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lo Strutto , oggi quasi non si usa , ma è ottimo per friggere , con l'unica eccezione delle fritture di pesce .

giovedì 20 luglio 2023

# Arancine palermitane # Lasagna with bolognese meat sauce # My Way Gazpacho # Tripe alla romana # Risotto Milanese style with ossobuco # Pasta alla buttera # Soup di gamberi e mais # Alici marinate e Alici fritte # Poblano relleno with Quinoa # Oysters with citron and cognac # Calamarata con cozze e vongole # Udon soup # Desert Roses # Calamari con piselli # Seafood Paella fish # Agnello al forno con patate # Stuffed tomatoes à la Greece # Spaghetti alla matriciana # Baked aubergine parmigiana # Shortcrust pastry # Rice alla trevigiana # Moussaka # Pierogi # Rabbit Ischia # Chili con carne # Spaghetti alla carbonara # Tiella rice , potatoes and mussels # Cassoùla Milanese stile # Neapolitan easter grain pie # Sauce Tzatziki # Cod to the Ghiotta # Seafood pasta # Sicilian caponata #

     Arancine palermitane # ingredienti e dosi : 1 kg di riso arborio ( or  vialone )  - 2 l di acqua o brodo vegetale  - 1 o 2 bustine di zafferano - 1 pizzico di sale - 100 gr di pecorino fresco a piacere  - 1 or 2 albumi - pangrattato q.b.>Per il ragù:500 gr d carne trita mista (bovino e suino)  - cipolla, sedano e carota - vino rosso - 1 litro circa di salsa di pomodoro densa (l'ideale sarebbe il concentrato di pomodoro con aggiunta di acqua)  - 180 gr di piselli - olio evo - sale q.b.METHOD-Preparate il riso. Portate a bollore del brodo vegetale (o acqua) leggermente salata e unite il riso e lo zafferano. Quando l'acqua sarà evaporata completamente e il riso risulterà ben cotto trasferitelo in un'ampia teglia distribuendolo bene in modo che si raffreddi.Il riso dovrà essere completamente freddo prima di essere utilizzato. Aggiungete quindi il formaggio grattugiato a piacere e, se gradite anche un tuorlo d'uovo (vedi note del post per seguire la ricetta di mia suocera).Preparate quindi il ragù.Tritate molto finemente carote, sedano e cipolla e fate soffriggere le verdure in un'ampia casseruola con olio evo. Aggiungete quindi la carne trita e fate rosolare, sgranandola bene con un cucchiaio di legno . Sfumate con vino rosso e lasciatelo evaporare completamente.Unite quindi la salsa di pomodoro. Una piccola nota: in Sicilia si usa molto il "concentrato" di pomodoro, potete eventualmente sostituirlo alla più comune salsa per la preparazione di questo piatto,SE necessario aggiungere anche qualche bicchiere di acqua. Aggiustate di sale a piacere e lasciate cuocere fino a quando non si sarà ben asciugato. A circa metà cottura unite i piselli.Il ragù dovrà risultare ben denso e corposo, per nulla acquoso. Lasciate raffreddare.Inumiditevi le mani con poca acqua oppure passatale in poco albume (altro trucchetto utile per ottenere una forma perfetta ).Prendete quindi un bel po' di riso, adagiatelo nel palmo di una mano formando un incavo al centro e disponeteli il ragù e a piacere altri ingredienti come un cubetto di formaggio primosale o verdure.Prendete ancora poco riso e adagiatelo sul precedente in modo da racchiudere bene il ripieno. Formate quindi con delicatezza le arancine facendo attenzione a non far fuoriuscire il ragù. Compattate il tutto aiutandovi con le mani.Passatele nell'albume leggermente sbattuto e subito dopo nel pangrattato.Fatele friggere in abbondante olio ben cado in modo che ne siano completamente ricoperte, oppure optate per una cottura in friggitrice. Non appena saranno ben dorate scolatele bene e adagiatele su una teglia foderata con abbondante carta assorbente.


Lasagna with Bolognese meat sauce # Ingredients and servings for 4 people -2 packages of  lasagne pasta or another brand - (if you have time, make your own egg pasta with 500 gr flour and 5 eggs) -Plenty of parmesan cheese -Flakes of butter >> For the meat sauce :2/3 tins of peeled tomatoes  - 500 gr choice minced beef -extra virgin olive oil -generously chopped onion, carrot and celery -salt and pepper -a glass of red wine >> for the béchamel sauce :  1 lt of milk - gr  80 of flour - 80 gr butter -nutmeg -2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese .For best results, do not skimp on the ingredients (parmesan cheese, meat sauce and béchamel must be plentiful). METHOD-Prepare the meat sauce by frying the chopped celery, carrot and onion in a few tablespoons of oil.Once the vegetables have wilted, add the minced meat and cook over high heat until the meat is nicely browned.Add the red wine, let it evaporate and add the peeled tomatoes. Adjust the salt and pepper and cook for at least 2 ½ hours on a low heat.Prepare the béchamel sauce by melting the butter in a non-stick pan. Add the flour, stir well and add the boiling milk. Adjust the salt and pepper, grate in a little nutmeg and cook, stirring constantly, until the sauce has thickened. Finally add 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese and leave to cool.If you use packaged lasagna, follow the cooking instructions.Grease a baking tin with butter and make the first layer of pasta. Sprinkle with plenty of meat sauce, a few spoonfuls of béchamel sauce, plenty of Parmesan cheese and a few knobs of butter. Proceed with the other layers (I make at least 5), finish with the meat sauce, béchamel and parmesan and bake in a preheated oven at 200° for 35/40 minutes until a nice crust has formed.Important: once ready, let it rest for half an hour before cutting it.


  • Gazpacho my way (è una zuppa fredda) _ingredienti e dosi _Per il pane 150 gr di pane bianco senza crosta ( a cubetti )-3 cucchiai di olio d’oliva extra vergine -2/3 foglie di menta-1 cucchiaio e mezzo di aceto di vino rosso ->Per la zuppa :2 kg di pomodorini maturi -3 / 4 spicchi d’aglio- pelati e tritati -6 coste e foglie di sedano tritati (circa 200 gr a piacere) -1 piccola cipolla rossa tritata -400 gr di polpa di anguria senza semi -100 gr di pane bianco senza crosta a pezzi -2 cucchiai di aceto di vino rosso -180 ml di olio d’oliva extra vergine -15 gr di foglie di basilico -sale e pepe a piacere .Per i crostini: Scaldate il forno a 200°C. Mettete i cubetti di pane in una ciotola capiente insieme al olio EVO, l’aceto e un cucchiaino di sale. Mescolate bene con le mani quindi trasferite il pane su una placca da forno e infornate per circa 12 minuti, o fino a quando sarà ben dorato. Mettete da parte.Per la zuppa: Pelate i pomodori e tritateli grossolanamente. Frullate insieme i pomodori, l’aglio, il sedano, la cipolla, l’anguria,  il pane e quasi tutto il basilico (tenete da parte qualche foglia per guarnire). Aggiungete un cucchiaino di sale e pepe a piacere. Frullate fino ad ottenere una crema liscia. Continuate a frullare mentre unite a filo olio EVO e l’aceto. Assaggiate la zuppa e aggiustate i sapori a piacere. Mettete il gazpacho in frigorifero fino al momento di servire.Porzionate il gazpacho in piatti fondi individuali e guarnite con i crostini, basilico e olio evo .
  • ******consil du chefAdrianoMennillo_la prima volta l'ho servito a Taormina da chef de rang ) , ho aggiunto i pistacchi ,oppure le mandorle tagliate a filangèe sottile .

