e già ...

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lo Strutto , oggi quasi non si usa , ma è ottimo per friggere , con l'unica eccezione delle fritture di pesce .

domenica 17 settembre 2023

# Gnocchi alla Sorrentina # 박제 고추 나폴리 스타일 # Sopa de y alcachofas (Ghiotta ) # Torta Pasqualina # Cappellacci with ricotta and spinach # Faraona cinese al mandarino # Riso alla cantonese # Minestra marinata # Fischerman's Rice # Stufato di manzo con patate # Cavolfiore in pastella # Escarole pizza # Paccheri alla Luciana # Borcht my way # Shepherds pie # Very parmigiana # Paella de mariscos # Corquette quiche # Quiche lorraine # Mulligatawny soup # Paccheri with aubergines and tuna # Bourguignon beef # Oysters in Blody Mary & raifort sauce # Rice my way # Spaghetti risottati with fish # Genovese sauce from Napoli # Savory pie zucchini # Spaghetti with scrimps & pistacchio #

Gnocchi alla Sorrentina ( Sorrento-Naples ) # ingredients and doses -Ingredients for 4 people:900 gr potatoes -300 gr durum wheat flour -salt as needed .METHOD-Wash the potatoes, boil them in boiling water and peel them . Place them in a wooden pastry board and mash them with a fork (or potato masher) and let them cool 5/6 minutes. Place some flour on the work surface. Knead the potato mixture and put a little salt and nutmeg in the center. Gradually add the flour and knead until the mixture is not too soft. Create several strands and cut them out to make gnocchi.
Use the tines of a fork to give the classic ridged shape.Pour the gnocchi into boiling water, salt them and drain when they rise to the surface .>To COVER ::Ingredients:>400 gr tomato puree-1 clove of garlic -Oil, salt, sugar, oregano -Milk-3 mozzarellas .The sauce is prepared: in a pan I put a drizzle of oil with a clove of garlic, pour in the tomato puree, season with a pinch of salt, sugar and a sprinkling of oregano.I added a drop of milk and the cubes of one and a half mozzarellas, stirring until the mozzarella completely dissolved, in all the original recipes they say "the sauce should taste like mozzarella.", pour the sauce into a baking dish adding a few basil leaves. I cooked the gnocchi in cold water, salted them and once cooked and added them to the baking dish, stirring a little. I distributed the cubes of the mozzarella and half remaining .I did this because my boyfriend does not eat cheese, but at this point it would have needed a nice sprinkling of grana or parmesan .I put in the oven to gratin for 20 minutes oven or grill function .



Peperoni imbottiti  alla napoletana # Lingua  Coreana  #   박제 고추 나폴리 스타일 # 재료 및 복용량-고추 4/6 개-낡은 빵 4/6 조각-기름에 멸치 30 gr-모짜렐라 300 gr-그린 및 블랙 올리브 100 gr-파마산 치즈 강판 -2 큰술-소금-엑스트라 버진 올리브 오일. 고추를 씻고 윗부분을 잘라냅니다. 씨앗과 필라멘트를 제거합니다. 오래된 빵을 물에 담근 다음 짜서 여분의 액체를 제거합니다. 불린 빵에 잘게 썬 모차렐라 치즈, 올리브, 칼로 다진 멸치, 파마산 치즈를 넣고 섞어줍니다. 오일과 소금을 약간 뿌려 간을 맞춥니다. 이 혼합물로 고추를 채우고 180°C에서 1시간 동안 굽습니다.

******이 레시피는 내 조카 마테오 메 닐로 (출생 이후 인터리스타)에게 바칩니다.

Peperoni imbottiti alla napoletana # ingredienti e dosi - 4/6  peperoni - 4/6 fette di pane raffermo - 30 gr di acciughe sott'olio -300 gr di mozzarella -100 gr di olive verdi e nere - -2 cucchiai di parmigiano grattugiato -sale -olio extra vergine d'oliva .FATE COSI -(Method) . Lavare i peperoni e tagliarne la calotta. Privarli dei semi e dei filamenti. Mettere il pane raffermo a bagnare nell'acqua e poi strizzarlo per eliminare l'eccesso di liquido. Mischiare il pane bagnato con la mozzarella tagliata in piccoli pezzi, le olive, le acciughe triturate al coltello e il parmigiano. Condire il tutto con un filo d'olio e del sale. Farcire i peperoni con questo composto e infornare a 180° C durante un'oretta.

******questa ricetta la dedico a mio nipote Matteo Mennillo ( Interista dalla nascita ) e già .


Soup ( Ghiotta ) di e carciofi # ingredienti e dosi - Aglio 2 spicchi - Brodo vegetale 1,5 lt  - Carciofi 4  - Cipolle or  cipollotti freschi 4  - Fave fresche e sgranate 200 gr  - - Limoni il succo di 1  -  - Olio extravergine di oliva 4 cucchiai  - Pane casereccio (tipo pugliese) 4 fette  - Piselli freschi sgranati 250 gr  -  Prezzemolo tritato 2 cucchiai -Scarola (indivia) 2 ( or verdura a piacere ) - Uova 4 .METHOD- Per preparare la zuppa di fave, piselli e carciofi iniziate con la pulizia dei carciofi (clicca qui per vedere come fare) utilizzate solo i cuori, più teneri e immergeteli in acqua acidulata. Scottate le fave nel brodo bollente, scolatele con una schiumarola e privatele della membrana esterna; scottate poi nello stesso brodo e allo stesso modo anche i piselli e poi sgocciolateli (evitate questa operazione se utilizzate piselli surgelati).  Mondate e tritate i cipollotti, poi soffriggeteli con l’olio, e uno spicchio di aglio schiacciato, ed unitevi la scarola, precedentemente mondata e tagliata a pezzetti, ed i carciofi. Fate rosolare per 5 minuti e poi unitevi anche le fave e i piselli, dopodiché coprite le verdure con il brodo, salate, pepate e fate cuocere per circa 10 minuti in pentola a pressione, oppure 15/20 minuti se utilizzate una pentola normale (aggiungendo del brodo se occorre).  Nel frattempo tostate le 4 fette di pane, strofinatele con lo spicchio di aglio rimasto, e poi formate dei crostini tagliandole a triangolini. Disponete i crostini dividendoli, in quattro piatti fondi, cospargeteli con del pepe macinato e irrorateli con dell’olio e in ogni piatto, sui crostini, adagiate un uovo crudo sgusciato, facendo attenzione a non rompere il tuorlo. Versate in ogni piatto la zuppa di fave, piselli e carciofi bollente cosparsa di prezzemolo tritato e servite immediatamente.

