokefeller # Paella mixte my way # Spaghetti alla Nerano # Drowned Artichokes #

    • Pasticcio ferrarese ( Ferrara ) # ingredienti e dosi -Per la frolla: 450 gr farina - 180/200 gr burro morbido - 100 gr zucchero - 4 tuorli uovo - pizzico sale - cucchiaio raso scorza limone per il  sugo: 150 gr manzo macinata - 150 gr maiale macinato - 150 gr petto pollo tritato - 150 gr rigaglie di pollo - 1/2 bicchiere vino bianco - qualche cucchiaino marsala - 50 gr burro - sedano - cipolla - carota- olio per besciamella: 1/2 l latte - 1 cucchiaio farina - noce moscata - noce di burro - sale per il ripieno: 250 gr sedanini rigati ( or pasta a piacere )- 25 gr funghi secchi - 50 gr parmigiano grattugiato - tartufo ( a piacere ).METHOD-Fate rinvenire i funghi secchi in acqua tiepida, poi in padella con noce di burro.Preparare ragù: tritare finemente sedano, carota e cipolla e farli imbiondire in burro e olio, poi rosolare la carne, sfumare con vino bianco e marsala, dosare di sale e pepe. Far raffreddare.Preparare besciamella e farla raffreddare.Per la frolla mescolare tutti gli ingredienti in una ciotola, fino ad ottenere un panetto morbido ed elastico che farete riposare al fresco per un'oretta circa.Cuocere in acqua salata i sedanini, scolandoli al dente.Unire sedanini con besciamella, poi aggiungere ragù, parmigiano, funghi e una generosa spolverata di tartufo nero.Stendere metà frolla e disporre il disco di pasta in uno stampo, poi versare il ripieno a cupola nel mezzo e rivestirlo con la restante frolla stesa, sigillando bene i bordi.Spennellare con rosso d'uovo e cuocere a 180 gradi per 30 minuti o finché non é dorata la frolla.Servire tiepido.

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    • Pasta lardiata alla napoletana # ingredienti e dosi -500 gr di maccaruncielli (bucatini or mezzanella spezzati, o altra pasta corta) - 250 gr di lardo salato -1 cipolla -olio evo -pecorino romano grattugiato -qualche cucchiaio di ragù già pronto oppure un po’ di concentrato di pomodoro, oppure qualche pomodorino del piennolo .METHOD-Affettare la cipolla sottilmente e fare un battuto con il lardo, cioè cercare di tritarlo. Soffriggere qualche cucchiaio di olio evo in un tegame (se fosse possibile meglio quello di terracotta), aggiungere la cipolla e il lardo, salare e pepare. Dopo qualche minuto abbassare la fiamma, aggiungere il ragù oppure il concentrato di pomodoro, oppure qualche pomodorino del piennolo,  mettere il coperchio e lasciar cuocere. Badate che il sugo di pomodoro deve essere poco perché deve solo dare un colore rosato alla pasta, ma volendo si possono lasciare anche in bianco, senza pomodoro. Il lardo diventerà trasparente, si scioglierà. Intanto lessare la pasta (mezzanelli spezzati o bucatini) al dente, versarla nel tegame con il sugo di lardo, amalgamare bene, aggiungere ancora pepe e abbondante pecorino grattugiato, se serve qualche cucchiaio di acqua di cottura della pasta, servire caldi.

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    • Coda alla vaccinara au sauce cacao(罗马经典食谱) # 配料和剂量 -1.5千克牛尾 -1.5千克去皮番茄 -50克猪油或猪腩肉 -1根胡萝卜 -6根芹菜 -1杯白葡萄酒 -Prezzemolo-1瓣大蒜 -盐 -1个辣椒 -4瓣丁香 -1把松子 -1把苏丹果 -2汤匙苦可可或黑巧克力碎。 方法--现在出售的鱼尾(2000 年代)都是已经分好的,如果没有,我就用菜刀顺着骨头的关节切开,得到所谓的 "rocchi"。我用大蒜、洋葱、胡萝卜和一根芹菜剁成肉馅。 或者,如果我有猪油,我会将猪油切成粗粒,倒入一个大锅中,待猪油融化或猪油煮熟后,我就会加入鱼尾,让它焯一下,再加入切碎的蔬菜和一小块辣椒,几分钟后,我就会倒入白葡萄酒。 让酒精蒸发,然后加入去皮的西红柿,盖上盖子,不时检查,加盐,一直煮到肉开始脱离骨头。 与此同时,我把剩下的芹菜清洗干净,煮熟,切成约 1 厘米的小块。 当芹菜尾快熟了时,我把它和一把烤过的松子、一把事先用水浸泡过的苏丹果和几汤匙苦可可一起放入酱汁中。 我让酱汁再煮几分钟,然后把它和芹菜尾块一起上桌,如果需要,还可以撒上切碎的香菜。
    • ****** 来自主厨阿德里亚诺-门尼洛(AdrianoMennillo)的提示 - 或者看看我的照片,烹饪时不用可可。


    • Coda alla vaccinara au sauce cacao ( recette classique de Rome ) # ingrédients et doses -1,5 kg de queue de bœuf -1,5 kg de tomates pelées -50 g de saindoux ou de joue de porc-1 carotte -5/6 côtes de céleri -1 verre de vin blanc -Prezzemolo -1/2 gousse d'ail -Sel -1 piment -4 clous de girofle -1 poignée de pignons -1 poignée de raisins secs -2 cuillères à soupe de cacao amer ou de chocolat noir râpé. MÉTHODE - La queue (aujourd'hui dans les années 2000) est vendue déjà portionnée, mais si ce n'est pas le cas, je la coupe avec un couteau de cuisine en suivant les articulations des os et en obtenant ce que l'on appelle les "rocchi". Je prépare un hachis avec de l'ail, de l'oignon, de la carotte et une branche de céleri. Si, comme dans mon cas, j'utilise du guanciale, je le fais revenir dans un peu d'huile. Lorsque le lard est fondu ou cuit, j'ajoute la queue, je la fais blanchir, j'ajoute les légumes hachés, un petit morceau de piment et, après quelques minutes, je verse le vin blanc. Je laisse l'alcool s'évaporer et j'ajoute les tomates pelées, je couvre avec un couvercle, je vérifie de temps en temps, j'ajoute du sel et je laisse cuire jusqu'à ce que la viande commence à se détacher de l'os. Pendant ce temps, je nettoie le reste du céleri, je le fais bouillir et je le coupe en morceaux réguliers d'environ 1 cm. Lorsque la queue est presque prête, je l'ajoute à la sauce avec une poignée de pignons grillés, une poignée de raisins secs préalablement trempés dans l'eau et quelques cuillères à soupe de cacao amer. Je laisse la sauce mijoter encore quelques minutes et je la sers avec les morceaux de queue, Je saupoudre de persil haché selon mon goût.
    • ****** conseils du chefAdrianoMennillo - ou regardez ma photo , cuisiner sans cacao .