    Gazpacho my way ( is a cold soup ) and doses _For bread 150 gr crustless white bread ( cubed )-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil -2/3 daughters mint-.1 1/2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar ->For the soup :2 kg ripe cherry tomatoes -3/4 cloves of garlic- peeled and chopped -6 ribs and celery leaves, chopped (about 200 gr to taste) -1 small red onion, chopped -400 gr seedless watermelon pulp -100 gr crustless white bread in pieces -2 tablespoons of red wine vinegar -180 ml extra virgin olive oil -8/10 gr basil leaves or mint - salt and pepper to taste . For the croutons: Heat the oven to 200°C. Place the bread cubes in a large bowl along with the Evo oil, vinegar and a teaspoon of salt. Mix well with your hands then transfer the bread to a baking sheet and bake for about 12 minutes, or until golden brown. Set aside.For the soup:Peel the tomatoes and roughly chop them. Whisk together the tomatoes, garlic, celery, onion, watermelon, bread and most of the basil (keep a few leaves aside for garnish). Add a teaspoon of salt and pepper to taste. Blend until smooth. Continue blending while drizzling in EVO oil and vinegar. Taste the soup and adjust flavors to taste. Place the gazpacho in the refrigerator until ready to serve.Portion the gazpacho into individual soup bowls and garnish with the croutons, basil, and evo oil .
  • ******consil du chefAdrianoMennillo-I prefer mint , the first time I served it in Taormina as chef de rang ) , I added pistachios ,or almonds cut into thin filangèe .

Tripe alla romana # ingredients and doses - 1kg of tripe -- 150 gr of celery - 70 gr of onion - 50 gr of carrots - 100 gr of bacon - 1 clove of garlic - chilli pepper - salt and pepper - extra virgin olive oil
>> Ingredients for the aromatic water: 2 bay leaves - 5 cloves - ½ glass of apple cider vinegar - ½ glass of white wine- 400 gr of tomato pulp - 100 gr of pecorino romano - 1 bunch of spearmint - 1 lemon - meat broth .METHOD-Prepare a pot with plenty of water and flavor it with bay leaves, cloves, apple cider vinegar and white wine. Cook the tripe for 10 minutes in boiling water, previously rinsed (even if what we find on the market will already be pre-cooked). Let it cool and cut it into strips. Cut all the vegetables and bacon into cubes.Pour the oil and celery into a saucepan, add the bacon and simmer for 5 minutes, then add the carrots, onion and whole clove of garlic; let it smell for a few minutes. Simmer all the vegetables, add the tripe, cook over low heat for about 5 minutes and then add the tomato and meat broth, if necessary. Let it cook for about 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, season the tripe with grated pecorino romano, mint leaves, lemon zest and chilli pepper.


Pasta alla buttera # classic Tuscan recipe # ingredients and doses -320 gr of pasta (spaghetti or penne or rigatoni) -320 gr of tomato pulp -2 pork sausages - 2 wild boar sausages -20 black olives -2 garlic cloves-1/2 onion -1 chilli pepper -4 spoons of extra virgin olive oil -grated Tuscan pecorino cheese to taste -salt -METHOD- pasta that we are going to cook respecting the cooking times indicated in the package (both short and long will still be fine, we have chosen rigatoni for this recipe). Once this is done, we prepare the ingredients. So let's take the onion, peel it, wash it and cut it very finely. Let's do the same with the garlic. We peel the sausages and cut the black olives into rounds, depriving them of the stone. Important do not buy the olives already pitted in the bag, they will not give the same taste. Let's put everything aside. Now put a pan on the heat with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Sauté both the onion and the garlic and add the sausages that we will have chopped up and the chilli pepper cut into small pieces. Finally, add the sliced olives. Brown everything over medium heat, stirring occasionally for a few minutes. Finally, add the tomato pulp, continuing to stir the sauce with the wooden spoon. We adjust the salt but be careful not to add too much as the sausages are already salty. also pour a few ladles of pasta cooking water into the sauce and continue cooking. When the rigatoni are al dente, drain them and pour them directly into the pan with the sauce, finishing cooking in the pan. Serve and sprinkle with a nice handful of already grated aged pecorino. The buttera pasta is ready.

Soup di gamberetti e mais_ingredienti e dosi -150 gr di mais (fresco o in scatola) - 250 ml di latte di cocco - 400 ml di brodo vegetale - 150 gr di code di mazzancolle  or gamberetti - Una patata di medie dimensioni - 1 cucchiaino di pasta di curry - Olio Evo .METHOD-Pulisci i gamberi. Privali  DEL carapace e del filamento nero sul dorso e sul ventre e lavali bene.Lava e pela la patata e tagliala a cubetti .Scalda uno o due cucchiaio di olio EVO in una casseruola e quando sarà ben cado versaci dentro le patate. Falle rosolare qualche minuto a fiamma media, aggiungi circa metà del brodo, copri e lascia cuocere per 8-10 minuti fino a che le patate saranno tenere.Unisci il mais (se in scatola, scolato del suo liquido) e il curry e cuoci ancora un paio di minuti quindi versa nel tegame anche il latte di cocco.Mescola delicatamente e fai riprendere il bollore.Infine, aggiungi i gamberi e lasciali cuocere appena, per 2/3 minuti.

Servi la zuppa ben calda.

2018 a Zivido , cucino per 1515 

  • Calamarata con vongole e cozze_ingredienti e dosi per 2 persone - 200 gr pasta calamarata - 300 gr vongole veraci- 500 gr cozze- 6 pomodorini semi secchi sott'olio- prezzemolo- peperoncino- aglio- vino bianco -METHOD -Per prima cosa mettere a spurgare le vongole in acqua e sale x circa 3 ore. Poi pulire le cozze con un coltellino. In una padella rosolare con l'olio l'aglio insieme ai pomodorini semi secchi sminuzzati Eliminare l'aglio e aggiungere le cozze, cuocere coperto fino a quando si saranno aperte e sfumare con il vino biancoIn un'altra pentola rosolare uno spicchio d'aglio con l'olio Quando avrà rilasciato il suo sapore eliminarlo e aggiungere le vongole, cuocere fino a quando si saranno aperte e filtrare l'acqua .Unire le vongole alle cozze insieme al liquido delle prime filtrato e a fuoco spento sgusciare i molluschi tenendone qualcuno intero .Cuocere in acqua bollente salata la calamarata tenendola indietro di cottura di 2 - 3 minuti. Togliere i molluschi dalla pentola e metterli da parte, quindi aggiungere al liquido in padella la calamarata e cuocere per 3 / 4 minuti coprendo i primi 2 minuti e poi scoperto per il restante tempo per far assorbire bene il liquido -Quindi unire le cozze e le vongole e mescolare il tutto a fuoco acceso per pochi secondi . Impiattare la calamarata con vongole e cozze aggiungendo sopra il prezzemolo fresco  e un pizzico di peperoncino .

  • ****

  • - Ingredients and doses for 4 people _4 ossobuchi - 1/2 lt of mixed meat and vegetable broth - 100 gr of chopped celery, carrots and onion - 1/2 glass of white wine - 2 spoons of corn flour - 1 bunch of aromatic herbs - 100 gr of chopped tomato pulp - 1 untreated lemon - 1 bunch of parsley - a little butter - salt and grey pepper>> For the risotto : 300 gr of carnaroli rice - 1.2 lt of mixed meat and vegetable stock - 30 gr of ox marrow -2 teaspoon of saffron pistils -70 gr of butter -1/2 onion -1/2 glass of dry white wine - grated cheese - bay leaves - salt . METHOD-Prepare the stock by soaking the ingredients in cold water and bringing to the boil over a very gentle flame for at least 2 hours. Using a strainer, remove the foamy part of impurities that will form on the surface. Strain the stock and keep it on the heat. For the ossobuchi, flour the ossobuchi and brown them 3/4 minutes per side in a large frying pan with half a knob of butter. Remove from the heat and discard the browning fat from the pan, then return them to the heat adding the remaining butter, the chopped carrots, celery and onion and the fragrant bouquet. Deglaze with white wine, add the tomato conserve and half a glass of stock, season with salt and pepper. For the risotto, finely chop the onion and brown it in a pan with 20 g butter and the chopped marrow. Add the rice and a bay leaf and toast it, stirring with a wooden spoon. Deglaze with the white wine and let it evaporate over a high heat. Pour in the boiling stock a little at a time, stirring occasionally, and season with salt. After about 6 minutes add the saffron pistils softened in a little boiling stock and continue cooking the risotto. Once ready, let the risotto rest for a few minutes before stirring in the remaining butter and a generous sprinkling of grated cheese. To complete the dish, sprinkle the ossobuchi with grated lemon zest and parsley, cover with wet and wrung out baking paper, and leave to rest for a few minutes before serving with risotto alla Milanese.