Sopa ( Ghiotta ) de y alcachofas # ingredientes y raciones - Ajo 2 dientes - Caldo de verduras 1, 5 litros - Alcachofas 4 - Cebollas frescas o cebolletas 4 - Habas frescas desgranadas 200 g - - Limones, el zumo de 1 - - Aceite de oliva virgen extra 4 cucharadas soperas - Pan casero (tipo Apulia) 4 rebanadas - Guisantes frescos desgranados 250 gr - Perejil picado 2 cucharadas soperas - Endibias 2 (o verduras al gusto) - Huevos 4 . MÉTODO- Para preparar la sopa de habas, guisantes y alcachofas, empieza por limpiar las alcachofas (pincha aquí para ver cómo), utiliza sólo los corazones, que son más tiernos, y ponlos en remojo en agua acidulada. Escaldar las habas en caldo hirviendo, escurrirlas con una espumadera y retirar la membrana exterior; a continuación, escaldar los guisantes en el mismo caldo y de la misma manera y escurrirlos (evitar esta operación si se utilizan guisantes congelados).  Pelar y picar las cebolletas, rehogarlas en aceite con un diente de ajo machacado y añadir la escarola, previamente limpia y picada, y las alcachofas. Rehogar durante 5 minutos, añadir las habas y los guisantes, cubrir las verduras con el caldo, salpimentar y cocer durante unos 10 minutos en olla a presión, o de 15 a 20 minutos en olla normal (añadiendo caldo si es necesario).  Mientras tanto, tueste las 4 rebanadas de pan, frótelas con el diente de ajo restante y, a continuación, forme picatostes cortándolos en triángulos. Repartir los picatostes en cuatro platos soperos, espolvorear con pimienta molida y rociar con aceite, y colocar un huevo crudo sin cáscara sobre los picatostes de cada plato, con cuidado de no romper la yema. Verter la sopa caliente de habas, guisantes y alcachofas en cada plato, espolvorear con perejil picado y servir inmediatamente.


1) Torta Pasqualina # ingredients and amounts for brise pastry -400 gr flour 00 - 150 gr water - 150 gr sunflower oil -10 gr salt - 8 gr non-vanilla baking or cake yeast. # ingredients for the filling : 350 gr fresh ricotta cheese - 550 gr herbs - 1/2 clove garlic -1 egg -2 tablespoons grated grana cheese -1 pinch salt - nutmeg -5 eggs for above even 6/7 .METHOD (Do it this way ) .First prepare the briseè dough by putting all the ingredients for the base in the planetary mixer and knead for about 1 minute. Scoop out the dough, form into a ball and let it rest for at least 30 minutes on a work surface covering it with a hut.Wash the beets separate the stems from the leaves and cut the stems into chunks and the leaves about 2/3 cm wide. In a large skillet put a few tablespoons of extra virgin oil and add the peeled and chopped garlic very small and also add the previously chopped chard stems.Wet with 1 cup of water and let it evaporate.Also add the leaves, another cup of water, salt and cook with the lid on for about 5 minutes. Uncover and allow all the water to evaporate, seasoning with a pinch of pepper and nutmeg.Allow to cool, add the ricotta, egg, and grated grana cheese, seasoning with more salt if necessary. Take two-thirds from the dough prepared earlier and roll it out on a lightly floured surface.Line a 24-cm-diameter cake pan with baking paper and arrange the pastry on top.Prick the bottom with a fork and pour in the ricotta and herb mixture. Poke holes here and there in the filling toward the edge and break the eggs in, I only put 5 but they will fit even more.Salt, I used red clay salt from Hawaii, also roll out the remaining piece of the puff pastry, prick it with a fork and arrange it on top. Seal the edge tightly all around and bake in the preheated oven at 200° and bake for about 30 minutes, raise the temperature to 250° and bake for another 15 minutes or until golden brown.Turn off, leave another 5 minutes in the oven, take out of the oven, unmold, let cool or just cool on a wire rack and serve.

1)Torta Pasqualina # ingredienti e dosi per la pasta briseè -400 gr farina 00 - 150 gr acqua  - 150 gr olio di semi di girasole -10 gr sale  - 8 gr lievito per torte salate o per dolci non vanigliato.# ingredienti per il ripieno : 350 gr ricotta fresca - 550 gr erbette - 1/2 spicchi d'aglio -1 uovo -2 cucchiai grana grattugiato -1 pizzico sale -noce moscata -5 uova per sopra anche 6/7 .METHOD (Fate cosi ) .Per prima preparare la pasta briseè mettendo tutti gli ingredienti per la base nella planetaria e lavorare per circa 1 minuto.Ricavare l'impasto, formare una palla e lasciarla riposare per almeno 30 minuti su un piano di lavoro coprendolo con una capanna.Lavare le bietole separare i gambi dalle foglie e tagliare i gambi a tocchetti e le foglie di circa 2-3 cm di larghezza.In una padella capiente mettere qualche cucchiaio di olio extravergine e unire l'aglio sbucciato e tagliato molto piccolo e unire anche i gambi delle erbette tagliati in precedenza.Bagnare con 1 bicchiere d'acqua e lasciare evaporare.Aggiungere anche le foglie, un altro bicchiere di acqua, salare e cuocere con il coperchio per circa 5 minuti.Scoperchiare e lasciare evaporare tutta l'acqua, insaporendo con un pizzico di pepe e di noce moscata.Lasciare intiepidire, aggiungere la ricotta, l'uovo, la grana grattugiata, insaporendo di altro sale se necessario.Prendere due terzi dal impasto preparato prima e stenderlo su un piano leggermente infarinato.Foderare con carta da forno una tortiera con diametro 24 cm e sistemare la sfoglia sopra.Bucherellare il fondo con una forchetta e rovesciare dentro il composto di ricotta ed erbette.Fare qua e là dei buchi nel ripieno verso il bordo e rompette dentro le uova,  ho messo solo 5 però ci stanno anche di più.Salare, io ho usato sale all'argilla rossa di Hawaii, stendere anche il pezzo rimasto della pasta brisè, bucherellarlo con la forchetta e sistemarlo sopra.Sigillare bene il bordo tutto attorno ed infornare nel forno preriscaldato a 200° e cuocere per circa 30 minuti, alzare la temperatura  a 250° e cuocere per altri 15 minuti o fino alla doratura.Spegnere, lasciare ancora 5 minuti nel forno, sfornare, sformare, lasciare raffreddare o solo intiepidire su una gratella e servire..