    • Coda alla vaccinara au sauce cacao ( classica ricetta della città di Roma ) # ingredienti e dosi -1,5 kg coda di bue -1,5 kg pomodori pelati -50 gr lardo or guanciale-1carota -5/6 coste sedano -1 bicchiere vino bianco -Prezzemolo -1/2 spicchio aglio -Sale -1 peperoncino -4 chiodi garofano -1 manciata pinoli -1 manciata uvetta -2 cucchiai cacao amaro o cioccolato fondente grattugiato .METHOD- La coda ( Oggi anni 2000 ) si vende ormai già porzionata ma, nel caso in cui non lo fosse, la taglio con un coltello da cucina seguendo le giunture delle ossa e ottenendo i cosiddetti “rocchi”. Lavare i pezzi in acqua corrente e li tampono per asciugarli.Preparo un trito con l’aglio, la cipolla, la carota e una costa di sedano.Se, come nel mio caso, uso il guanciale, lo faccio rosolare con poco olio.In alternativa, avendo a disposizione del lardo, lo taglio grossolanamente e lo verso in una pentola capiente.Quando è sciolto, o quando il guanciale è cotto, unisco la coda, la faccio sbianchire, aggiungo il trito di verdure, un pezzetto di peperoncino e dopo qualche minuto bagno con il vino bianco.Lascio evaporare la parte alcolica e metto i pomodori pelati.Copro con un coperchio, controllo ogni tanto, aggiusto di sale e lascio cuocere fino a che la carne non inizia a staccarsi dall’osso.Intanto pulisco il sedano rimanente, lo lesso e lo taglio a pezzetti regolari di circa 1 centimetro.Quando la coda è quasi pronta, lo aggiungo al sugo insieme a una manciata di pinoli tostati, una di uvetta precedentemente ammollata nell’acqua e a un paio di cucchiai di cacao amaro.Lascio sobbollire la salsa ancora per qualche minuto e la servo insieme ai pezzi di coda., a piacere spolvero con del prezzemolo tritato.
    • ****** consigli dallo chefAdrianoMennillo - oppure look my foto , cucinare senza cacao .
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  • Artichokes Roman style # ingredients and doses - 8 artichokes - 1 bunch of Roman mint - 2 cloves of garlic cut into 8 parts - 1/2 glass of extra virgin olive oil - salt - pepper - water - chopped parsley optional - METHOD - Clean the artichokes well as described above. Remove the hay, if any, with the help of a teaspoon by hollowing out the inside.Stuff them with a mint leaf, some garlic, salt and pepper.Put them in a pot where they can stand, tightly together.Add a cup of water and the oil, season with more salt and pepper. Cover with baking paper and cook over a moderate heat for about an hour. After that time, place the artichokes on a serving plate. Reduce the cooking liquid to 1/4 cup and pour it over the artichokes while still hot.

    Carciofi alla romana # ingredienti e dosi -8 carciofi - 1 mazzetto di mentuccia romana  - 2 spicchi d'aglio tagliati in 8 parti - 1/2 bicchiere d'olio extra vergine d'oliva -- sale- pepe- acqua- prezzemolo tritato facoltativo .METHOD-Pulite bene i carciofi come descritto sopra. Privateli del fieno, se dovesse essere presente, con l'aiuto di un cucchiaino scavandone l'interno.Farciteli con una foglia di mentuccia, una parte d'aglio, sale e pepe.Metteteli in una pentola in cui possano restare in piedi, ben stretti tra loro.Aggiungete una tazza d'acqua e l'olio, condite con altro sale e pepe.Forgiate un coperchio con della carta forno e fate cuocere a fuoco moderato per circa un'ora.Trascorso il tempo previsto mettete i carciofi su un piatto da portata.Riducete il liquido di cottura ad 1/4 e versatelo ancora caldo sui carciofi.A scelta potete cospargerli con del prezzemolo tritato.

    • Wild boar (or other game) in chocolate sauce # ingredients and doses - 1 kg of wild boar meat (frozen at Esselunga or Coop in the frozen department) or other wholesale stores - > For the marinade: -1 onion-2 carrots-1 bay leaf-aroma for roasts of your choice-3/4 juniper berries-red Barbera wine. >> For cooking wild boar : 1 scant glass of red wine -3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar - 1 glass of vegetable broth -1 teaspoon cinnamon -1 grated nutmeg -aroma for roasts -salt -pepper -evo oil . For the chocolate sauce > >>: 80 gr of 100% pure dark fondant - 3 tablespoons grappa - 2 handfuls of walnuts -1 handful of raisins -1 tablespoon orange powdwe . .METHOD-The night before, cut the wild boar into cubes and put it in a large container, along with the roughly sliced onion and carrots, roasting aroma and crushed juniper berries. Cover everything with red wine and let it marinate for at least 12 hours, but longer if possible. This operation is necessary to wash away from the meat the overly pungent flavor typical of game, to which our palate is no longer accustomed.The next day, drain the meat, vegetables and bay leaf from the marinade and rinse everything briefly. Retrieve the vegetables, chop them and sauté them for about 10 minutes in a little oil. Then add the meat, sprinkle it again with roasting preparation and brown it. When all the morsels are "sealed" add the bay leaf, cinnamon and nutmeg; pour in the wine and let it fade. At this point pour in the vinegar and let that evaporate as well. Add the stock and cook for about 25 minutes from the whistle if you use the pressure cooker, for 45' from boiling in a traditional pot. In that case, check the liquid level.Meanwhile, prepare the sauce: melt the chocolate the grappa, then add all the other ingredients and mix well. When the wild boar is cooked, pour 3-4 tablespoons of the cooking liquid into the chocolate sauce.Only after this step, in case the meat gravy is still too liquid, let it shrink.Then bring the chocolate sauce back to a boil and pour it over the meat. Stir well and let it rest a few hours before serving.Reheat at the time.

    *********** CONSIL DU CHEFaDRIANOmENNILLO _Don't try to elegantly serve the sauce on the side as it is used today:The point of boar in chocolate sauce is for the boar to be *in* chocolate sauce, that is, immersed in it.

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  • Cinghiale ( or altra selvaggina ) in salsa al cioccolato # ingredienti e dosi - 1 Kg di polpa di cinghiale ( va bene anche quello surgelato  all'Esselunga or alla Coop nel reparto surgelati) or altri negozi all'ingrosso - > Per la marinata: -1 cipolla-2 carote-1 foglia di alloro-aroma per arrosti a scelta-3/4 bacche di ginepro-vino rosso barbera .>> Per la cottura del cinghiale : 1 bicchiere scarso di vino rosso -3 cucchiai di aceto balsamico - 1 bicchiere di brodo vegetale -1 cucchiaino di cannella -1 grattugiata di noce moscata -aroma per arrosti -sale -pepe  - olio evo .Per la salsa di cioccolato > >>: 80 gr di fondente puro al 100% - 3 cucchiai di grappa - 2 manciate di noci -1 manciata di uvetta -1 cucchiaio di polvere d'arancia .METHOD-La sera prima tagliate il cinghiale a cubetti e mettetelo in un largo contenitore, insieme alla cipolla e alle carote grossolanamente affettate, all'aroma per arrosti e alle bacche di ginepro pestate. Coprite il tutto con vino rosso e lasciate marinare almeno 12 ore, ma anche di più se possibile. Questa operazione è necessaria per lavare via dalla carne il sapore troppo pungente tipico della selvaggina, al quale il nostro palato non è più abituato.L'indomani, scolate la carne, le verdure e la foglia d'alloro dalla marinata e sciacquate il tutto brevemente. Recuperate gli ortaggi, tritateli e fateli soffriggere per circa 10 minuti in poco olio. Quindi aggiungete la carne, cospargetela ancora di preparato per arrosti e fatela rosolare. Quando tutti i bocconcini saranno "sigillati" unite l'alloro, la cannella e la noce moscata; versate il vino e fate sfumare. A questo punto versate l'aceto e fate evaporare anche quello. Aggiungete il brodo e fate cuocere per circa 25 minuti dal fischio se usate la pentola a pressione, per 45' dall'ebollizione in pentola tradizionale. In tal caso, controllate il livello dei liquidi.Nel frattempo, preparate la salsa: fate fondere il cioccolato  la grappa, quindi aggiungete tutti gli altri ingredienti e mescolate bene. Quando il cinghiale sarà cotto, versate nella salsa di cioccolato 3-4 cucchiai del liquido di cottura.Solo dopo questo passaggio, nel caso l'intingolo della carne risulti ancora troppo liquido, fatelo ritirare.Quindi, riportate la salsa di cioccolato a ebollizione e versatela sulla carne. Mescolate bene e lasciate riposare qualche ora prima di servire.Riscaldate al momento.