*****Consil du chefAdrianoMennillo _the rice should be cooked for a maximum of 13/14 minutes, never wet the rice with cold wine, pepper to taste .




Alici fritte_ingredienti e dosi -1 kg di alici freschissime -farina -sale fino -olio di semi di arachidi per friggere .FATE COSI ( Method )Pulire le alici eliminando le interiora, ma mantenendo la testa e la coda; sciacquarle , asciugarle bene e passarle nella farina.Friggere le alici in abbondante olio bollente, finchè saranno dorate.Scolarle su carta assorbente, salarle e servirle immediatamente.

Alici marinate _ingredienti e dosi - 400/500 gr alici abbastanza grandi fresche e sode - aceto - aglio - peperoncino prezzemolo - sale fino .FATE COSI (Method) pulire bene e togliere la lisca alle alici , in una pirofila larga (a seconda della quantità di alici, fare al massimo due strati) fare il primo strato di alici e salare. il sale serve a non farle diventare molli.fare il secondo strato di alici di nuovo sale e coprire il tutto con aceto di vino bianco.lasciarle marinare per 12 ore...sono pronte quando diventano bianche...a seconda della grandezza delle alici cambia anche il tempo di marinatura...quindi se dopo 12 ore ancora non sono bianche lasciate ancora un po'.,a questo punto scolare le alici lasciandole gocciolare un po' se dopo la marinatura l'aceto è molto sporco vi consiglio di passare le alici velocemente in acqua ed asciugarle., metterle a strati in una pirofila e condire ogni strato con aglio peperoncino e prezzemolo sminuzzato.fare al massimo 3 strati (in questo caso mettete un po' di olio al primo strato) coprire con olio evo. servire dopo almeno 3/4 ore .


Oysters with citron and cognac _ingredients and doses : 24 oysters , 1 citron , ice, 1 glass of cognac, sprig of parsley, lettuce leaf, extra virgin olive oil , salt, white pepper_ METHOD ( fate cosi )- Mix in a bowl a little oil with the cognac , the citron juice , pinch of salt and pepper .Open the oysters , detach the shellfish from the shells , clean from any scraps and flakes of the cusco . , place the oysters back inside the concave part of their shells and arrange them on a tray on which you will have spread a bed of crushed ice and a few lettuce leaves ( dried ) Dress the mullosks with the citron emulsion and lay a leaf of parsley on each oyster, garnishing with spiral-cut citron peels and carrot rosettes to taste .( see my photos ).                  


Udon soup_ingredienti e dosi per 2 persone _ 400 gr Udon noodles  - 250 gr ground pork   -1 small onion, chopped  -2 tbs fish sauce  -3 tbs 'Fried pork with chili in oil'   -2 tbs oyster sauce  -Dashi powder to taste  -Pepper to taste  -800 ml water  -Chopped green onions  - Topping suggestions: store-bought meatballs, fish balls, shiu mai, chikuwa (fish cake), shrimps, you tiao (Chinese bread stick), boiled egg, mushrooms and sugar snap peas.FATE  COSI (Method) .Heat 1 tbs oil in a wok.Toss in the ground pork and chopped onion and stir fry until slightly brown.Add fish sauce, 'fried pork with chili in oil', oyster sauce and pepper.Simmer the meat sauce, stirring occasionally until cooked through.Add 800 ml water and dashi powder to taste.Add udon noodles and the toppings (except the you tiao) and cook for a few minutes.Garnish with green onions and you tiao slices.


Seafood Paella ( only fish ) - ingredients and doses:  60 gr white onion - little sweet paprika- 50 gr tomato sauce -4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil - fresh parsley - garlic powder - white pepper - 2 sachets saffron -1 already cooked bell pepper - salt - 8 shrimp -4 prawns -50 gr squid rings - 100 gr clams - 100 gr mussels - 50 gr peas -50/60 gr reen beans ( to taste )- 1/2 kg rice, Roma or Carnaroli. METHOD- Start with the sautéing: pour the oil into a large nonstick skillet (preferably in the paella, the pan with two handles from which the dish gets its name), let the onion caramelize for a few minutes. Add the mussels, clams, a pinch of white pepper and garlic powder to taste. Continue to sauté over medium heat, add the shrimps, prawns, squid rings, and after a couple of minutes the peas and green beans. Add the tomato sauce, a teaspoon of sweet paprika and saffron to give the typical yellow color to the paella rice. Pour in the rice and toast it with all the seasoning, without it sticking to the bottom of the pan. Add the water, which should be the equivalent of 1 kilogram and a quarter to a pound of rice. The rice should boil and should never be stirred. In the last two minutes, add the sliced cooked bell bell pepper and lower the heat to allow the rice to better absorb the water. Allow the paella to rest for three minutes and serve.


Stuffed tomatoes à la Greca ( Greece ) Ingredients and servings -6 large tomatoes -12 tablespoons '3 continents' rice (i.e. mix of basmati rice, French red rice, Canadian wild rice -( or to taste ) 120 gr feta cheese -1 handful of black olives - oregano to taste -chives to taste -salt -METHOD- Remove the cap and empty the tomatoes, turn them upside down and place them in the fridge overnight. In a blender put the pulp of the tomatoes, the olives and spices, salt and blend. Transfer to a bowl, add the rice and refrigerate overnight. Fill the tomatoes, add the diced feta and bake in a preheated oven at 180° for about 1 hour so that the tomatoes wrinkle. Serve hot. Also excellent cold the next day.


     Spaghetti alla matriciana _ingredients and servings for 4 people : 420 gr spaghetti - 400 ml peeled tomatoes 150 gr Guanciale di Amatrice -70 gr grated Pecorino cheese -1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil -Fresh chili pepper to taste. -White wine -Salt .METHOD-Put the water for the pasta to boil and in the meantime prepare the sauce. In a frying pan, put the oil, a pinch of chili pepper, and the guanciale cut into strips and sauté over a low flame for 7 to 8 minutes, until the fat has become transparent. Stir often, taking care that the guanciale does not burn. When the fat has melted, deglaze with white wine kept at room temperature, raise the flame and let it evaporate. At this point transfer the strips of guanciale to a plate and keep them aside, making sure that the cooking juices remain all in the pan, into which you will pour the tomato puree or peeled tomatoes, in this case fraying them with your hands. Adjust the salt and let it cook on low heat for about 10 minutes. As soon as the water comes to a boil, salt and cook the spaghetti al dente. Remove the chili from the sauce, return the guanciale strips to the pan and stir to combine. As soon as the spaghetti is cooked, drain it and add it directly to the pan with the sauce, toss the pasta very quickly to blend well with the sauce. Turn off the heat sprinkle with grated Pecorino cheese, mix again and serve immediately.




 Poblano relleno wit Quinoa - ingredienti e dosi per 4 persone _4 poblano chiles, roasted and peeled - 2 T vegetable oil - 1 small onion, chopped - 2 serrano chiles, chopped - 2 Mexican chorizos, sautéed separately and drained of fat (optional) - ½ c. cooked or thawed corn kernels - 2  tomatoes, seeded and chopped - ¾ c. cooked quinoa - Salt and pepper to taste - 2 T toasted shelled pumpkin seeds (pepitas) - 2 T chopped green onions - ¾ c. Chihuahua or manchego cheese, shredded - 1 c. tomato sauce - ½ c. water or stock .METHOD-Preheat oven to 350°F. Make a vertical slice along one side of each chile, and carefully remove the seeds. Set aside. In a large skillet, heat the oil, add the onion, and sauté until transparent. Add the serrano chiles, the chorizo if using, corn and tomatoes. Cook, stirring, until the juice released from the tomatoes has evaporated.Add the quinoa, salt and pepper to taste, stirring to combine all, and heat through. Remove from burner and stir in the pepitas, chopped green onions, and ½ cup of the cheese.Carefully fill the chiles with the quinoa mixture and place them in a baking dish. Mix the tomato sauce with water, and pour the liquid around the chiles.Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle remaining ¼ cup of shredded cheese over all. Return to the oven and bake for another 10 minutes. Serve hot.