2) Torta Pasqualina # ingredienti e dosi - Per la sfoglia: 800 gr di farina (50% di '00' e 50% di una farina forte), 2 cucchiai d’olio extravergine ligure, acqua, sale q.b.>> Per la farcia: 1,5 kg di biete (ancor meglio ove unite ad altre erbette), ¾ di una ricotta (o prescinseua), 8 uova, 1 bicchiere d’olio extravergine ligure, 60 gr di burro, 100 gr di parmigiano grattugiato, persa (maggiorana) tritata, sale -FATE  COSI (Method) -Lavorare la farina con acqua, olio e sale, ottenendo un amalgama soffice e liscio. Dividerlo in una dozzina di parti, da conservare coperte al fresco, un’oretta. Le bietole, pulite da ogni “scarto”, tagliate molto fini vanno in casseruola con un minimo d’olio e sale, senza cuocerle troppo perché poi ripasseranno in forno. Tolta l’acqua, condirle con parmigiano, sale e persa (non eccedere), dopo di che "sciogliere" e lisciare la ricotta o la prescinseua con una frusta onde non presenti grumi. Con il matterello, dalle parti di impasto ricavare dei “veli” di sfoglia sottilissimi e adagiarne uno sul fondo unto di un tegame tondo da torte (diametro 30 cm), ungerlo e via via, procedendo così, porre sopra altre cinque sfoglie. La sfoglia si allunga con le mani ed è normale che l’eccesso fuoriesca dal tegame. Non ungere l’ultima sulla sommità, che ora riceve l’amalgama delle biete. Spruzzare d’olio e riversare sulle biete la crema di ricotta o la prescinseua sciolta. Livellare e ricavare col dorso di un cucchiaio 8 “avvalli” (goghe) in ciascuno dei quali scocciare e tuffare in bellavista – con un fiocchetto di burro – un tuorlo intero, formaggio e sale. Spalmare tutta la superficie con gli albumi. Distendere sulla torta i sei ulteriori veli di sfoglia, sempre unti, soffiando sotto con una cannuccia per ondularli, prima di terminare tagliando (con coltello o forbice) il surplus laterale e sigillando tutta la pasta sui bordi a mo’ di cordoncino. Spruzzare ancora d’olio, sforellare, infornare un’oretta scarsa a forno non aggressivo (170°). La Pasqualina si degusta calda, tiepida o fredda, ma non tagliarla mai da calda. 


Cappellacci with ricotta and spinach # ingredients and doses : 4 eggs - 400 gr flour - 250 gr cow ricotta cheese -- 1 kg spinach -- salt, black pepper and nutmeg -100 gr cooked ham - 200 gr taleggio cheese -nut butter - DO THIS _Mix the eggs with the flour in the kitchenaid and mix the 2 ingredients well, forming a smooth, homogeneous dough. Divide it into 2 parts and roll it out with a rolling pin or pastry machine, not too fine, semi-transparent, the nuts underneath should barely show.Boil the spinach and drain well from the 'excess water, then mix it with the ricotta, salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg,this will be your filling. Place it in a sac a posh or help yourself with a teaspoon and arrange mounds spaced out on the rolled out pastry. Brush the edges with a little water then cover with the other pastry sheet, let the air out and then with a small pastry cup form your cappellacci. Now comes the fun part...Cook the cappellacci in plenty of salted water, meanwhile in a pan melt a knob of butter with the cooked ham cut into strips and the taleggio cheese in pieces. Drain the pasta and toss it in the pan with the rest of the ingredients, adding a dash of cooking water. Saute for a few minutes and serve with a sprinkling of 24-month parmesan cheese.


Faraona cinese al mandarino # ingredienti e dosi - 1 faraona  - - 250 ml di succo di mandarino (circa 8/9 mandarini) - 1 mandarino non trattato - 2 foglie di alloro - sale rosa - - pepe - olio evo -farina .METHOD-Pulite la faraona e tagliatela a pezzetti. Infarinatela e fatela rosolare, per una decina di minuti, in un tegame con un po' di olio evo. Unite metà del succo di mandarino, le foglie di alloro, il mandarino tagliato a pezzetti e fate cuocere con il coperchio a fuoco basso per circa un'ora. Salate e pepate. Durante la cottura aggiungete un po' per volta anche l'altra parte del succo. Servite calda.

     Riso alla cantonese # ingredienti e dosi per 3/4 persone  -Il riso alla cantonese è la ricetta della cucina cinese maggiormente conosciuta e apprezzata qui in Italia dato che si avvicina molto ai gusti di noi occidentali. Si prepara abbastanza facilmente saltando il riso con piselli, prosciutto e uova o aggiungendo a questi altri ingredienti che possono variare secondo i gusti personali ( cipolla, mais, pancetta, peperoni, zucchine, germogli di soia,  ecc) 2 uova sbattute - -200 gr di pisellini -80 gr di pancetta tesa -100 gr di prosciutto cotto a dadini e/o 100 gr di gamberetti sgusciati - 250 gr di riso Basmati or  Arborio -olio di sesamo o di soia o di arachidi ( or a piacere olio extravergine d'oliva) -3/4 cucchiai di salsa di soia -sale  -pepe .METHOD-Lessate il riso al dente e tenetelo da parte. Lessate i pisellini in una casseruola con acqua salata in ebollizione per 4-5 minuti e metteteli da parte. Se usate i gamberetti lessateli per 2 minuti e metteteli da parte. Rosolate la pancetta in un cucchiaio d'olio e toglietela dal fuoco non appena il grasso diventa trasparente (Se volete alleggerire il piatto dal punto di vista dietetico non mettetela).Aggiungete sale e pepe alle due uova sbattute, quindi scaldate un cucchiaio di olio in una padella e una volta caldo buttate le uova, strapazzatele rapidamente con un cucchiaio di legno e quando sono cotte tagliuzzatele finemente., nel  wok mettete 3 cucchiai d'olio e il riso precedentemente lessato quindi aggiungete le uova strapazzate, i pisellini, il prosciutto e/o i gamberetti e fateli saltare per qualche minuto. Condite con la salsa di soia,  regolate di sale  e pepe e mescolate tutti gli ingredienti.