*********** CONSIL DU CHEFaDRIANOmENNILLO _Non cercate di servire elegantemente la salsa a partecome usa oggi:il senso del cinghiale in salsa di cioccolato è che il cinghiale sia *in* salsa di cioccolato, cioè immerso in essa.

  • 巧克力酱野猪肉(或其他野味) # 配料和剂量 - 1 公斤野猪肉(在 Esselunga 或 Coop 冷冻食品部冷冻)或其他批发店购买 - > 腌料 :-1 个洋葱-2 根胡萝卜-1 片月桂叶-自选的烤香料-3/4 杜松子-巴贝拉红葡萄酒。 >>烹饪野猪肉:1 杯红葡萄酒-3 勺意大利黑醋-1 杯蔬菜汤-1 茶匙肉桂-1 磨碎的肉豆蔻-烤肉调料-盐-胡椒-evo 油。 巧克力酱 >>:80 克 100% 纯黑巧克力 - 3 汤匙格拉巴酒 - 2 把核桃 - 1 把苏丹果 - 1 汤匙橘子粉。 方法 - 前一天晚上,将野猪肉切成小块,与切片的洋葱和胡萝卜、烤肉调味料和碾碎的杜松子一起放入一个大容器中。用红葡萄酒盖住所有材料,腌制至少 12 小时,可能的话可以更长。第二天,将肉、蔬菜和月桂叶从腌泡汁中沥干,然后简单冲洗一下。捞出蔬菜,切碎,用少许油煎约 10 分钟。然后加入肉,再次撒上烤肉酱并煎成褐色。待所有肉块 "密封 "后,加入月桂叶、肉桂和肉豆蔻,倒入葡萄酒并让其挥发。现在倒入醋,也让其蒸发。加入高汤,如果使用高压锅,从沸腾开始煮约 25 分钟;如果使用普通锅,从沸腾开始煮约 45 分钟。与此同时,准备酱汁:融化巧克力和格拉巴酒,然后加入所有其他配料并搅拌均匀。野猪肉煮熟后,将 3-4 汤匙的烹饪液倒入巧克力酱中。 如果肉酱中的液体仍然过多,则在这一步之后让其收缩。 然后将巧克力酱重新煮沸,倒在肉上。搅拌均匀后静置几个小时即可食用。 准备好后再加热。

Ricotta and spinach ravioli # ingredients for 4 people -> For the pasta: 300 gr flour 180 W -3 whole eggs - salt >> For the filling: 250 gr ricotta - 150 gr fresh spinach (possibly also frozen) - 1 egg - 50 gr Parmesan cheese - nutmeg - fresh thyme (optional) - salt - pepper - EVO oil .METHOD- For the filling:Heat a little oil in a large saucepan, cover the spinach and sauté.As soon as the spinach starts to wilt, add the thyme, season with salt and pepper and cook.Once cooked, chop with a half moon and transfer warm to a bowl with the sieved ricotta and grated parmesan. Mix well. Season with a pinch of nutmeg, add the whole egg and stir. >>For the dough. Prepare the dough by placing the flour, salt and eggs a little at a time in the bowl of the planetary mixer. Mix well (if you don't have a planetary mixer, put the flour in a heap on the pastry board, break the eggs into the centre, add the salt and knead by hand). Transfer the dough onto the work surface and knead it briefly with your hands until it is dry and compact. Wrap it in cling film and let it rest for at least two hours.Take the dough, divide it into 4 pieces and start kneading the first one with the pasta machine, leaving the others wrapped in film to prevent them from becoming dry. Flour the pastry often and run it through the machine several times, decreasing the thickness each time. Before each pass fold it over on itself like a book. Finish by working the sheet on the penultimate hole and place it on a floured surface. Repeat the operation with the other three rolls. With the help of two teaspoons, place the filling in well-spaced mounds. Moisten the edges with water or egg white, cover with a second sheet, seal well around the filling and cut out the ravioli with a pasta cutter or ravioli mould. As you prepare the ravioli, keep them spaced out on a floured surface.  Cooking the ravioli: Boil a saucepan with plenty of salted water and cook the ravioli for about 5 minutes, add them to the chosen sauce (butter and sage for me) and add a little cooking water if necessary to soften them. Serve them hot.

***Consil du chefAdrianoMennillo -Home-made ravioli can be frozen uncooked. They need to be arranged spaced out on a board and placed in the freezer. Once frozen in this way they can be put together in a single bag suitable for freezing. When you then decide to use them, they should be cooked in boiling water while still frozen. The cooking time will be slightly longer.

Ravioli di ricotta e spinaci # ingredienti per 4 persone -> Per la pasta: 300 gr farina 180 W -3 uova intere - -sale >> Per il ripieno :250 gr ricotta - 150 gr spinaci freschi (eventualmente anche surgelati)  -1 uovo - 50 gr parmigiano- noce moscata- timo fresco (facoltativo) - sale -pepe -olio EVO .METHOD-Per il ripieno:Far scaldare un filo d'olio in un tegame capiente, mettere gli spinaci coprire e far rosolare.Appena gli spinaci iniziano ad appassire, unire il timo, regolare di sale e pepe e far cuocere.Una volta cotti, sminuzzarli con una mezza luna e trasferirli tiepidi in una terrina con la ricotta setacciata e il parmigiano grattugiato. Mescolare bene.Profumare con un pizzico di noce moscata, incorporare l'uovo intero e mescolare.>>Per la pasta .Preparare l'impasto della pasta mettendo nella ciotola della planetaria la farina, il sale e le uova poco alla volta. Far amalgamare bene (se non avete la planetaria mettete la farina a fontana sulla spianatoia, rompere al centro le uova, aggiungete il sale ed impastate manualmente). Trasferire l'impasto sul piano di lavoro e lavorarlo brevemente con le mani fino a ottenere un composto asciutto e compatto. Avvolgerlo nella pellicola trasparente e far riposare per almeno due ore.Riprendere la pasta, dividerla in 4 pezzi e iniziare a lavorare con la macchina per la pasta il primo, lasciando avvolti nella pellicola gli altri per evitare che diventino secchi. Infarinare la sfoglia spesso e ripassarla più volte nella macchina diminuendo di volta in volta lo spessore. Prima di ogni passaggio piegarla su se stessa a libro. Terminare lavorando la sfoglia sul penultimo foro e appoggiarla su un piano infarinato. Ripetere l'operazione con gli altri tre panetti.Con l'aiuto di due cucchiaini posizionare il ripieno a mucchietti ben distanziati. Inumidire i bordi con acqua o con del bianco d'uovo, ricoprire con una seconda sfoglia, sigillate bene intorno al ripieno e ritagliate i ravioli con un coppa pasta o uno stampo per ravioli. A mano a mano che preparate i ravioli, conservateli distanziati su un piano infarinato.  La cottura dei ravioli: Mettere a bollire una pentola con abbondante acqua salata e far cuocere i ravioli per  circa 5 minuti, unirli al condimento scelto (per me burro e salvia) e aggiungere, se necessario, un po’ di acqua di cottura per ammorbidire il tutto. Servirli caldi.