*****Consil du chefAdrianoMennillo # For the fresh red chile sauce : I used 175 gr of quinoa , the peppers after roasted , should be stripped of the seeds and skin , then 2 cloves of garlic , 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano , 500 ml water .


Rice alla trevigiana # Ingredients and servings for 2/3 people -300 gr Carnaroli rice -1 shallot -400 gr Treviso radicchio -1 glass of red wine (or dry white wine, not cold) -2 litres of vegetable stock -80 gr butter -grated parmesan cheese -salt and pepper to taste -Evo oil. Method ( FATE COSI ).Pour a little extra virgin olive oil into a frying pan, add the shallot and let it brown gently, add the radicchio, stir and let it wilt. Add the rice, let it toast for a couple of minutes and deglaze with the glass of red wine. As soon as the wine has completely evaporated, add the stock, continuing to add it as it is absorbed. When the rice is cooked (minimum 13/14 minutes), turn off the heat and stir in the butter and grated cheese, if you wish you can add a grinding of pepper.

**** consil du chefAdrianoMennillo: the butter is added off the heat, i.e. move the pan off the heat and stir until the butter melts.

Risotto alla trevigiana _ingredienti e dosi - 300 gr riso carnaroli -100 gr gorgonzola -200 gr radicchio di Treviso  -50 ml panna fresca ( a piacere ) -100 gr burro 1 bicchiere di vino rosso -1 cipolla rossa ( scalogno ) -sale, olio evo, pepe nero -METHOD-Aprite e sgranate il melograno, tenendo da parte i chicchi.Lavate il radicchio, asciugatelo e tagliatelo a pezzettini, tenendo da parte le punte più fresche e belle che serviranno per decorare.In un pentolino a  fiamma bassissima sciogliete il gorgonzola con la panna  ottenendo una salsa densa e tenetela  da parte.In una padella soffriggete con un filo d’olio  la cipolla tritata finemente, dopo un paio di minuti aggiungete il radicchio e salate, continuate la cottura finché la parte liquida sarà ristretta. a questo punto frullate il tutto e  tenete da parte.In un altra pentola tostate il riso a secco per qualche minuto, versate il vino e lasciate sfumare, mescolate continuamente con il mestolo di legno e iniziate a versare il brodo caldo  fino a che il riso lo richiede. verso metà cottura versate il radicchio frullato. a cottura ultimata (ci vorranno circa dai 13 ai 14 minuti) spegnete il fuoco, regolate di sale, pepe e aggiungete il burro per mantecarlo.

*****Consil du chefAdrianoMennillo : see my photo for serving use the first leaves of the radicchio.



Shortcrust pastry ( Pasta frolla )-ingredients and doses -1000 gr 0 biscuit flour (alternatively 900 gr 00 ) flour and 100 gr potato starch) -500 gr soft butter - 300 gr icing sugar (250 gr if using honey) -200 gr whole eggs (or 150 gr eggs and 50 g acacia honey if we want a soft pastry) -6 gr salt - 20 gr lemon juice - 6 gr instant yeast (if using plain flour) - grated zest of two lemons - 1 teaspoon of natural vanilla extract, or the seeds of 2 sticks . >> Kneading machine: Sift the flour with the starch and baking powder into the bowl, whisk with the paddle attachment and at vel. 1.5 pour in the lemon juice. Add the butter cut into small pieces, cold but malleable. We start at low speed and slowly turn to 2 until we obtain a sandy mixture. We add the sugar and turn a little to mix it, forming a crater in the centre. Beat the eggs with the salt until dissolved (and possibly the honey), pour into the centre of the crater and turn to low speed. In a few turns the shortcrust pastry will be ready, so all that remains is to give it a very short kneading by hand to compact it and shape it into a cylinder, which we cut into slices to use, after resting in the fridge, or even to freeze. >> BY HAND >. >We sift flour, starch and baking powder onto the pastry board, mix in the cold butter in small pieces and, using a spatula or a long-bladed knife, knead as if for a beat, until a fine crumb is obtained. We form a fountain, pour the beaten eggs in the centre with the salt, mix as much as we can with a fork, then spatula the dough onto the surface, quickly, until all the flour is incorporated.Finally, we compact with the same spatula or quickly with our hands.



Moussaka chefAdrianoMennillo - ingredients and servings for 6/8 people. Wash 700/800 gr of aubergines and cut them into 5/6 mm rounds, then put them in a colander and gradually add a little fine salt, leaving them for 60/70 minutes to drain, then rinse and dry them, Separately, clean and thinly slice 200 gr white onions and cook them in a little olive oil for 10/15 minutes on a low heat, meanwhile fry the aubergines (arachis oil, without the flour) and drain them on absorbent paper, then set them aside, In the meantime cook 600 gr of lamb meat (you can use either beef or veal) minced not too fine, then add this meat together with the onions you cooked before and continue cooking over low heat for 15/20 minutes, adding a little cinnamon powder, 1 glass of dry white wine, adjust the salt and once cooked, let it cool and add 100 gr of grated cheese (to taste). Separately, make the béchamel sauce with 40/50 gr of butter and flour and 6/7 dl of milk (nowadays in 2015 you can find the béchamel ready-made) and finally assemble this dish; Butter an oven dish and sprinkle it with breadcrumbs, then the first layer add the aubergines, then the meat, then another layer, then another, until you finish the aubergines and the meat, at the end on the last layer add the béchamel sauce and bake at 180 degrees for 40/50 minutes.

 ***** conseil du chefAdrianoMennillo_ the original recipe is to use mutton meat, in addition to aubergines you can also use courgettes, I also cook it with a layer of potatoes cut into filangèe (slices) or boiled (see my photo 2015) this recipe has a thousand versions such as to use tomato sauce, I did not use tomato in this recipe !!!photo by adrianomennillo / Moussaka all'Adriano 


Baked aubergine parmigiana_Ingredients and doses :- 2 round aubergines or 4 long aubergines- 1 bottle of tomato puree - basil to taste - 1 scamorza cheese - parmesan cheese - 1 clove of garlic - salt & oil - peanut oil for frying or olive oil for cooking .METHOD - Cut the aubergines into not too thick slices (about 5 mm) and place them in a colander with coarse salt. Place a weight (e.g. a pan) on them to dry them out. Leave them like this for at least an hour. The sooner you do this the better, my grandmother used to let them dry in the sun for hours on end! This is the secret to prevent them from releasing water during cooking! Let's prepare the sauce: in a pot put a clove of garlic, oil and a bottle of tomato . If you don't want too strong a sauce, remove the garlic when the sauce starts to boil. Cut the scamorza cheese into small cubes. Now it is time to form the parmigiana: grease a baking tin, I recommend an aluminium tin, place a layer of tomato, aubergine, tomato, scamorza cheese and continue like this until you have finished the aubergines. Finally finish with tomato and parmesan cheese. Bake at 200º for about 20 minutes, until a crust forms. Eaten hot or cold it is always good. I recommend letting it rest a little before serving.FRITED PARMIGIANA >> Cut the aubergines into slices not too thick (about 5 mm) and place them in a colander with coarse salt. Place a weight (e.g. a saucepan) on them to dry them out. Leave them like this for at least an hour. The sooner you do this the better; this is the secret to preventing the aubergines from releasing water during cooking! While the aubergines are drying out, fry the garlic in EVO oil in a saucepan, then add the tomato puree and, when cooked, the basil. If you do not want too strong a sauce, remove the garlic when the sauce starts to boil. When the aubergines are nice and dry, start frying them: heat the peanut oil in a frying pan... ready, go. Put the fried slices on a plate with scottex to remove the excess oil. Now it's time to form the parmigiana: grease a baking tin, I recommend an aluminium tin, place a layer of tomato, aubergine, tomato, scamorza cheese and go on like this until you have finished the aubergines. Finish with a layer of tomato and parmesan cheese. Bake at 200º for about 20 minutes, until a crust forms. Eaten hot or cold it is always good. But I recommend letting it rest a bit before putting it on the table.