Stufato di manzo con patate # ingredienti e dosi -carne di manzo circa 600/700 gr - 1 cipolla bianca -2 carote -2 bicchieri di vino bianco -brodo vegetale  -farina bianca -spezie a piacere (chiodi di garofano, noce moscata, cannella, pepe nero)-1 kg di patate.METHOD-Tritare la cipolla e farla soffriggere con olio d'oliva in un tegame più profondo dello spessore della carne. Nel frattempo infarinate i pezzi di carne nella farina bianca da entrambi i lati. Quando la cipolla è dorata aggiungere la carne. Far rosolare la carne su entrambi i lati aggiungendo le spezie desiderate. Nel frattempo preparare il brodo vegetale  mezzo litro d'acqua.Aggiungere alla carne il vino bianco e farlo evaporare. Poi continuare la cottura aggiungendo eventualmente il brodo per evitare che la carne si asciughi troppo. Dopo circa 1 ora e mezza di cottura tagliare a dadini le patate e aggiungerle alla carne. Verificare la cottura che sarà ultimata dopo circa 2 ore.


Minestra marinata # ingredienti e dosi -
3 kg circa di verdure a foglia miste secondo le vs. preferenze (scarole o scarulelle, bietoline, borragine, cicoria, verza, etc.) -1 kg di carne mista tra pollo, maiale e manzo : In Campania si usa unire la ‘nnoglia che è una sorta di grossa salsiccia di carne di maiale fatta proprio per essere unita alla minestra di Natale o di Pasqua. Inoltre originariamente si univa al brodo anche del lardo e un osso di prosciutto o qualche cotenna sempre di prosciutto, ma oggi si prepara più leggera.1 cipolla-1 patata-1 carota-Sedano - poco di passata o concentrato di pomodoro-olio evo-pepe-parmigiano o pecorino.METHOD-Cominciare a preparare il brodo di carne mettendo in un grosso tegame la carne a pezzi, la cipolla pulita e tagliata in 4 parti, la patata sbucciata e tagliata a pezzi, il sedano, un po’ di passata o di concentrato di pomodoro. Coprire con acqua fredda e portare a bollore. Far cuocere circa 1 ora da quando comincia a bollire. Eliminare con una schiumarola l’eventuale schiuma che si forma sopra, verso la fine salare il brodo. Mentre cuoce il brodo di carne preparare le verdure. Lavarle bene eliminando tutta la terra e lessarle in acqua bollente salata cuocendole non completamente perché poi cuoceranno anche nel brodo. Intanto una volta cotto il brodo alzare la carne e filtrarlo. Se avete messo carne di pollo con l’osso disossatela.  Aggiungere in un grosso tegame il brodo filtrato, le verdure lessate, la carne, qualche cucchiaio di olio evo, aggiustare di sale se necessario e rimettere sul fuoco per 15/20 minuti per far insaporire. Quindi spegnere, mettere il coperchio e lasciarla riposare per qualche ora per farla insaporire bene. Servire calda spolverando a piacere con pepe e parmigiano o pecorino grattugiato e accompagnando con crostini di pane.


Fisherman's Risotto # ingredients and servings -350 gr rice nano ( or carnaroli )-400 gr of mussels - 300 gr of clams -2 large squids -300 gr of prawns -4 king prawns -8/10 cherry tomatoes- half a glass of white wine -chilli pepper -extra virgin olive oil -garlic -parsley -for the broth -1 celery stick -1 carrot -1 onion -peppercorns. METHOD:Shell the prawns. Put the heads and shells of the prawns with the onion, celery, carrot and peppercorns into a pot with 1 1/2 litres of water and boil for about 30 minutes. Salt (a little because the already salted liquid from the shellfish will also be added to the rice). Strain and keep warm.Wash the prawns. Wash and clean the squid.Thoroughly wash the clams after purging them a few hours in cold salted water, clean the mussels by removing the byssus (the downy stalk) and scraping the shell. In a frying pan, sauté 1 clove of garlic in 2 tablespoons of oil with the chilli pepper (which must be removed as soon as the garlic turns golden). Open the molluscs over high heat, remove about half the shells and filter the cooking liquid which will be used to flavour the rice.In another saucepan fry a clove of garlic, which should be removed as soon as the garlic is golden, and add the cherry tomatoes cut in half. After a few minutes, add the chopped squid. Deglaze with one finger of white wine, let it evaporate and turn off the heat. The calamari should cook for about 3 minutes and not be fully cooked.Separately heat 2 tablespoons of oil, add the rice and toast it for 1'. Deglaze with white wine and add the fish stock a little at a time.When the rice is two thirds cooked, add the liquid from the mussels. When about 5 minutes are left until the rice is cooked, add the prawns, squid and finally the clams and mussels in this sequence. Switch off the flame and let it rest for a couple of minutes. The risotto should be "all'onda" (neither liquid nor thick, soft). Sprinkle with finely chopped fresh parsley.

Escarole pizza #  For the pizza dough:
• 1/4 ounce package yeast
• 1 1/2 cups warm water
• 3 cups flour
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• Coarse salt
For the escarole
• 2-3 head of escarole
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 3 cloves garlic
• 10 black olives, pitted and sliced
• 1 2-ounce can flat anchovies, chopped
• 1/2 cup pine nuts
• 1/2 cup raisins
• 1 tablespoon capers, rinsed and drained
• Freshly ground pepper
FATE COSI > (METHOD)Make the pizza dough. Dissolve the yeast in one cup lukewarm water and let it stand for five minutes, or until it has begun to ferment. If the mixture does not ferment, throw it away and use another package of yeast.If using a food processor, fit the bowl with a steel blade and put in the flour, olive oil, salt, yeast mixture and remaining water into the bowl. Process until the dough forms a ball - about 20 seconds. Place the dough on a smooth surface and knead for a couple of minutes, adding more flour if the dough is too sticky. If using the hand method, combine the flour and salt and place the mixture on a smooth working surface. Make a well in the center and add the yeast mixture, olive oil and remaining water. Gradually work the flour into the liquid, using a wooded spoon. When the dough is too stiff to work with the spoon, knead until it is smooth and shiny, about eight to 10 minutes. Add more flour if the dough gets too sticky.Put the dough in a large floured mixing bowl. Cover with a damp cloth or plastic wrap and let it rise for two hours in a warm place (the back of the stove, for example) until doubled in size.Meanwhile, make the escarole topping. Wash the leaves and simmer them in boiling water for five minutes. Drain, squeeze out the water and chop the leaves coarsely. Set aside.Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and gently saute the garlic, olives, anchovies and pine nuts until the garlic begins to turn golden. Add the escarole and cook uncovered stirring frequently for 10 minutes over moderate heat. Stir in the raisins and capers and season with pepper. Tilt pan to remove excess water. Let it cool.Meanwhile, preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200° C).
Punch down the dough, sprinkle it with flour. Cut off two third of dough and roll out the dough with a rolling pin directly onto the pan to covering bottom and sides . Spread escarole filling over crust in pan and if you want, sprinkle grated cheese and black ground pepper over the top. Roll out remaining dough into a round on a lightly floured board. Transfer to pan, covering filling. Press edges to seal. Bake the pizza for about 25 minutes.