***Consil du chefAdrianoMennillo -I ravioli fatti in casa si possono congelare da crudi. Occorre disporli distanziati su un piano e riporli in freezer. Una volta congelati in questo modo potranno essere riuniti in un unico sacchetto adatto per essere surgelato. Quando decidete poi di utilizzarli, andranno messi a cuocere in acqua bollente ancora congelati. Il tempo di cottura sarà leggermente maggiore.


Cake Ricotta e noci # ingredienti e dosi -250 gr di ricotta -180 gr di zucchero di canna - 100 gr di farina 00 - 100 gr di farina integrale - 2 uova e un tuorlo   -1 bustina di lievito per dolci - 2/3 pere medie ( a piacere )- 70 gr di noci - 50 gr gocce di cioccolato - 1 arancia -  cannella e chiodi di garofano .>>Per la decorazione: zucchero di canna in polvere.>>.METHOD-Lavate e pelate le pere, togliete il torsolo e tagliatele a cubetti. Quindi mettetele in una ciotola con il succo dell'arancia.In un'altra ciotola versate le uova intere e il tuorlo insieme allo zucchero. Lavorate il tutto fino ad avere un composto chiaro e spumoso. Unite la ricotta e continuate a battere in modo da incorporarla per bene. Ottenuto un composto omogeneo incorporate la farina setacciata con il lievito. Amalgamate ed infine aggiungete una parte dei cubetti di pera e delle noci, le gocce di cioccolato, la scorza grattugiata dell'arancia e un pizzico di cannella e chiodi di garofano in polvere.Adesso prendete una tortiera da 26 cm di diametro, imburratela e infarinatela. Versate il composto e sulla superficie inserite i cubetti di pere e le noci messe da parte. Spolverizzate con zucchero di canna e infornate a 180° per 50 minuti circa. Fate sempre comunque la prova dello stecchino.Una volta fredda spolverizzatela con zucchero di canna in polvere.



Spaghetti ca n'ciova # ingredients and servings for 3/4 people -500 gr spaghetti (or pasta to taste) -2 cloves of garlic -250 gr concentrate -80 gr anchovies in oil -250 gr breadcrumbs -250 gr raisins and pine nuts -extra-virgin olive oil -water to taste -salt and pepper to taste -little sugar -METHOD-Put some oil in a pan and fry the 2 cloves of garlic, brown them, then add the anchovies and let them melt. When the anchovies have melted, pour in the concentrate, dilute with water. Add the passolina and pine nuts. Season the sauce with salt, sugar and pepper. Let it cook over a gentle heat until the sauce thickens, then remove from the heat and let it rest. Meanwhile, in a small frying pan toast the breadcrumbs with a little oil. Prepare the pot for the pasta and when it is ready, mix everything with a few ladles of sauce. Pour the pasta onto the plates, add more sauce and finally put some toasted breadcrumbs on top.


Vincisgrassi, ingredients and doses. 1/2 kilo of wheat flour - 4 eggs (for the pasta) - chicken or goose giblets a piece of lamb on the bone a piece of veal a piece of pork . - 1 tablespoon of lard beaten a whole onion, celery, carrot, 2 cloves, marjoram - 2 tablespoons of fresh tomato or preserves - 1 glass of red wine - 1 glass of boiled milk salt and pepper béchamel (according to portions)_Method -Mince the lard and brown with oil and butter, and add chopped garlic, onion, celery and carrot; Sprinkle with wine and let it evaporate. Cut the various types of coarsely minced meat into pieces, then add the puréed tomato, salt and pepper. Let everything cook slowly, over a moderate heat, for a couple of hours, stirring and pouring occasionally a few spoonfuls of warm milk. Prepare a thin pastry with flour and eggs. Cut large lasagna sheets about the size of a palm of your hand_

*******consil du chef adrianomenillo: first prepare the béchamel :: MAKE the béchamel with 1 liter of milk, 100 gr of butter, a little salt, 100 gr of OO flour, nutmeg. To prepare the béchamel, melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat so it does not stick to the bottom; when it has completely melted, remove it from the heat and gradually pour in the flour, stirring constantly so that no lumps form. Put the saucepan back on the heat until the cream has acquired an amber colour. Remove the saucepan from the flame again and pour the tepid milk slowly, continuing to mix with a hand whisk. Bring everything back to the low heat adding salt and nutmeg; stir frequently and let it heat for about 15 minutes, until the bechamel has thickened to the right point. Boil the lasagne in plenty of salted water and drain halfway through cooking. Immerse them in cold water and then dry them and spread them out on a tablecloth. Prepare the béchamel. First pour a little sauce on the bottom of a pan, then place a layer of pasta and more sauce Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and make a light layer of béchamel, cover again with Parmesan, sauce, pasta and béchamel until the pan is covered Leave the pan to rest for a couple of hours Bake at 200 °C for one hour .


photo by adrianomennillo > Rosa to Nervi  ( Genova )  , Agosto 2012

Rice Arancini # Ingredients and quantities for 12 arancini:500 gr Roma rice - 2 sachets of saffron - 30 g butter - 1.2 litres of water - salt - 100 gr mature Caciocavallo cheese.
30 gr butter - 1.2 litres of water - salt - 100 gr matured Caciocavallo cheese > For the filling: 1 shallot -25 gr butter -100 gr minced pork -200 ml tomato puree - 80 gr peas -
50 gr fresh Caciocavallo cheese -50 ml red wine -extra virgin olive oil -salt -pepper .METHOD -
Boil the rice in salted boiling water, allowing the water to be completely absorbed, for about 15 minutes, then dissolve the saffron in a little hot water and add it to the now-cooked rice. Add the chopped butter and grated Caciocavallo cheese, stir and pour the rice onto a tray. Allow the rice to cool for a couple of hours, covering it with cling film to prevent it from drying out.Prepare the meat sauce. Fry the chopped onion in a saucepan with 2 tablespoons of oil and the butter, add the minced meat and brown it, then deglaze with the wine. Add the tomato puree, season with salt and pepper to taste and cook over a low heat for 1 hour. Halfway through cooking, add the peas.When the filling is ready, start preparing the arancini. Take a couple of tablespoons of rice at a time (about 120 g of rice), crush the heap in the centre of your hand to form a hollow and pour in a teaspoon of the meat sauce filling. Add a few cubes of caciocavallo cheese. Close the base of the arancino with the rice, giving it a pointed shape. Prepare the batter for frying the arancini. In a bowl pour the sifted flour, a pinch of salt and pour in the water. Stir with a whisk to prevent lumps from forming. Dip the arancini, one by one, into the batter and coat them in breadcrumbs. Heat the oil in a saucepan and fry one arancino at a time, drain them with a slotted spoon and place them on a tray lined with paper towels.