Parmigiana di melanzane al forno_ingredienti e dosi :– 2 melanzane tonde o 4 melanzane lunghe– 1 bottiglia di passata di pomodoro ⁣– basilico q.b. ⁣– 1 scamorza ⁣–formaggio  parmigiano⁣– 1 spicchio d’aglio ⁣– sale & olio ⁣– olio d’arachidi per la frittura ⁣o olio d’oliva per la cottura .METHOD-Tagliate le melanzane a fette non troppo spesse (circa 5 mm) e mettetele in uno scolapasta con del sale grosso. Appoggiate sopra di esse un peso (una pentola ad esempio) per fare sì che si asciughino. Lasciatele così per minimo un’ora. Prima fate questa operazione meglio è, mia nonna le lasciava asciugare al sole per ore e ore! Questo è il segreto per evitare che rilascino acqua in cottura!Prepariamo il sugo: in una pentola mettete uno spicchio d’aglio, olio e una bottiglia di pomodoro . Se non volete un sugo troppo forte, quando la salsa inizia a bollire togliete l’aglio. ⁣Tagliate la scamorza a cubetti.È giunto il momento di formare la parmigiana: ungete una teglia, vi consiglio una teglia di alluminio, ponete uno strato di pomodoro, melanzane, pomodoro, scamorza e avanti così finché non avrete finito le melanzane.In ultimo finite con pomodoro e parmigiano.Infornate a 200º per circa 20 minuti, finché non si forma la crosticina.Mangiata calda o fredda è sempre buona. ,consiglio di lasciarla riposare un po’ prima di metterla a tavola.⁣

PARMIGIANA FRITTA⁣ >> Tagliate le melanzane a fette non troppo spesse (circa 5 mm) e mettetele in uno scolapasta con del sale grosso. Appoggiate sopra di esse un peso (una pentola ad esempio) per fare sì che si asciughino. Lasciatele così per minimo un’ora. ⁣Prima fate questa operazione meglio è ; Questo è il segreto per evitare che rilascino acqua in cottura!Mentre le melanzane si asciugano, soffriggete in una pentola l’aglio con l’olio EVO, aggiungete poi la passata di pomodoro e, a fine cottura, il basilico. Se non volete un sugo troppo forte, quando la salsa inizia a bollire togliete l’aglio. ⁣Quando le melanzane saranno belle asciutte iniziamo a friggerle: riscaldate l’olio di arachidi in una padella… pronti, partenza .Mettete le fette fritte in un piatto con scottex per togliere l’olio in eccesso.È giunto il momento di formare la parmigiana: ungete una teglia, vi consiglio una teglia di alluminio, ponete uno strato di pomodoro, melanzane, pomodoro, scamorza e avanti così finché non avrete finito le melanzane. Finite con uno strato di pomodoro e parmigiano.Infornate a 200º per circa 20 minuti, finché non si forma la crosticina.Mangiata calda o fredda è sempre buona. Ma io consiglio di lasciarla riposare un po’ prima di metterla a tavola.⁣


Pierogi ( my way ) #  ingredienti e dosi per 26/30 pezzi .sauerkraut filling :1/4 lb peppered bacon, diced - 1/2 large yellow onion, chopped -1/2 lb mushrooms, chopped -2 cups sauerkraut -salt and pepper - 3 tbsp sour cream .Place the bacon into a large skillet and fry until it's almost crispy. Remove most of the rendered fat in the skillet, leaving a teaspoonful or two behind. Add the onion and mushrooms.Lower the heat and stir the onions and mushrooms into the bacon. Cook, stirring from time to time until the mixture is dry; about 10-12 minutes.Add the sauerkraut and cook until it has heated through and the mixture is dry again.Cool the filling. Check and adjust the seasoning with salt and pepper if needed. Stir in the sour cream until it's well combined.
Dough .2 1/4cups unbleached flour - 1/2 tsp salt - 1 large egg
1/2 cup sour cream  - 
2 tbsp melted butter, cooled (optional)-2/5 tbsp water .METHOD-Place the flour, egg, salt, sour cream and butter (if using) into the bowl of a food processor fitted with a dough blade. Pulse a few times. If the dough doesn't form into a ball and pull away from the sides, then add a tablespoon of water at a time until it does. You want a soft, slightly sticky dough.Process the dough for a few seconds, then place it into a buttered bowl and cover with a damp kitchen towel for at least 20 minutes.>>To assemble >> butter ,cracked pepper ,sour cream .Grab a third of the dough at a time and roll it out on a lightly floured surface until it's about 1/6 of an inch thick. Cut out as many three inch circles as you can. I use a glass for this, depending on the size of your cutting tool,  feel free to make your pierogi slightly larger or smaller if you wish.Place as much filling as you can into the middle of each circle without letting any of it touch the edges (otherwise you won't get a good seal and the dumplings might open as you boil them). Fold the edges together to form crescents, dust them lightly with flour and continue to work until you have used all of the filling and dough.Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Drop in the pierogi, taking care not to crowd them too much (you might have to cook them in batches). Reduce the heat slightly so the water simmers and cook them until they rise to the surface; about 3/5 minutes.Toss the pierogi in a small amount of butter, dust with freshly cracked pepper and serve with sour cream.


Rose del Deserto_ingredienti e dosi - 2 uova - 200 gr di farina  50 gr di fecola di patate   -

1/2 bustina di lievito per dolci - 180 gr di burro morbido - 120 gr di zucchero
100 gr di gocce di cioccolato o uvetta - 150 gr circa  di Corn Flakes - zucchero a velo (facoltativo).FATE COSI > Se optate per l'aggiunta di uvetta ricordate di ammollarla per una decina di minuti in acqua tiepida. Poi strizzatela prima di aggiungerla agli altri ingredienti.Lavorate il burro con lo zucchero fino ad ottenere un composto spumoso. Aggiungete quindi un uovo alla volta, mescolando bene dopo ogni aggiunta affinché sia perfettamente incorporato. Unite la farina, la fecola e infine il lievito. Mescolate bene poi incorporate le gocce di cioccolato o l'uvetta precedentemente ammollata e ben strizzata.Non appena il composto sarà omogeneo ponetelo in frigorifero e lasciate riposare per almeno 30 minuti.Trascorso il periodo di riposo riprendete l'impasto e, aiutandovi con un cucchiaino formate delle palline di circa 2-3 cm di diametro. Schiacciatele leggermente e passatele nei cornflakes in modo che siano interamente ricoperte. Disponete man mano i biscotti, distanziandoli bene, su una teglia foderata con carta forno.Fate cuocere in forno statico preriscaldato a 180°C per circa 15 minuti.Lasciate raffreddare prima di gustare. A piacere potete arricchire con una spolverata di zucchero a velo.

******* consil du chefAdrianomennillo - oppure usa la ricetta ( look my photos) 

Desert Roses_Ingredients and Doses - 2 eggs - 200 gm flour 50 gm potato starch -1/2 packet baking powder - 180 gm soft butter - 120 gm sugar -100 gm chocolate chips or raisins - 150 gm about Corn Flakes - powdered sugar (optional).DO THIS > If you opt to add raisins remember to soak them for about ten minutes in warm water. Then squeeze it out before adding it to the other ingredients.Work the butter with the sugar until fluffy. Then add one egg at a time, mixing well after each addition so that it is perfectly incorporated. Add the flour, starch and finally the baking powder. Mix well then incorporate the chocolate chips or raisins previously soaked and well squeezed.As soon as the mixture is homogeneous place it in the refrigerator and let it rest for at least 30 minutes.After the rest period has elapsed, take the dough and, using a teaspoon, form small balls about 2-3 cm in diameter. Crush them lightly and dip them in the cornflakes so that they are fully coated. Arrange the cookies as you go, spacing them well apart, on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.Bake in a static oven preheated to 180°C for about 15 minutes.Let cool before enjoying. If desired, you can enrich with a sprinkling of powdered sugar.