Cavolfiore in pastella # ingredienti e dosi - 300 gr di cimette di cavolfiore sbollentate e al dente- 350 gr farina 00 - 1\2 bustina di lievito "per pizze salate istantaneo"- 150 gr di acqua tiepida o piu'- 1\2 cucchiaino di sale- 1 cucchiaio di olio di oliva .METHOD- in una ciotola mettere la farina, il sale, il lievito e con una frusta mescolare aggiungendo l'acqua tiepida, la dose dell'acqua è indicativa... dipende dalle farine, mescolare bene, sciogliere i grumi, fino a che si ottiene una pastella fluida e omogenea, aggiungere l'olio d'oliva e mescolare bene, intingere le cimette di cavolfiore nella pastella e ricoprirle uniformemente ,friggere in abbondante olio di semi, scolare su carta assorbente ;servire caldi.

Paccheri alla Luciana # ingredienti e dosi -400 gr diCalamarata -500 gr di Calamari-4 cucchiai di Olio evo-1 scatola di Pomodori pelati-1 cucchiaio di Olive nere-1 cucchiaino di Capperi-1 spicchio d’Aglio-½ bicchiere di Vino bianco-Sale q.b.Peperoncino -Prezzemolo -METHOD-Per prima cosa pulite e lavate i calamari e asciugateli. In pentola fate dorare uno spicchio d’aglio e il peperoncino in un filo d’olio. Aggiungete i calamari e fate rosolare finché cambiano di colore. Ora sfumate con il vino bianco e aggiungete le olive nere e i capperi.È arrivato il momento di unire i pomodori pelati. Fate cuocere a fuoco lento per 20 minuti. Passato questo tempo togliete i calamari, metteteli da parte e fate restringere il sughetto.Nel frattempo cuocete la pasta in abbondante acqua salata. Una volta cotta scolatela e aggiungetela al sugo. Servite con i calamari e del prezzemolo.


Borscht my way # ingredients and dosage: 500 gr pork shoulder - 2 onions- 2 carrots - 2 celery stalks - 1 bay leaf - 2/3 red beets - 300 gr tomato puree - 4 potatoes - ¼ cabbage - 2 cloves of garlic - extra virgin olive oil - black pepper - 150 gr sour cream - 2 tablespoons of dill. METHOD In a pan, sauté the chopped celery, carrots and onion in a little oil. We add the diced meat and let it brown well. We add the tomato puree and, after a few moments, cover with the meat stock and leave to cook for a few minutes. Add the chopped red turnip, cover and simmer gently for 80 to 90 minutes, adding stock as needed. Almost at the end of the cooking time, we add chopped garlic, crushed peppercorns, peeled and thinly sliced potatoes and sliced cabbage. We finish cooking. Serve with sour cream and chopped fresh dill on top.


Shepherds Pie # Ingredients and Servings _4 medium-sized potatoes, 50 dl milk, 500 gr fine minced beef, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tins of sweetcorn in 250 gr water, salt and pepper, 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 3 tbsp butter, 200 ml hot milk. METHOD - Boil some water with a little salt to cook the potatoes. Clean the potatoes and cut them into small pieces, then cook them in the boiling water and drain them as soon as they are ready. In the meantime peel and chop the onion and garlic; Put a pan with the oil, garlic and chopped onion on the stove; fry everything on a medium heat, then add the chopped meat; cover the pan and let it cook, turning occasionally, until the meat is cooked and without a trace of blood; Season with salt and pepper and drain off the excess fat. Take a rectangular baking mould that can hold the ingredients in 3 layers and grease it a little; Drain the sweetcorn from the preserving liquid and form a second layer on top of the minced meat, season with salt and pepper; now mash the boiled potatoes together with the hot milk and melted butter, working like a mash; season with salt and pepper and using the spatula spread it over the sweetcorn forming the last layer of pate ;Garnish with small pieces of butter and bake for 30/35 minutes at 180 degrees, until the surface becomes golden.

                                                      ******** by AdrianoMennillo >> La vera parmigiana della mia città Napoli >Wash, dry and peel the aubergines. Cut them lengthwise into slices 2 or 3 mm thick and place them in a bowl, sprinkling layer after layer with a little coarse salt to remove the bitter vegetation water. Cover with a plate and put a weight on it. Leave them like this for at least 30 minutes.Prepare the sauce by putting a little oil and the peeled tomatoes in a saucepan and leave to simmer with the lid closed for about 28/31 minutes.Rinse the aubergines to remove the salt and dry them very well with paper towels. Flour the slices one by one and, in a high-sided frying pan, fry them in plenty of hot peanut oil.Drain the aubergines from the oil and leave them to dry on absorbent paper.Take a baking tray and make a small layer of sauce at the base. Place a layer of fried aubergines on top, then sprinkle again with sauce, grated Parmesan cheese and a little diced mozzarella. Layer another layer of aubergines and cover again with Parmesan cheese, mozzarella and sauce, and so on until all the ingredients are used up. Finish with a layer of sauce and Parmesan cheese. Bake the baking tray at 200 °C for 30 minutes, cooking for the last 5 minutes with the oven in grill mode.