Timballo di aneletti alla siciliana ( or pasta a piacere) # Ingredients and servings for 4 people _320 gr anelletti -200 gr beef or veal meat 200 gr beef or veal -200 gr mixed minced beef/pork -50 gr tomato paste -750 gr tomato puree or tomato sauce -200 gr peas-1 aubergine-1 clove of garlic-1 onion-50 gr caciocavallo cheese-50 gr primosale (it is a cheese)-50 gr provola cheese-1 glass of dry white wine-4 tablespoons grated parmesan-200 gr breadcrumbs-6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil-black pepper, salt to taste. b.METHOD-Cut the aubergine into four 1 cm thick slices, dice the rest. Fry the slices and cubes and keep aside.Dice the cheeses and keep aside. Brown the meat plus mince over a low heat with 4 tbsp oil, then douse with white wine and, after it has evaporated, remove from the pan. Add two tablespoons to the browning mixture of the meat and fry the chopped onion in it. Add the chopped garlic clove, the meat, the tomato puree and the tomato paste dissolved in 1/2 glass of lukewarm water. Turn up the heat and cook the meat in the sauce, stirring. If necessary, moisten with lukewarm water and lower the flame. Season with salt and pepper and leave to simmer in a half-covered pan for three hours, adding water as necessary (mine was ready after two hours). Half an hour before removing from the heat, add the peas. When cooked, remove the meat from the sauce, let it cool, separate it from the sauce and dice it. Recover at least half of the peas, separate them from the sauce and set them aside.Boil the anelletti, drain well when al dente and season with half the sauce.Grease a non-stick baking tin (mine was not, but I had no problems) and sprinkle it with breadcrumbs, removing any excess. Arrange the aubergine slices on the bottom in the shape of a star. Pour half of the pasta on top, flatten it and pour the diced meat, peas, diced aubergine and the previously cut cheeses over it, cover with the sauce and make another layer of pasta. Pour in more sauce and sprinkle the surface with breadcrumbs. Cover the timbale with a sheet of baking paper and then place a lid on it, which is narrower than the baking tray, with a weight on top. After about 1 hour remove the weight, drizzle extra virgin olive oil over the surface and bake for 50 minutes at 180° in a preheated oven. After resting for a few minutes (I waited about ten minutes) gently invert onto a serving plate and serve.


Coda alla vaccinara # ingredients and portions for ¾ people - 1 oxtail ( already cut into pieces ) - 2 celery -2 onions - 1 clove of garlic - extra virgin olive oil - 1 kg of peeled tomatoes - dry white wine - 2/3 of cloves - 10/12 pine nuts - 10/14 sultanas - 2 teaspoons of bitter cocoa powder - salt and pepper . METHOD - Oxtail alla vaccinara is a typical Roman dish, which is prepared with oxtail because it is more pulpy and suitable for long cooking as in my recipe (see my photos), then it is simmered with various vegetables and tomatoes. Its preparation is rather long, so let's start with the explanation! First of all, cut the tail into pieces or, if you are not able to do this, ask your butcher to do it, the important thing is to respect the joints. Having done this, wash the pieces of meat well to remove all traces of blood and dry them well with a dry cloth, take the lard and cut it into pieces, then prepare the chopped vegetables with the onion, carrot, celery and parsley. In a large saucepan put the oil and lard and brown it, or, if you do not use lard, pour in the tail and brown it. Then add the chopped vegetables, cloves and chopped garlic, mix everything together and cook for a few minutes, season with salt and pepper, pour in a few glasses of white wine, cover with a lid and cook over a low heat for a little over half an hour. At this point, add the tomato, stir and leave to cook for several hours ( 3 ? ), checking from time to time, stirring and adding water if the sauce dries out too much.Then clean the celery and cut it into pieces, soak the sultanas and squeeze them. When it's almost cooked, take some of the sauce, add a teaspoon of bitter cocoa, the blanched celery (to your taste - I didn't blanch it) and the sultanas, the pine nuts and mix everything together; then cook for fifteen minutes. Now everything is ready! You will then have a delicious sauce for dressing the pasta and the tail will be tender and tasty.

 ******* chefAdrianoMennillo's advice_ the recipe cannot do without the three main ingredients apart from the tail, namely celery, tomato sauce and bitter cocoa. All versions that include these ingredients, while revisiting it, remain within the bounds of tradition. The recipe is from today > 05/11/2022, started cooking first in the pot for 55/65 minutes, then I put the lid on the pressure cooker and finished cooking again for 65/70 minutes


Neapolitan lasagne #  ingredients and quantities for 5/6 persons _500 gr dry lasagne - For the meat sauce : 4 pork ribs - 800 gr of peeled tomatoes (or tomato puree) - 2 onions - 1 glass of red wine - evo oil - salt and pepper - For the meatballs (to taste) - 300g of mixed minced meat (beef and pork in equal parts) - 150 gr of dry, dried breadcrumbs - 1 egg - 2 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese - salt and pepper - oil for frying. For the filling: 300 gr ricotta romana -300 gr fior di latte (kept in the fridge to dry) -300 gr pork brains (or sausages) -grated Parmesan cheese . METHOD - for the meat sauce; cover the bottom of a saucepan with extra-virgin olive oil, add the finely sliced onions and the pieces of meat, cover and sauté slowly over a low flame, stirring occasionally.As soon as the onions take on colour, remove the lid and deglaze, adding the red wine a little at a time, turn up the flame and allow to evaporate.At this point add the peeled tomatoes, mashed a little at a time, adjust the salt and cook over a low flame for about three hours, To make the meatballs: Soak the stale bread in water in a bowl for about half an hour, remove the crusts, then squeeze it out well. In another bowl, put the minced meat, a beaten egg, salt, parsley and grated parmesan cheese, add the bread and mix the mixture with your hands, then cut out small meatballs, slightly larger than a hazelnut, and fry them, a few at a time, in a pan with very hot oil. Add a tablespoon of oil to the boiling water and boil the lasagne until al dente, drain and arrange the sheets well apart to dry on a tea towel. Heat the meat sauce, pour a ladleful onto the bottom of a baking tray and start assembling the lasagne: Make a layer of pasta, spread with the ricotta cheese and arrange, at equal distances, the slices of provola or fior di latte, the brains, cooked in a pan and cut into rounds, the meatballs, a generous sprinkling of grated parmesan cheese and finish with the meat sauce, cover with another layer of pasta and repeat the operation until all the ingredients are used up. Set the oven temperature to 200/220° and bake the lasagna for at least 30 minutes, using the grill function for the last 10 minutes to obtain a nice golden 'crust'. Let the lasagna rest for at least 25/30 minutes before serving.