********  consil du chefAdrianomennillo - or use the recipe ( look my photos)  


Coniglio all'Ischitana ( Isola d'Ischia -Napoli )  ingredienti e dosi :  1 coniglio da circa 1,500 Kg -circa 150 gr. di pomodorini maturi -prezzemolo (o basilico) -vino bianco -1,5 dl di olio d'oliva  -peperoncino, sale, pepe, aglio  .METHOD-Tagliate a pezzi il coniglio, lavatelo con il vino ed asciugatelo con un panno asciutto. Fate imbiondire aglio e peperoncino interi nel tegame (meglio se di terracotta) con l'olio. Al momento opportuno togliete dall'olio entrambi e metteteli da parte. Fate rosolare il coniglio nel medesimo tegame (uno dei segreti per una buona preparazione è quello di rosolare pochi pezzi alla volta, in modo da mantenere l'olio sempre ben caldo). Quando è ben colorito, riunite tutti i pezzi nel tegame, aggiungete (se volete) aglio e peperoncino messi in precedenza da parte, spruzzate con un bicchiere di vino bianco, aggiungete sale e pepe, e fate cuocere a fuoco moderato per circa 30 minuti, rigirando di tanto in tanto ed eventualmente aggiungendo un po' di brodo (o altro vino) se il vino e' gia' evaporato. Aggiungete i pomodori spezzettati e privati della loro acqua e abbondante prezzemolo. Lasciate cuocere a fuoco lento per altri 20 minuti circa, rigirando di tanto in tanto, fino a quando il fondo di cottura non si sara' ben ristretto.I tempi di cottura variano ovviamente in funzione della carne dell'animale e del tegame utilizzati. Se ritenete che il piatto richieda una cottura piu' lunga potete usare brodo o un po' di acqua da aggiungere all'intingolo.

****** consil du chefAdrianoMennillo- uno dei piccoli segreti di questo piatto stia nel farlo "tirare" durante la cottura fin quasi a farlo "attaccare" , per poi allungare un po' il fondo di cottura qualche minuto prima di spegnere la fiamma per dare corpo all'intingolo ( sugo )., ricetta originale .

  • ( Naples ) ingredients and doses : 1 rabbit of about 1,500 Kg - about 150 gr of ripe cherry tomatoes - parsley (or basil) - white wine -1,5 dl of olive oil - chilli, salt, pepper, garlic .METHOD - Cut the rabbit into pieces, wash it with wine and dry it with a dry cloth. Brown the whole garlic and chilli pepper in the pan (preferably earthenware) with the oil. At the appropriate time remove both from the oil and set aside. Brown the rabbit in the same pan (one of the secrets of good preparation is to brown a few pieces at a time, so as to keep the oil hot). When it is well coloured, gather all the pieces in the pan, add (if you like) the garlic and chilli pepper set aside earlier, sprinkle with a glass of white wine, add salt and pepper, and cook over a moderate heat for about 30 minutes, turning occasionally and adding a little stock (or other wine) if the wine has already evaporated. Add the tomatoes, chopped and drained, and plenty of parsley. Leave to simmer for another 20 minutes or so, turning occasionally, until the cooking juices have reduced.Cooking times obviously vary depending on the meat of the animal and the pan used. If you think the dish requires longer cooking time, you can use broth or a little water to add to the sauce.

****** consil du chefAdrianoMennillo- one of the little secrets of this dish is to make it 'pull' during cooking until it almost 'sticks'. and then add a little water to the cooking juices a few minutes before turning off the flame to give body to the sauce ( gravy ), original recipe .


Chili con carne_ingredients and doses : 300 gr minced beef ; 200 gr minced pork ; 2 Large onion ; 200 gr dried black beans ; 200 gr tomato pulp ; 2 drops tabasco ; 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil ; 1 carrot ; 2 celery stalks ; 2 tsp chili powder ; 1 tsp cumin. METHOD>The night before, soak the black beans , then drain, rinse and boil them in plenty of salted water.Meanwhile, finely slice the onion , cut the carrot and celery into very small cubes. Sauté the vegetables together with extra virgin olive oil . Add the spices, grated lime zest ( to taste ) and ground meat .Let it season on a high flame for about 5 minutes, turning it often. Add the tomato pulp, adjust the salt and continue cooking for about 1 h .Add the black beans, stir and cook another 10 minutes. Heat the tortillas on a nonstick skillet and serve immediately, piping hot, stuffed with the chili with black beans.

Chili con carne_ingredienti e dosi : 300 gr di carne trita di manzo; 200 gr di carne trita di maiale; 2 Cipolla grande; 200 gr di fagioli neri secchi; 200 gr di polpa di pomodoro; 2 gocce di tabasco ; 4 cucchiai di olio extra vergine di oliva;1 carota;2 costa di sedano;2 cucchiaino di peperoncino in polvere;1 cucchiaino di cumino.METHOD>La sera prima mettete in ammollo i fagioli neri , quindi colateli, sciacquteli e lessateli in abbondante acqua salata.Intanto affettate finemente la cipolla , tagliate a cubetti piccolissimi la carota ed il sedano. Fate soffriggere le verdure insieme all'olio extravergine di oliva . Unite le spezie, la scorza del lime ( a piacere) grattugiata e la carne macinata .Lasciate insaporire a fiamma vivace per circa 5 minuti, rigirandola spesso. Unite la polpa di pomodoro, regolate di sale e proseguite la cottura per circa 1 h .Aggiungete i fagioli neri, mescolate e cuocete ancora 10 minuti. Scaldate le tortillas su una padella antiaderente e servitele subito, ben calde, farcite con il chili con fagioli neri.


Spaghetti alla carbonara -Ingredients for 3/4 persons_350 gr spaghetti, 150 gr smoked bacon lard or pancetta cubes, 4 egg yolks, 50 gr grated pecorino romano cheese plus what you need, 1 drizzle of olive oil, salt, freshly ground black pepper. METHOD- Meanwhile, fry the bacon or bacon cubes in a pan with a little oil until crispy and set aside. Mix the egg yolks and the pecorino romano cheese. Drain the pasta, reserving a few tablespoons of the cooking water. Add the pasta to the pan with the bacon over low heat and stir in the egg and cheese mixture. Add a little cooking water until you reach the consistency of a creamy sauce. Season with salt and pepper and serve with a little more grated pecorino romano.



Tiella rice, potatoes and mussels #_ingredients and dosage - 2.5 kg mussels to be cleaned -200 gr arborio or carnaroli rice - 250 gr white onions - 2 cloves of garlic - 400 gr of cherry tomatoes, preferably cherry or fiaschetti (in winter, it is preferable to use filo tomatoes) -1 kg potatoes - 40 gr grated Pecorino Romano cheese -fine salt to taste -pepper to taste -extra virgin olive oil from Puglia -parsley to taste -250 gr courgettes (optional) .METHOD-Place the rice in a bowl with cold water and rinse it to remove some of the starch.Clean the outside of the mussels well with a wire straw and wash them under running water.To open the mussels uncooked (absolutely not in a frying pan), lightly crush, slide one of the two valves forward until you hear the typical "clack", inserting a small knife between them and sliding it until the mussel opens; move the mussel to one valve and remove the other, collecting the liquid that will come out in a bowl.Proceed in this way with all the mussels and place them in a container. Strain the water through a fine strainer or cotton cloth to remove all impurities and keep it aside.Sprinkle the base of the baking dish we are going to use (traditionally aluminium or terracotta ones are used) with excellent extra virgin olive oil and the onions cut into rounds.Peel the potatoes and cut them into even slices no more than ½ centimetre thick, to allow them to cook evenly.Make a first layer of potatoes, on top of which lay the sliced courgettes, a few cherry tomatoes and the parsley.Sprinkle with cheese, a little pepper and more oil.Make a layer of mussels, using them all, with the fruit facing upwards.Sprinkle with the rice, taking care to get it into the open mussels.Chop the garlic and sprinkle it over the rice together with more onion slices, parsley and more cheese and oil.Grind plenty of pepper all over the surface.Make the closing layer with the remaining potatoes, taking care to cover completely.Finish with the remaining cherry tomatoes, sprinkle again with cheese and add a little more oil.At this point the tiella is composed, but the liquids must be added.Insert the filtered liquid from the mussels on the side and complete with lightly salted water (about 7 g of salt per litre) up to the edge of the last layer, without exceeding it.The right amount is obtained when, by lightly pressing the surface of the last layer, the water rises to the surface.Bake at 200° in a static oven for 45 to 60 minutes, preferably heated on the cooker, until the potatoes are cooked and an appetising golden crust has formed.Tiella is best eaten warm, allowing its flavours to blend well.