Paella de mariscos #  Ingredients for 4 people # Ingredients for 4 people 400 gr of rice ( nano rice )/ 400 gr of Carnarroli rice ( or nano ) _1,5 l fish stock / 1, 5 l fish _ stock_1 Small cuttlefish / 1 Small cuttlefish_5 Small squid / 5 Small squid _300 gr  prawns / 300 gr shrimps -6 Scampi / 6 Scampi -500 gr mussels / 500 g mussels -500 gr clams / 500 gr clams-1 red pepper / 1 red pepper- 100 gr peas / 100 gr peas -1/2 sachet of saffron / 1 bag of saffron -2 cloves of garlic / 2 cloves of garlic -2 tufts of parsley / 2 tufts of parsley -100 gr of evo oil / 100 gr of extra virgin olive oil -Salt q. b. / Salt to taste -Lemon slices to decorate it / Slices of lemon to decorate it>>>>For the fish stock / For the fish stock 700 gr of heads, bones and low-value fish / 700 gr of heads, bones and low-value fish_1 onion / 1 onion_2 parsley stalks / 2 parsley stalks _1 carrot / 1 carrot_Salt a pinch / salt to taste_3 peppercorns / 3 peppercorns_1 glass of Pinot -METHOD-Slice the onion and carrot. Chop the parsley stalks and boil all the ingredients together with one and a half litres of water for about 30 minutes. Strain and set the resulting broth aside. Procedure for the paella: First clean the fish, cut the squid into rings and the cuttlefish into strips and set aside. Cook the prawns and langoustines in a pan with oil and keep warm. Cook the mussels and clams with garlic, parsley, a little salt and oil until they are all open. Add the cooking juices to the fish stock. Now fry the cuttlefish and squid in 100 ml oil in a large frying pan and add the fish stock. When the stock starts to boil, pour in the rice and mix well for the first five minutes. After this time it is best not to touch the rice any more, but only to toss it, using the handles of the frying pan. This will prevent it from releasing too much starch. Cook on a high flame for the first five minutes, then lower the flame and add the peas, peppers, mussels and clams without their shells, distributing all the ingredients evenly over the surface of the paella; never stir with a spoon. At this point remove it from the heat, cover it with wet and squeezed baking paper or a damp cloth and let it rest for about five minutes. This will allow it to lose a little moisture without drying out too much and to finish cooking any grains of rice that remain a little al dente. If you observe these little rules, your paella will be cooked just right and above all, and this is very important for this dish, each grain will be separated from the other; if a paella is 'empastrat', a Valencian term for sticky rice, the paella has not been cooked properly. Before serving, add the seafood in its shell and complete the decoration with lemon wedges.


Courgette quiche # ingredients and servings - 1 roll of puff pastry -
4 medium-sized courgettes - 2 eggs - 10 tbsp. milk -grated Parmesan cheese to taste METHOD- Rinse and dry the courgettes and cut them into thin slices. Cook the courgettes, lightly salted, in a little olive oil on a medium heat for about 10 minutes, then leave to cool. Line a tart mould with the puff pastry and cut out the excess edges. Prick the bottom with the prongs of a fork and pour in the courgettes. Mix the eggs with milk and salt in a bowl and pour the mixture over the courgettes. Sprinkle with plenty of grated Parmesan cheese. Bake in a hot oven at 180 degrees for about 30/35 minutes.  Allow to rest 10 minutes before serving .

Quiche Lorraine # Ingredients and doses: 1 roll of ready-made brisé pastry - 1 whole egg and 3 yolks - 200 gr bacon - 300 ml cooking cream - 120 gr grated Gruyère cheese (you can also use stringy cheeses such as scamorza and asiago) - 20 gr Parmesan -1 pinch of pepper -1 pinch of salt. Method_Cut the smoked bacon into cubes, blanch it for 10 minutes in boiling water and then drain.Lay the brisé pastry in the baking dish, prick the bottom with a fork, then spread the grated Gruyère and bacon cubes over the quiche base. Then take the eggs and beat them in a bowl with the cream, add the Parmesan cheese, a pinch of pepper and salt, and mix until you have a creamy mixture that completely covers the other ingredients.Finally, bake the Quiche Lorraine at 170° C for about 20/30 minutes until golden brown on the surface.Before serving the Quiche Lorraine let it rest in the baking dish for 10 minutes, so that it will be easier to cut it into slices as it becomes compact.

******* consil du chefAdrianomennillo_ I have often served it as a chef de rang, so as a cook; my ingredients and I respect the old tradition > 400 gr of beef, 300 gr of pork, 400 gr of rabbit, 1/2 glass of white wine, 3 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, spices, salt and pepper, extra-virgin olive oil, 100g of butter + butter to baste the baking tin, 200 gr of Savoy cabbage, 600 gr of puff pastry, 20 cl of whipping cream, 2 eggs + 2 yolks. ( see my photo , chefAdrianoMennillo )


Mulligatawny soup _# ingredients and servings for 4 people - 750 ml chicken broth-125 ml coconut cream or 250 ml milk-2/3 tbsp steamed rice-125 gr chicken steamed or in broth-2/3 lemon wedges for serving-2 tbsp oil-1 tsp grated ginger 3 cloves of garlic-1 onion-2 tablespoons of chickpea flour -1 green apple-little cumin-little coriander ( or parsley ) chopped-little turmeric-2/3 ground carofano cloves-2 medium tomatoes-1 bay leaf and thyme-1 potato (to taste) -coarse ground black pepper and red pepper-little salt. METHOD . Finely chop the garlic and onion, dice the celery, carrot, potato and applesIn a large saucepan melt the butter over a medium heat and add the garlic, onion, celery, carrot and apples. Sauté for 10 minutes, add the curry powder and flour and cook for a further 5 minutes. Add the potato, chicken breast and broth and bring to the boil.Lower the heat and simmer covered for 20 minutes.Remove the chicken and keep it asideAdd the lentils and cook for a further 20 minutes.In the meantime, using a fork, break up the chicken breast and put it back into the soup.Add salt and pepper to taste and serve.
********consil du chefAdrianoMennillo _ made once with my ingredients , written to make it easier to make , cooking time 1 hour. > see my photo , soup Mulligatawny _


Spaghetti alla Nerano ( my way ) # ingredients and servings for 2 people _240 gr spaghetti -3/4 Romanesque zucchini -150 gr provolone del Monaco( or Auricchio) -1 bunch of basil -1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil -1/2 lt peanut oil -salt and pepper -Do THIS (Method) .Slice the zucchini thinly (2 mm thick). Bring the seed oil to temperature, fry the zucchini in it and then remove excess oil with kitchen paper.Season with salt and pepper and keep aside. Heat the extra-virgin oil in a pan with two 2 ladlefuls of the oil from the frying then add plenty of basil chopped by hand.Cook the spaghetti in boiling salted water and drain while still al dente. Sauté the spaghetti in the pan with the basil-scented zucchini; stir in the shredded provolone and a little pasta cooking water. Serve.
********* consil du chefAdrianoMennillo # in this recipe I used Auricchio cheese ... if you find provolone del Monaco is more suitable .