Asparagus rice # Ingredients and servings for 4 people: 300 gr Vialone Nano rice (or Carnaroli rice)-300 gr cleaned asparagus-1 litre vegetable stock-1/2 glass dry white wine-1 small onion-2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil-2 tablespoons butter-4 tablespoons grana padano cheese-salt-pepper. METHOD-First, prepare about 1 litre of vegetable stock and set aside.Then clean the asparagus, scraping off the hardest part of the stalks with a sharp knife, until the stalks are not too tough. Weigh them.Separate the asparagus tips from the stalks with a clean cut.Now tie the asparagus stalks with kitchen twine, immerse them in a large pot of cold water and place the asparagus tips in a basket, steamer, colander or whatever you have on hand to place over the pot with the asparagus stalks, to steam them. Place the saucepan on the hob or whatever you have available to place on top of the asparagus tips, cover with a lid and cook for 10 - 15 minutes. After 5 minutes, check the tips. If they are soft under the prongs of a fork, set them aside and cool. The stems can probably be cooked within 15 minutes. Finally, untie the stalks and allow them to cool down. With the tip of a fork, you can work out which side is softer and which is harder, the harder side being the side you scraped off previously. Slice a little more than half of the stalks:therefore blend the rest of the stalks, which corresponds to the less tender part, with the help of a minipimer, add 2-3 tablespoons of water and continue to blend until you obtain a smooth cream.At this point, you have obtained: the blended cream, the asparagus tips and the asparagus pieces.i.e. asparagus in different consistencies to give the asparagus risotto an intense and decisive flavour, First of all, heat the vegetable stock on a low heat, then place the saucepan with the asparagus cream on a very low heat.Blend the onion and place it in a frying pan with the oil and 1 tablespoon of butter.Let it brown. When the onion starts to brown add the rice:Toast the rice for about 1 minute over a high flame, stirring continuously.Add the white wine and let it evaporate over a high flame, stirring constantly, Only when the wine has completely evaporated, add the cream of asparagus to the rice:Finally stir, bring to the boil, lower the heat and proceed to cook your asparagus risotto over a low flame.From time to time, add 1 -/2 ladlefuls of broth to prevent the risotto from drying out. Make sure you don't add too much stock all at once! after about 8 minutes, add the asparagus bits: at the end, turn and continue cooking on a low heat, adding hot stock as necessary.Important: only the risotto is ready, so the rice is cooked al dente and has reached the right creaminess, not too liquid, not too dry, add the asparagus tips: turn well and let it cook for a few seconds. then turn off the heat and add the grana cheese, stir the risotto well with the heat off, add the butter, stir and correct the salt.Finally finish with a pinch of pepper.


Torta Pasqualina # ingredienti e dosi :( Genova ):1 Kg. Of white flour - 4 tablespoons oil - salt, and water as needed- >> FOR the STUFFING : 1 kg  of herbs (or 10 artichoke hearts) -1/2 onion, chopped - 60 gr of butter - 500 gr of prescinseua (replaceable with cottage cheese added of a dash of milk) -6 eggs -1 glass of milk -100 gr of grated parmesan -salt, pepper and marjoram.METHOD >>Mix the flour with the oil, salt and enough water to make a paste of right consistency. Knead very well and divide into 10 pellets (once if there were up to 33), cover with a damp towel and let them dry over a stand for fifteen minutes. Meanwhile boil the herbs (or artichokes) and season with the fried onions and oil. Whisk the ricotta with the milk and add a pinch of salt.Pull 10 thin layers with pasta and roll out the first on a greased and floured cake tin. Brush them with a little oil and cut with a knife the paste cord growing from the pan. Roll out the other five layers, always brushing with oil, then make a layer with vegetables and one with cheese.Prepare on the cheese 6 dimples and place in each a bit of butter, breaking inside an egg, season with a pinch of salt, pepper and marjoram and Parmesan.Cover with the remaining layers brushing with oil. Prick with a fork the last sheet, grease it well and cut the cord of pasta that grows from the pan.Bake in oven at moderate heat (it would be better the bread oven) for about 60 minutes.Pasqualina cake has to take on a blond color. It can serve, according to taste, warm or cold.Trick: If you want you can use, with good results, even the puff pastry, but do not tell it all around!


Parrozzo  cake#  ingredients and doses _ 6 eggs -200 gr of semolina (not to be confused with semolina) -200 gr of sweet almonds with peel -Half a vial of flavouring or essence and bitter almonds) -200 gr of sugar -The grated peel of an organic lemon (or an untreated organic orange) -The juice of half an orange -Tbsp of amaretto di Saronno liqueur -200 gr of sugar -For the icing: 250/300 gr of couverture chocolate -If using couverture chocolate (no butter or oil, (Or dark block chocolate) 20 gr of butter,(or a tablespoon of sunflower oil). METHOD-Separate the yolks from the whites, beat the whites until stiff in a bowl with an electric mixer and set aside. In another bowl, beat the yolks with the sugar for about 5/10 minutes until the mixture is light, fluffy and frothy, then add the semolina, finely chopped almonds, grated organic orange or lemon peel (untreated), liqueur and the juice of half an orange, then add first 2/3 tablespoons of whipped egg whites to soften the mixture, mixing with a wooden spoon, then the rest of the whipped egg whites gently from the bottom upwards so as not to disassemble the mixture and mix well. Preheat the oven, grease a dome-shaped mould (typical zuccotto mould) with a little flour, pour the mixture into it, set the oven temperature for the first 10 minutes at 180 degrees, then lower it to 160 degrees and bake the parrozzo for a further 40/45 minutes, always do the toothpick test, which must be dry. >>> Prepare the topping icing: In a small pan placed in a bain-marie, melt the dark (topping) chocolate, if you can't find it, melt regular dark chocolate in a 250/300 gr block with a tablespoon of sunflower oil or 20 g of butter, spread the icing by pouring it directly without touching the Parrozzo, let it solidify well and decorate with redcurrant sprigs. You can also make small Parrozzini with this dose you can make about 20/22 pieces, larger ones about 12/14 pieces moulds for single-portion zuccotti cooking 160/170 degrees for about 25/30 minutes, you can also use white chocolate for the icing (I tried to replace the semolina with maize flour, or flour, the result is very good the same


Cannelloni alla trevisana # Ingredients and doses : Ingredients for 2 people : 250 gr taleggio cheese - 100 gr speck - 20 gr chopped walnuts > For the pasta : 1 egg and 1 yolk for the pasta - 60 gr 00 flour - 30 gr. 0 flour - 30 gr durum wheat semolina - fine salt - For the béchamel : 35 gr. flour 00 - 35 gr butter - 400 gr milk - salt - pepper - nutmeg to taste For the radicchio: 350 gr late radicchio from Treviso - 1 shallot - ¾ cup white wine - salt - pepper - e.v.o. oil - a pinch of sugar
To finish: grated parmesan cheese - butter . METHOD->For the dough: sift the flours and make a well. Shell the eggs in the centre and add a pinch of salt. Mix initially with a fork and then knead until the dough is smooth and elastic. Cover with cling film and leave to rest for at least half a day in the refrigerator before rolling it out.Roll out the dough into sheets, cut them into squares of about 11 cm per side and place them on a tray, dusted with semolina and flour.Bring plenty of salted water to the boil and cook the pasta in it. Drain and cool immediately in cold salted water. Drain and dry on clean cloths.>For the béchamel sauce: make a roux with the butter and sifted flour. Toast it well, then pour in the milk. Stir well and cook until the sauce thickens. Adjust the salt and pepper and season with grated nutmeg. Add the walnuts, chopped with a knife.>For the radicchio: very gently brown the chopped shallot with a little olive oil. Add the radicchio, previously cleaned and cut into fillets. Deglaze with the white wine, allow it to evaporate and cook, adjusting the salt and adding a pinch of sugar. Stir in the radicchio and diced taleggio cheese and mix well. Add one or two tablespoons of béchamel sauce and mix. Stuff the pasta squares with some of the radicchio mixture and the chopped speck. Wrap in a cannoli shape and place in a buttered baking dish sprinkled with one or two tablespoons of béchamel sauce. Cover the cannelloni with the remaining béchamel sauce. Finish with plenty of grated Parmesan cheese and a few knobs of butter and bake in a hot oven at 190°C for 30 minutes, until golden brown (the last 5/10 minutes ventilated with a grill to brown well). Allow to rest 5 minutes before serving.