Cassoùla Milanese style (Milan )_ingredients and servings for 4/6 servings :2/3 Cabbage -1 kg pork rind - 1,5 kg pork ribs (puntina) -1.5 kg of cabbage sausage or pork sausage -as desired pig's feet, ears, snout (or only 2 pig's feet) - ½ tube of tomato paste or 300 g puree - 3 sachets of saffron - 1 meat stock cube (to taste) - 1 onion -Evo oil - 2 glasses of red wine - Salt and pepper - ½ glass of brandy (grappa is also fine) - DO THIS - Clean (scrape with a knife) the pork rind and the pig's feet, and cut them into not too small pieces, then put them in a pot with water and let them boil for about ten minutes (to degrease them a little) ... while boiling, skim a few times..... and then drain. In a (very large) saucepan, sauté the chopped onion in EVO oil (initially butter or butter+oil was used... to stay a little lighter.... ), add the pork ribs and brown them a little, then add the pork rinds and feet; add 2 glasses of red wine and deglaze, then add the tomato paste, diluted in two cups of hot water, the meat stock cube, salt and pepper, add the saffron to the mixture (if you wish you can dilute it in a little water). At this point..... some recipes call for the addition of some chopped carrots and celery, give it all a stir, cover and let it simmer for about 45 minutes... While the meat is cooking, clean the Savoy cabbage (the tough outer ones. I boil them for a few minutes in boiling water. Once the meat is cooked.... add the Savoy cabbage. First the raw ones.... and then the blanched ones (don't be alarmed if at first it looks like the cabbage doesn't fit in the pan... after a few minutes, the cabbage leaves will soften and the problem is solved; close the pan with a lid and leave to cook on a low heat for another 45 minutes or so (until the rinds are cooked). About 10 minutes before the end of cooking time add the brandy and finish cooking., look my recipes e photo chefAdrianoMennillo .


 Neapolitan  easter grain pie > pastiera napoletana  ingredienti e dosi :  
The Pie Crust  . , 1 pound (450 gr) flour   , 1/2 pound (225 gr) lard (at room temperature)  , 1 cup (200 gr) sugar  , 4 yolks  _The Grain -1/2 pound (225 gr) well-drained soaked grain ( Some  delis carry  this , canned) 1 1/2 cups (375 ml) milk  - the zest of a half an orange  - A walnut-sized piece of lard   - 1 teaspoon sugar   - 1 teaspoon vanilla extract _  The Filling - 10 ounces (300 gr ) ricotta (purchase this fresh from a delicatessen)  - 3/4 cup (150 gr ) sugar - 3 eggs, separated  - 1 vial (1/4 cup) acqua di fiori d'arancio (not orange extract, but orange  -blossom water -- purchase this from an Italian deli) - A pinch powdered cinnamon  - 1/4 cup minced candied citron   - 1/4 cup minced candied orange peel - 1/4 cup candied squash (cocozzata, in Neapolitan) -fate cosi -Method - The major variations are in the amount of acqua di arance, a non-alcoholic somewhat oily orange essence (if you cannot find it use orange extract) and the use of crema pasticcera (pastry cream), which some families include and others do not. - As I said, this is particular; it requires presoaked grain, which takes time to prepare (Neapolitan delicatessens now sell canned presoaked grain, and you may be able to find it near your house). To start from scratch, purchase 1/2 pound whole grain and soak it in cold water for two weeks, changing the water every two days (this is Caròla Francesconi's soaking time; another cookbook suggests three days, changing water daily). Come cooking time, drain it and cook the amount indicated. The pastiera is traditionally served in a 10-inch diameter round metal pan with a two-inch rim; Neapolitan pastry shops sell the pastiera in the pan and it is presented so at even the most elegant table. And now the recipe: >> Begin the day ahead by cooking the soaked grain with the milk, zest, lard, sugar and vanilla over an extremely low flame for at least four hours, or until the grains come apart and the milk has been absorbed, so that the mixture is dense and creamy.  The next morning make the pie crust: Make a mound of flour, scoop a well in the middle, and fill it with the lard, sugar and yolks. Use a fork or pastry cutter to combine the ingredients, handling the dough as little as possible (don't knead it). Once you have obtained a uniform dough press it into a ball and cover it with a damp cloth. Pass the ricotta through a strainer into a large bowl, stir in the 3/4 cup sugar, and continue stirring for 5-6 minutes. Next, stir in the yolks, one at a time, and the grain. Next add the orange water; begin with half the amount and taste. Add more if you would like it orangier, keeping in mind that the aroma will fade some in baking. Stir in the cinnamon and the candied fruit as well, then whip the whites to soft peaks and fold them in. Roll out 2/3 of the pastry dough and line the pan. Fill it with the filling. Next, roll out the remaining dough and cut it into strips, which you will want to lay across the filling in a diagonal pattern (lift them from the pastry cloth with a long spatula to keep them from breaking). Bake in a moderately hot oven (180 C or 370 F) for an hour or slightly more. The filling should dry almost completely and firm up, while the pie crust should brown light _.



Sauce Tzatziki ( original recipe )_300 gr Greek yogurt-1 large or 2 small cucumber-3 tablespoons white wine vinegar or alternatively lemon - ¼ bunch finely chopped dill, optional - 2 tablespoons evo oil - 1 or 2 cloves of garlic -1 pinch of salt, for me pink -pepper .Method-Wash and peel the cucumber. Let's cut it in half and salt the surface to get the vegetable water out. Let it rest at least 30 minutes entirely wrapped in a tea towel.Cut the cucumber into more or less large pieces, pour it into the food processor along with the yogurt, vinegar, garlic and oil. We blend until we obtain a smooth sauce.Finally, we add the finely chopped dill - alternatively we could use chives* or wild fennel - we adjust the salt and pepper and let our tzatziki sauce rest in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

Sauce  Tzatziki ( ricetta originale )_300 gr di yogurt greco-1 cetriolo grande o 2 piccoli - 3 cucchiai di aceto di vino bianco o in alternativa limone - ¼ di mazzo di aneto tritato finemente, facoltativo - 2 cucchiai di olio evo - 1 o 2 spicchi di aglio -1 pizzico di sale, per me rosa -pepe .Method-Laviamo e priviamo il cetriolo della buccia. Tagliamolo a metà e saliamone la superficie per fare uscire l'acqua di vegetazione. Lasciamolo riposare almeno 30 minuti interamente avvolto in un canovaccio.Tagliamo il cetriolo in pezzi più o meno grandi, versiamolo nel tritatutto insieme allo yogurt, all'aceto, all'aglio ed all'olio. Frulliamo sino ad ottenere una salsa omogenea.Uniamo infine l'aneto tritato finemente - in alternativa potremo utilizzare dell'erba cipollina o del finocchietto selvatico - aggiustiamo di sale e pepe e lasciamo riposare la nostra salsa tzatziki in frigorifero per almeno mezz'ora.


Baccalà alla Ghiotta _Ingredients and Servings -1 kilo of codfish -400/500 gr small potatoes -100 gr olives (black and white) -2 onion -30 gr raisins -30 gr capers -30 gr pine nuts -3 bay leaves -1 glass of cognac -pepperoni-pepper-salt-Evo oil .Method-Make the codfish soak (change the water often) until it is completely desalinated and turns white and pulpy. Rinse it under running water and then cut it into pieces. Peel the potatoes and wash them (if using larger potatoes, cut them into chunks). Finely chop the onion and fry it in a large pot with oil; then add the potatoes, salt and cook for a few minutes then set aside in a bowl . Put the cod in the pot and soak with cognac , then add add add the capers , raisins and pine nuts and olives , then add the potatoes and pepper , little chili , bay leaves and 1/2 liter of hot water and tomato puree , let it cook on low heat for 50/60 minutes , stir slowly and serve with some of its broth.,look my photos chefAdrianoMennillo by Milano.