Paccheri with aubergines and tuna # Ingredients for 3/5 people: 400 gr paccheri - 250 gr fresh tuna cut 1/1.5 cm thick - 2/3 medium-sized aubergines -1 clove of garlic - 20 cherry tomatoes - basil - extra-virgin olive oil - 1/2 litre peanut oil-salt -1 fresh chilli pepper - 1/2 litre peanut oil .METHOD- Cut the aubergines into 1 cm cubes, place in a colander and sprinkle with plenty of salt. Place a weight on top and leave for at least 30 minutes.Wash the aubergines under running water, dry them well.Heat the peanut oil in a not too large frying pan and when it is hot pour in the aubergine cubes, a few at a time.When they are golden brown, take them out and place them on a tray covered with paper towels. Continue frying the aubergines.Put a large pot of water to boil, add salt and cook the paccheri.In a frying pan, in the meantime, pour a few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, add the whole garlic and chopped chilli pepper, fry.Dice the fresh tuna. Drain the pasta and pour it into the pan with the sauce, add a few leaves of chopped basil and stir, if necessary add a few tablespoons of cooking water from the pasta.serve with a drizzle of raw evo oil and a basil leaf.

 ****** Consil ChefAdrianomennillo_As pasta, calamarata is also good, see photo , I prefer swordfish with tuna .

                           MASSIMO ADRIANO MENNILLO


Beef Bourguignon # ingredients and doses # 800 gr lean beef - 2 carrots - 2 medium onions - 30 gr flour - seed oil - 4 cloves of garlic - 1 sprig of sage - 1 sprig of rosemary - 1 sprig of thyme - 2 bay leaves - 1 dl Cognac - 5 dl of French red wine (I prefer Barolo) - 150 gr of bacon - 5 dl of brown stock - 150 gr of Paris mushrooms - 150 gr of spring onions - 30 gr of sugar - 25 gr of butter - Salt - Pepper. METHOD .  In a typical cast-iron pan add a little seed oil, bring to temperature, add 800 g of beef meat previously cut into chunks and brown it all for a few minutes over a high heat. Then add 2 carrots and 2 onions previously cut into chunks and let them sweat, together with the meat, for a few minutes, taking care to stir constantly. Dust everything with 30 g flour and finish browning in an oven preheated to 180 °C for 5 minutes. During this phase, do not stir the meat so that the meat roasts and the cooking juices bind without forming lumps. Remove the meat from the oven, stir to mix all the ingredients well, then douse with 1 dl of Cognac, 5 dl of French red wine and 5 dl of brown stock, add 4 crushed garlic cloves and 1 bouquet of herbs made up of 1 sprig of sage, 1 of rosemary, 1 of thyme and 2 bay leaves. Cover the cast-iron pan with its lid, lower the oven to 160°C and bake for 2 hours and 30 minutes. Meanwhile, in a non-stick pan, glaze 150 g spring onions with 30 g sugar and 25 g butter over medium heat for 3 minutes. Separately, cut 150 g bacon into chunks and brown them in a non-stick pan, without adding seasoning, for a few minutes. Once the bacon is browned, remove it from the pan, leaving the cooking fat on the bottom, and sauté 150 g mushrooms, previously cleaned and cut into slices not too thin. Season and cook the mushrooms for a few minutes over moderate heat.


Oysters in Blody Mary & raifort sauce #  ingredients and servings for 3/4 people 8/10 fresh oysters - 4 tomates mùres-1 branche de cèleri-1 ail - 2 oignons nouveaux- 3 cuil à soup de jus de tomates - a few gouttes de sauce worcesterhire -2 cuil à café de sauce au raifort - 2 cuil de wodka - 1 citron - sel et poivre noir du moulin. Variante : incorporez aux tomates , 2 pimentes rouges frais èpèpinès et hachès au lieu du tabasco . DO THIS _ coupez les tomates , le cèleri et la gousse d'ail en deux dètaillez les oignons . Mettez les tomates le cèleri , ail et oignons dans le bol d'un mixer , hachez les finment puis transfèrez dans un bol, versez à petit lè jus de tomates , puis qualques gouttes de tabasco et salsa worcesterhire , à votre convenance , mèlangez bien puis laissez reporer 15/20 minutes . Incorporate the sauce au raifort et la wodka , pressez le citron et ajoutez le jus à la salsa , salez , poivre , serve immèdiatament ou bien couvrez et mettrez au rèfrigèrateur pendant 1 ou 2 h ( ore ).

****** consil du chefAdrianomennillo ****** see the version where I served it as chef d'etage at the Frankfurt Intercontinental Hotel , with the addition of the raifort sauce , serve the oysters on a plate ( see my photo and blog )******Sauce au Raifort _ ingredients and doses : 3 cas de raifort râpé fin - 1/2 cac de sucre - 2 cac de sel - 1 cac de vinaigre - 4 cas de crème fraîche battue .DO THIS . Mélangez le raifort avec le sucre, le sel et le vinaigre. Laissez macérer 1 h puis rajoutez la crème. Conservez au frais.

**** Or in mignonette sauce : consil du chefAdrianoMennillo :Mignonette sauce is a condiment usually made with minced shallots, ground pepper and vinegar, to which some chefs like to add wine to make the flavour more delicate. It is traditionally served with oysters.The name 'mignonette' originally referred to the small pouch of pepper and herbs used to infuse flavour into liquids, some French versions use champagne instead of wine - Ingredients and servings for the sauce 1/2 cup rosé wine - 2 chopped shallots -1 tablespoon white wine vinegar -1 teaspoon freshly ground white pepper -3/4 chopped parsley leaves . METHOD_Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and leave in the refrigerator for a minimum of three hours.Serve the sauce well chilled together with the oysters opened and laid on a bed of ice .