   Cassuola alla Milanese # ingredients for 5/6 people: 1.5 kg of cabbage - 800 gr of pork ribs - 250 gr of cleaned, scraped and washed pork rinds - 2 verzini per person (or cabbage salami in the absence of which is even better in addition 350 g of lugànega or sausage) - 2 cleaned, scraped and washed pig's feet - 1 cleaned, scraped and washed pig's ear - 200 gr of carrots 200 gr of celery -100 gr of onion -50 gr of butter -1 glass of dry white wine - meat broth - salt and pepper - Method - Boil for about an hour, in a saucepan with boiling water, the pig's feet cut in half, the rinds and the ears. In a large saucepan, slow fire, put the butter and fry the sliced onion then add the pork ribs, the ear and the rind cut into strips. Cook by browning the meat well over high heat. Add celery and chopped carrots, pour the glass of white wine and let it evaporate. Add one or two ladles of broth, add salt and pepper, mix everything. Put the lid on and leave on a very low heat for at least an hour and a half, making sure it doesn't stick to the bottom (add more broth if necessary). Meanwhile, clean the cabbage, roughly cut it into pieces and cook it over low heat in a covered saucepan with very little water until it wilts (5/10 minutes). Then put it in the meat casserole together with the lugànega cut into pieces and the whole verzini. Put the lid on and cook over a moderate heat for another 45 minutes, checking that it doesn't stick to the bottom. Every so often, remove the fat from the surface. Serve piping hot, if you like, also with the polenta.

::: consil du chef Adrianomennillo _ I used Mantuan sausage and wodka, see the steps from my photos.


Veal soup with tamarind # 400 gr veal pulp preferred beef ,( look photo )-ingredients for 2/3 persons -4 spring onions -1 leek -2 shallots -1 clove of garlic -1 onion -1 teaspoon raw cane sugar -1 teaspoon tamarind paste -4 cooked, cleaned prawns -1 teaspoon galangal powder (can be replaced by 1/2 teaspoon ginger) - vegetable bouillon -1 tablespoon soy sauce -100 g vegetable giardiniera -1 teaspoon chilli powder -extra-virgin olive oil -qb salt and pepper -Method Clean the vegetables and roughly chop them up (keep half a shallot aside). Pour them into a blender together with the prawns, sugar, two tablespoons of vegetable stock, and blend well until smooth. In a non-stick pan, sauté 1/2 of a finely chopped shallot in two tablespoons of evo oil, salt, galanga, chilli, and stir-fry for one minute. Add the veal bites and brown the meat for a few minutes. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a wok and stir-fry the vegetable mixture for a few minutes. Add the veal chunks with the shallots, soy sauce, tamarind, and cover with the vegetable stock. Cover with a lid and cook over a low flame for 30 minutes. Serve the Indonesian soup with the vegetable giardiniera, and garnish with strips of the green leek top.

******++consil du chefAdrianoMennillo - this soup has a sweet and sour flavour. these ingredients for 4/6 people; beef: 1/2 litre water-1 kg beef-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil-5 shallots -2 garlic cloves-1 tablespoon dried shrimp paste -2 tablespoons flaked palm sugar-1 tablespoon sweet soy sauce-2/3 tablespoons tamarind juice-1 tablespoon salt -2/3 chopped red chillies-2 small white onions cut into filangèe.


Basil sauce (pesto) # ingredients and doses :Fresh basil 100/150 gr cold water 280 gr .METHOD-Mix water and basil, pass through a sieve and squeeze as much as possible. We take the liquid obtained and put it in a saucepan at 55/60°, lower the heat to a minimum and we will notice that the chlorophyll will begin to rise to the surface, coagulating. As this happens, we remove it with a spoon and place it on an extra-fine linen cloth (the kind used to filter fish broths) with ice underneath. At the end we will have a sort of fairly compact basil paste. At this point we can decide to use it in various ways, the first is to emulsify it with an immersion blender together with some oil, until the desired consistency is reached, in this way we will obtain a very fragrant sauce with a concentrated flavour... we can use it on fish, pasta, rice, etc. Another way to use it is by putting enough of it in the pasta dough, we will have a final product naturally coloured with green and basil aroma. Yet another way is to use it without manipulating it further, leaving it in the paste and using it as a seasoning for salads, canapés, fish broths... etc. etc. In short, you can make great use of it for many different things .


Cacio e pepe # Ingredients and servings for 3/4 persons:400 gr spaghetti-200 gr grated pecorino romano-10 gr ground black pepper-Salt .METHOD-Cook the spaghetti in salted water and in the meantime pour the pecorino romano and black pepper into a small glass or aluminum bowl.Raise the pasta al dente (do not drain it otherwise it loses all the cooking water! ) calculating at least 2 minutes before the end of the cooking time, pour it into the bowl with the pecorino mixture and season well, adding two ladles of cooking water to make sure that everything mixes well.It is also possible to mix pecorino and black pepper in a large pan where the spaghetti will then be drained, remembering, however, that they should NOT be cooked or put on the stove but should be mixed "cold".Stir and serve immediately to prevent the pasta from cooling.

 ******** CONSIL du CHEFADRIANOMENNILLO., the melted cheese tends to form lumps and therefore, the moment it comes in contact with the hot pasta, it fails to amalgamate. You will get an untied and lumpy paste, far from a true cacio e pepe;The more the pecorino is seasoned, the higher the temperature of the water must be in order for it to melt so when you go to pour the mix into the paste, adjust yourself well regarding the amount of hot water to be used otherwise the pecorino will not melt or, if not very seasoned, will become too liquid; Never put the pasta back on the stove after adding the cacio e pepe otherwise the end result will be a mix between a blanched pasta and shapeless cheese;Do not follow the cooking directions on the package: pasta used for cacio e pepe should be drained before it is optimally cooked because it will then be stirred back into the bowl along with the cacio and pepper. If cooked exactly for the time stated on the package, it will become uncooked and decidedly unappetizing;You can opt to cook the pasta in less water than normal: in this way the water you will use to mix the cacio and pepper will be very rich in starch and the cream will form more quickly and easily;It is completely incorrect, both out of respect for tradition and because of chemistry issues between the ingredients, to use oil, cream or any other fatty element to prepare the cream cheese. All you need is water and cheese, just as it used to be made, and patience;As a general rule, short pasta should always be avoided, at least if you decide to follow the Roman tradition. Nothing prohibits you, however, from preparing cacio e pepe pasta using rigatoni or mezze maniche rigate always as long as they are rough pastas that can absorb the sauce well.