Seafood pasta ( or Paccheri allo scoglio- ingredients and servings for 4 persons _200 gr squid -150 g prawns -150 gr squid -300 gr mussels -200 gr clams -100 gr salmon steak in pieces -100 gr tuna steak in pieces ( to taste )-300 gr cherry tomatoes or peeled tomatoes -1 clove of garlic -chilli pepper to taste. -400 gr white paccherivino to taste. -extra virgin olive oil -salt , pepper to taste. -chopped parsley - METHOD-Clean the mussels, and purge the clams in salted water.Slice the squid and squid. Open the clams with a splash of wine and the mussels in separate pans. Leave aside and strain their juices.Brown the garlic in a large pan with oil and chili pepper. Add the squid,squid,salmon and tuna. Add the tomatoes and adjust the salt and pepper. Continuing cooking, add shelled shrimp, clams, and mussels and stir. Remove the garlic. To make an even more flavorful sauce, also pour in the filtered juice of the mussels.Meanwhile, cook the paccheri ( or pasta to taste )in plenty of salted water, drain when al dente and toss in the pan a couple of minutes to amalgamate the flavors.With the heat off, add plenty of chopped parsley and serve .



Sicilian Caponata- Ingredients for 4 people _2 aubergines -2 onions -1 celery stalk-4 auburn tomatoes-2 tbsp salted capers-2 tbsp raisins-20 pitted green olives-50 gr almonds-80 gr pine nuts-50 ml (about 2 tbsp) white vinegar-1 tbsp sugar- 8 basil leaves-extra-virgin olive oil. METHOD- An hour (1h) before you start, put the sultanas and capers in two separate small bowls with hot water to soak the sultanas and desalinate the capers. then rinse thoroughly.Wash and peel the aubergines, cut them into 1 cm cubes and fry them in a large pan in a finger of hot oil. Drain them on absorbent paper. Remove most of the oil from the pan, leaving a little. Wilt the thinly sliced onions. Remove the stalks from the celery, cut it into thick strips, blanch it for 5 minutes in boiling salted water, then add it to the onions together with the sultanas, which have been soaked in warm water for at least half an hour and then rinsed.Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water, peel them, remove the seeds and water, dice them and add them to the pan with the sugar, vinegar and chopped basil. Cook for ten minutes. Add the aubergines, olives, pine nuts and desalinated capers (left for at least an hour in warm water and then rinsed thoroughly). Cook for a further 10 minutes, season with salt (about a teaspoon of salt) and pepper. Toast the almond granules for a few moments under the grill. To add flavour and colour, I added, together with the tomatoes, a tablespoon of double tomato paste dissolved in half a glass of hot water, added a little more sugar if desired, and added an extra pinch of salt, because with half a dose of vegetables, a tablespoon of vinegar and two teaspoons of sugar, everything was still too sour. The sweet and sour is to be balanced to taste, then cook for about 5 minutes more, to evaporate the alcool from the vinegar, and serve lukewarm.

Caponata siciliana -ingredienti per 4 persone _2 melanzane -2 cipolle -1 costola di sedano-4 pomodori ramati-2 cucchiai di capperi sotto sale-2 cucchiai di uvetta-20 olive verdi snocciolate-50 gr di granella di mandorle-80 gr di pinoli-50 ml (circa 2 cucchiai) di aceto bianco-1 cucchiaio di zucchero-8 foglie di basilico-olio extravergine di oliva .METHOD-Un'oretta ( 1h) prima di iniziare, mettete uvetta e capperi  in due ciotoline, separate, con acqua calda, per far rinvenire l'uvetta e dissalare i capperi. poi sciacquate abbondantemente.Lavate e spuntate le melanzane, tagliatele a dadini di un cm e friggetele in un largo tegame, in un dito di olio caldo. Scolatele su carta assorbente.Eliminate dal tegame la maggior parte dell'olio, lasciandone un filo. Appassitevi le cipolle affettate sottili. Private il sedano dei fili, tagliatelo a lamelle spesse, scottatelo 5 min in acqua bollente salata, poi unitelo alle cipolle insieme all'uvetta, prima lasciata in acqua tiepida per almeno mezz'ora e poi sciacquata.Scottate in acqua bollente i pomodori, pelateli, privateli dei semi e dell'acqua, tagliateli a dadini e  uniteli nel tegame con lo zucchero, l'aceto e il basilico spezzettato. Cuocete per dieci minuti.Unite le melanzane, le olive, i pinoli e i capperi dissalati (lasciati almeno un'ora in acqua tiepida e poi sciacquati abbondantemente). Cuocete altri 10 minuti, salate (circa un cucchiaino di sale) e pepate.Tostate la granella di mandorle pochi istanti sotto il grill. Servite la caponata fredda o tiepida, cosparsa con la granella e, se vi piace, accompagnata da fettine di pane.,per aggiungere gusto e colore, ho aggiunto, insieme ai pomodori, anche un cucchiaio di doppio concentrato di pomodoro sciolto in mezzo bicchiere di acqua calda, a piacere aggiungere leggermente la dose di zucchero, e conseguentemente aggiunto un pizzico di sale in più, in quanto, con mezza dose di verdure, un cucchiaio di aceto e due cucchiaini di zucchero, il tutto risultava ancora troppo acido. L'agrodolce è da equilibrare a piacere, poi fare ancora cuocere circa 5 minuti, per far evaporare l'alcool dell'aceto,  e servire tiepido.

Agnello al forno con patate_ingredienti e dosi -
1,5 Kg di agnello -1 Kg di patate  -
2 cipolle -1 carota -2 costa di sedano -2/4 rametti di rosmarino -3 foglie di alloro -
½ bicchiere di vino bianco -½ bicchiere di brodo vegetale -olio extravergine d'oliva qb  -
sale -pepe ( altri sapori a piacere in polvere, sale, rosmarino, aglio, salvia, ginepro, alloro, origano, timo, maggiorana, basilico e piante aromatiche  )
 > Per marinatura : ½ litro di vino bianco .METHOD-Lavate bene l'agnello, asciugatelo e tagliatelo a pezzi, poi lo mettete in una ciotola e lo ricoprite con circa mezzo litro di vino bianco. Chiudete la ciotola con un coperchio e conservatela in frigorifero. Lasciate marinare l'agnello per una notte intera. Dopo la marinatura procedete con la preparazione. Buttate il vino della marinatura e fate rosolare l'agnello in un tegame con olio, cipolla, carota e sedano tritati, aggiungete anche l'alloro e il vino bianco che farete sfumare. Infine aggiungete un pò di brodo vegetale e continuate la cottura per circa 15 minuti. Spolverate l'agnello con l'insaporitore per carni, condite con un filo di olio ed inseritelo in una teglia anch'essa unta di olio o rivestita di carta forno. Lavate e pelate le patate, tagliatele a pezzetti non troppo piccoli, mescolatele con un pò di olio, sale, pepe e una cipolla, poi disponetele nella teglia insieme alla carne. Coprite la teglia con un foglio di alluminio e cuocete nel forno ventilato preriscaldato a 200°C (i dati del forno sono puramente indicativi, regolatevi sempre in base al forno che possedete in casa) per circa 2 ore, avendo l'accortezza di girare di tanto in tanto l'agnello e le patate. Ricordatevi di togliere il foglio di alluminio mezz'ora prima di spegnere il forno, in questo modo le patate rosoleranno meglio. Servite il piatto ben caldo.

Calamari in umido con piselli _ingredienti e dosi per 2/3 persone -250 00gr di calamari ( or calamaretti ) -300 gr di piselli freschi  o decongelati -olio evo -1 spicchio di aglio -½  bicchiere di vino bianco secco -2 cucchiai di passata di pomodoro -sale .METHOD-
Pulite i calameretti, sciacquateli sotto l’acqua corrente, poi scolateli e tagliateli a striscioline. In una pentola  mettete un filo d’olio, l’aglio e la passata di pomodoro e fate soffriggere. A questo punto spegnete il gas eliminate l’aglio e lasciate qualche minuto a raffreddare. Trascorso il tempo necessario aggiungete il pesce, riaccendete il gas a fiamma viva, quando il pesce comincerà a scaldarsi sfumate con il vino bianco e di seguito aggiungete i piselli (se usate quelli surgelati fateli prima decongelare, è importante per mantenere la tenerezza del pesce non fargli subire nessuno shock  termico). Lasciate cuocere coperto a fuoco medio, per circa 20/30 minuti ( il tempo varia a seconda della grandezza del mollusco che avrete scelto). Servite caldo , a piacere accompagnato con  pane tostato.


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