Risotto to my way chefAdrianoMennillo  # Ingredients and servings for 3/4 persons - 380/400 g carnaroli rice ( or nano ) - 2lt of chicken broth ( celery-carrot-onion with 2 cloves put in the onion ) a little olive oil - 2 mashed white onions - 1 garlic - 1 glass of dry white wine ( not cold from the fridge ) - 1/or 2 strains of Treviso radicchio salad (red) 160/180 g butter - salt - Parmesan cheese to taste - little cognac -12/14 squids _METHOD- 1 photo, mash the onion and brown it in evo (olive) oil , 2 photo , once washed the radicchio , cut it into thin strands ; 3 photos, in the meantime prepare the broth with the chicken legs and wings, 4 photos, once the radicchio has been cut, washed and dried, sauté it for 2/4 minutes together with the onion that you sautéed earlier for 5/6 minutes, 5 photos, in the meantime cook the baby squid in olive oil and the poached garlic, after 3/4 minutes add the cognac and discard the poached garlic, 6 photos, choose the rice suitable for risotto (not long). In a large saucepan where you have cooked the onion and radicchio, once hot, add the rice and stir every 2/3 minutes, then pour in the wine and let it evaporate; continue cooking, adding the hot stock 1/2 ladleful at a time, now add the squid and continue cooking the risotto, stirring continuously for 14/15 minutes to prevent the rice from sticking to the pan. Add the butter and stir continuously, at the end, season with a little grated cheese if you wish.

******* consil du chefAdrianoMennillo ( see my photo of the month of September 2021 ) the butter should be put in the pan, but it is important not to turn on the fire, the pan should be moved!


Spaghetti risotto with fish # ingredients and doses -350/400 gr spaghetti - 4 spoons of evo oil -1 small octopus - 2 squids - 200 g prawns -5 scampi -1 clove of garlic -7 cherry tomatoes -Dry white wine -Fish broth 8 or fumet or bisque - 1 courgette. DO THIS -( Method) -Clean the fish and cut it into small pieces. In a frying pan put the oil with the clove of garlic and fry, add the fish and cook for 10 minutes. Remove the garlic and deglaze with white wine, let it evaporate and add the cherry tomatoes, continue cooking for another 5 minutes, add the broken spaghetti and toast. Now add a ladleful of fish stock which you have prepared earlier with the heads and carapaces of the langoustines. Halfway through cooking, add the diced courgette and cook with the broth as you would for a risotto, adding a ladle of broth from time to time until the spaghetti is cooked.

*******consil du chefAdrianoMennillo ( look my photos )_risottati , this means that both the spaghetti and the pasta should be cooked in the fish stock, adding a little at a time as if making a risotto, gradually adding until cooked 23/12 minutes, below I have added how to make fumet or bisque, look at my photo, so (stock, fumet and bisque) must always be hot.

Genovese sauce (it's from Naples) # Ingredients and servings for 4/5 people: 500 g large penne (or ziti and candele) -1 kg Gallinella (or another equally tender cut of beef) -2/3 kg onions - 2 carrots -1 celery -1 glass of white wine - basil - salt - parsley - Parmesan cheese - a few cherry tomatoes - olive oil _METHOD - Peel the onions and cut them into small pieces. Then clean the carrots and celery and cut them also into small pieces; in a pot put the extra virgin olive oil and brown the previously cut meat.After about a quarter of an hour, remove the meat and in the same pot add some more oil with the onions, carrots and celery and cook with the lid closed for a few minutes. Then add a glass of white wine, then add the meat again with five crushed cherry tomatoes; season with salt, add a little more white wine and leave to cook over a low heat for at least an hour, although the time depends on how well the meat is cooked.Once the meat is almost ready, boil the water, throw in the pasta and finally season directly on the plate, never forgetting a sprinkling of parmesan cheese.


SaSavory pie with zucchini and codfish # Ingredients and servings _ 250 gr desalted codfish ( codfish ) -1 onion 2/3 zucchini (500 gr) -2 garlic -parsley - liquid cream for cooking - Grated cheese .METHOD-First let's prepare the ingredients. Chop the garlic and parsley, chop the onion, cut the zucchini into thin slices and the desalted codfish into pieces or strips.In a frying pan we will fry with a little oil, the codfish, chopped garlic and parsley. We have reserved.In another skillet with oil, we will sauté the chopped onion.When it starts to take color we will add the thinly sliced zucchini.We will sauté everything well and take a golden color along with the onion. Then we will add the cod that we sautéed with the garlic and parsley.We will sauté everything together and taste for salt. We will leave it until everything is well cooked. About 5/8 minutes.When we see that everything is well cooked and blended, we will add a splash of liquid cream, about 50ml. We will stir it and remove it from the heat.We will put it in a source or individual casseroles.We will cover it with grated cheese.We will put the oven at 180°C or the grill.We will grate it, when it is golden brown we will take it out.And ready to eat .



Spaghetti with scrimps and pistacchio # ingredienti e dosi per  2 persone - 210 gr of spaghetti - 10 big prawns -2 garlic cloves -1 fresh lemon -1 glass white wine -flour-chili pepper - salt -extra virgin olive oil  .FATE COSI -Wash the prawns under cold water, peel them removing head and tail.Devein the prawns. Need help with that? Take a sharp knife, cut a small line into the prawn by running down the length of the prawn’s back. With the tip of the knife, remove the black intestine and discard.Put some flour on a plate and flour the cleaned prawns.Shell the pistachios, cut some of them finely and leave some bigger chunks.Cut finely the garlic and drizzle some oil in a pan on medium heat.Once the garlic is browned, add the prawns and let them cook for a minute.Add some salt, chili pepper and a sip of wine, then let the wine evaporate.Turn the prawns, add all the pistachios, and put the lid on.Cook with low heat for 10-15 minutes, and add some water if the sauce dries.Take out some prawns and use a chopping board to cut them in little chunks, then put them back in the pan (this way you will have a mix of big and small pieces of prawns).When the prawns are cooked and the sauce is creamy, squeeze the lemon and turn off the stove.Let it rest and take care of the pastaNow that your sauce is ready, weight your pasta and boil some water. For this recipe I suggest to use spaghetti, but you can use other types of pasta.Once the water boils, add the salt and then the spaghettiBefore draining the pasta, pour some hot water from the pot in a cupTurn on the stove with the pan of sauce, throw in the spaghetti and eventually add a bit of hot water your left aside ,serve !!

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