Gaifan ( Cina )#  ingredienti e dosi > 1 1/2 cups uncooked rice , small knob fresh ginger root ,2 chicken thighs with skin,2 Tablespoons light soy sauce,3 Tablespoons Chinese cooking wine or dry sherry.1/2 teaspoon sesame seed oil,1 teaspoon vegetable or peanut cooking oil,pinch finely ground white pepper ,2 teaspoons cornstarch ,sliced green onions for garnish.FATE  COSI >Preparare  chicken and marinade: slice 2-3 ginger coins about 1/4″ thick. Stack the coins and smash with the side of a chef’s knife or cleaver. Put into a bowl large enough to hold chicken. Cut chicken meat off bones and remove half of the skin and excess fat if necessary.  Cut chicken meat into bite-size pieces, smaller than your thumb.  Combine the chicken and the ginger in the same bowl and add remaining ingredients except for the green onions. Mix well.Cook rice per package instructions kin an automatic rice cooker/steamer. When half of the rice’s cooking liquid has evaporated, evenly spread the chicken mixture evenly over the top of the rice. With chopsticks or the end of a wooden spoon, poke holes through the rice to the pot’s bottom to allow sauce to penetrate.  Let cook for 20-25 minutes – don’t peek!After cooking time has lapsed, gently mix cooked chicken in with rice. Not all of the rice will be sauced. Taste and if rice is not cooked all of the way (still crunchy), let cook longer (press down button on rice cooker). When plating, add more soy sauce if desired. Garnish with optional sliced green onions



Oysters Rokefeller _ingredients and servings for 6/8 persons -24 oysters -Spinach: 300 gr - Grana cheese: 100 gr - Butter: 100 gr - Breadcrumbs: 100 gr 2 leeks -2 stalks of celery -1 clove of garlic -1 tuft of parsley -Anchovy paste: to taste -Aniseed liquor: to taste -Worchestershire sauce: to taste Salt: Pepper: METHOD-Start preparing the oysters Rockefeller style by carefully cleaning and washing the spinach, then plunge it into a pot of salted water for a few minutes. After this time, drain and set aside. Now take a frying pan and melt some butter, then slice the leeks and celery and cook over a low heat, chop the garlic and parsley and add them to the celery, then add the spinach and cook, stirring well. Simmer for about 10 minutes, then add the aniseed liqueur, breadcrumbs, anchovy paste, Worcestershire sauce, Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper and continue cooking until all the ingredients are completely dry. Now you have to open the oysters, using a suitable instrument. Once this is done, sprinkle each oyster with a little of the mixture obtained earlier. All that remains is to arrange the oysters Rockefeller style on a baking tray and bake them for 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 200°C, after which they are ready.


Paella mixte à la mode AdrianoMennillo # Ingredients and servings for 4 people: 500 gr mussels-300 gr bomba rice. Alternatively, you can use a rice that holds its heat well, such as Carnaroli or Arborio rice - 300 g prawns-200 gr langoustines-200 g cuttlefish-200 gr chicken breast-150 gr tomatoes-100 gr green beans-60 gr peas (to taste)-2 peppers-1 onion-2 packets of saffron-1 tablespoon of paprika-1 litre of fish stock - extra-virgin olive oil - salt: DO THIS _To cook the paella, we start with the fish. Starting with the mussels: after cleaning them well, we put them in a pan with a glass of water. Now we clean the langoustines and remove the shells from the shrimps, using the scraps to make fish broth to be added later.After cutting the cuttlefish into strips and blanching them in a pan with a little oil, we clean and chop the green beans and tomatoes. After having cut the chicken breast into pieces, we can put the paella on the cooker to heat the oil. On a low heat, we let the chicken cook with a little salt. We add the onion, waiting for it to take on a golden colour, and then also the peppers, peas, tomatoes and green beans. We allow the vegetables to take on flavour by letting them cook for a few minutes. We add a little of the fish stock, then the paprika and saffron. After a few minutes we pour the shrimps, cuttlefish, prawns, langoustines, mussels and what remains of the fish stock into the paella pan and leave it to cook for about 16 to 18 minutes, stirring gently until the stock has almost completely dried up, but not completely. At that point, the mixed meat and fish paella will be ready to serve.

****** CONSIL du CHEFADRIANOMENNILLO.In this photo and recipe, I used beef instead of chicken.




Spaghetti alla Nerano_Ingredients and Servings:400 g Spaghetti-4 Courgettes-Extra virgin olive oil-150 g Provolone cheese -2 cloves Garlic-Salt and Pepper-Fresh basil.METHOD.,Start with the courgettes, wash and trim them, then with the help of a mandoline cut them into thin rounds. Heat the extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan and plunge the courgettes in a few at a time.Cook the courgettes until golden brown, then with a slotted spoon drain them and place them in a bowl without paper towels, the oil will be used to flavour them. Gradually season the cooked courgettes with a pinch of salt and coarsely chopped basil leaves.Keep the courgettes to one side, and proceed with cooking the pasta by bringing a pot of water to the boil. In the meantime, grate the Provolone del Monaco cheese with a large-hole grater.I recommend a very mature Provolone, otherwise during cooking the cream will not form but you will get a stringy paste. When the water is ready, drop in the pasta, add salt to taste and cook until al dente.In the meantime, in a large non-stick frying pan, add the two cloves of garlic, peeled and lightly crushed, and a splash of oil.Pour in the courgettes set aside (leaving a few for decoration) and pour over them a ladleful of the pasta cooking liquid. Stir-fry the courgettes to soften them, then add a second ladle of liquid.Drain the pasta, keeping a little of the cooking liquid to one side in case you need it, pour the spaghetti into the pan and toss everything, remove from the heat, add the provolone, a little pepper and a few basil leaves and continue tossing so that the provolone melts and the dish is well amalgamated.Spaghetti is ready, serve and garnish with a few courgettes kept to one side and a tuft of basil, a sprinkling of Provolone del Monaco and bring to the table. 

2018, cucina di Zividi 1515



Drowned artichokes # Ingredients and doses :3/4 artichokes -extra virgin olive oil -black olives -½ lemon -capers -parsley . METHOD - Remove the outer leaves from the artichokes, cut them into 4 or more pieces, remove the 'beard' from the artichokes, and place the slices in a container full of water with half a lemon for half an hour to prevent the artichokes from turning dark,A little oil in a high-sided pan (but a wok-type pan is also fine if the artichokes are few; Add two cloves of garlic, immediately add the artichokes drained from the water and lemon, salt lightly and cover the artichokes almost completely with water, put the lid on but not completely closed so that the water can evaporate; leave to cook for 20 minutes, remove the lid and allow the water to reduce, finally add the black olives and capers previously washed, add a sprig of parsley. Plate and serve.

********** Artichoke properties: Artichokes are rich in potassium and iron salts, while they are low in vitamins. It also contains some sugars permitted for diabetics, such as mannite and inulin, and other minerals such as copper, zinc, sodium, phosphorus and manganese.The organ that benefits most from artichoke's properties is the liver; cynarin, whose benefits are deactivated by cooking (which is why it is best to eat artichoke raw), promotes diuresis and biliary secretion. According to recent scientific research, it has been proven that eating artichokes contributes to the well-being of our organism and especially to preventing various diseases. The artichoke has digestive and diuretic properties and, thanks to the presence of inulin, helps to lower cholesterol levels; in addition, the heart of the artichoke contains chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant, which is able to prevent arteriosclerotic and cardiovascular diseases.


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