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lo Strutto , oggi quasi non si usa , ma è ottimo per friggere , con l'unica eccezione delle fritture di pesce .

domenica 17 settembre 2023

# Octopus with stewed potatoes # Frittelle di mele # Sauce soffritto napoletano # Costolette di maiale al ribes # Torta Pasqualina # Sartù rice to Neapolitana # Braised my way# Lasagne alla bolognese # Aubergines frite # Pastiera napoletana # Capitone all'orange # Seafood vol-au-vents # Linguine with grouper # Scallops with quinoa # Rice with 4 mixed cheese # Pasta alla wodka # Bun bo gio heo # Pizza Escarola # Tette delle Monache # Roast veal in the oven stuffed # Calamari con piselli # Spaghetti with nero di Troia # Tikka chicken # Rendang # Tagliatelle paglia e fieno # Ragout bolognese #

Octopus with Stewed Potatoes ( by Napoli )#ingredients and servings -1 800 gr octopus -1 onion-20 gr capers-60 gr pitted black and green olives-450 gr potatoes-1 can of tomato pulp-1 glass of white wine-vegetable broth-fresh thyme-extra-virgin olive oil-bread crusts to taste .METHOD-Freeze the octopus overnight, to make it more tender.Clean and cut the octopus into small pieces. Slice the olives into rounds.Wash and slice, not too thinly, the potatoes.Slice the onion.In a pan with a little oil, brown the onion and add the octopus and capers, letting it take on some flavor.Deglaze with white wine.Add the potatoes, olives and tomato pulp.Cook over medium heat for 40 minutes, diluting with broth as needed; the octopus should be soft.Serve with bread and fresh thyme.

Polipo con patate in umido ( by  Napoli )#ingredienti e dosi -1 polpo da 800 gr -1 cipolla-20 gr di capperi-60 gr di olive nere e verdi denocciolate-450 gr di patate-1 lattina di polpa di pomodoro-1 bicchiere di vino bianco-brodo vegetala- timo fresco-olio extravergine di oliva-crostini di pane a piacere .METHOD-Congelare il polpo per una notte, per farlo diventare più tenero.Pulire e tagliare a pezzetti il polpo.Tagliare a rondelle le olive.Lavare e tagliare a fette, non troppo sottili, le patate.Affettare la cipolla.In padella con un po' di olio, imbiondire la cipolla e unirvi il polpo e i capperi, facendo insaporire un po'.Sfumare con il vino bianco.Aggiungere le patate,le olive e la polpa di pomodoro.Cuocere a fuoco medio per 40 minuti, allungando con del brodo al bisogno, il polpo dovrà essere morbido.Servire con del pane e del timo fresco.


Frittelle di mele # ingredienti e dosi -3/4 Mele > .Per la pastella ::150 gr di Farina 00 - 200 gr di Latte -2 Uova -8 gr di Lievito in polvere per dolci -1 pizzico di Sale fino - Succo di un limone -olio di semi per friggere -30 ge di zucchero e Cannella per spolverizzare .METHOD- Si inizia dalla pastella, sbattendo le uova fino a renderle spumose, si aggiungono in seguito il latte, il sale, la farina e il lievito setacciati. Bisogna mescolare accuratamente tutti gli ingredienti con una frusta, fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo e privo di grumi. La pastella è pronta .Ora passiamo alla preparazione delle mele: sbucciamo le mele cercando di rimuovere meno polpa possibile a questo punto si toglie il torsolo e si tagliano a rondelle dello stesso spessore di circa 5 mm.Per evitare che si anneriscano durante la cottura è consigliato cospargere la mela con succo di limone prima di immergere la fettina nella pastella, assicurandosi che sia ben ricoperta, e friggerla nell’olio di semi a circa 170°. Quando diventeranno belle dorate, è il momento di toglierle dall’olio con una schiumarola e adagiarle su della carta assorbente in modo da eliminare l’olio in eccesso.In piccolo recipiente mescoliamo lo zucchero con la cannella in polvere, con cui cospargeremo le frittelle per addolcirle e aromatizzarle.Non serve aspettare che si raffreddino, le nostre frittelle sono da gustare anche calde!


Spaghetti con soffritto napoletano # ingredienti e dosi -400 gr di spaghetti o di bucatini-500 gr di passata di pomodoro-500 gr di frattaglie di maiale o anche di vitello-5 cucchiai d'olio d'oliva o, meglio, 100 gr di sugna-1 peperoncino forte-1 aglio-a piacere una foglia di alloro .FATE COSI >In una padella partite con lo sfritto di aglio, alloro e peperoncino nell'olio o nella sugna. Oppure usate l'olio e aggiungete un cucchiaio di sugna.Aggiungete le frattaglie tagliate a pezzi piccole e lasciate rosolare a fuoco vivo.Togliete l'aglio.Aggiungete il pomodoro e tirate il sugo lentamente lasciandolo pippiare sino a quando si è ristretto.Aggiungete la pasta cotta al dente e fate saltare., sconsigliato il formaggio .

sauce , Soffritto napoletano # 1 Kg. e 1/2 di coratella di maiale -150 gr. di strutto  ( or olio ,burro )-150 gr. di estratto di peperoncino piccante rosso -50 gr. di concentrato -qualche rametto di rosmarino -qualche foglia di alloro -FATE COSI -si lava e si asciuga la coratella e si taglia a pezzetti, si mette a soffriggere in una pentola con lo strutto e si aggiunge rosmarino e alloro, quanto è ben rosolato si aggiunge l'estratto di peperoncino e il concentrato e si mescola bene, si aggiunge infine l'acqua, circa un litro e si fa cuocere lentamente, quando il sugo è denso si spegne.


 Costolette  di maiale al ribes ( or taglio a piacere ) # ingredienti e dosi -  4 braciole di maiale30 acini  Ribes  ( or d’uva rossa varietà red globe ) -1 spicchio d’aglio -peperoncino fresco -sale -rosmarino fresco .1 bicchiere di vino bianco - pepe .METHOD-Scaldate un cucchiaio d’olio in padella con uno spicchio d’aglio sbucciato e schiacciato e peperoncino a piacere.Intanto lavate e dividete a metà gli acini d’uva, aggiungeteli in padella e fate rosolare due-tre minuti, poi sfumate con mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco.Quando sarà evaporato tutto il vino aggiungete le braciole, che avrete salato, pepato e cosparso col rosmarino tritato. Fate cuocere 5 minuti circa ( dipende dallo spessore della braciola, dovrà essere ben cotta e dorata ma non secca) da un lato, sfumate con  un dito di vino, fate evaporare e girate. Ripetete facendo cuocere altri 5 minuti circa e sfumando con il vino.Pepate e servite con l’uva  e del rosmarino fresco.


Torta Pasqualina # ( 24 cm Pfanne ) -Zutaten und Dosierung -Zutaten für eine Klappform mit 24 cm Durchmesser: Für die Hülle: >-500 gr 00 Mehl-2 Teelöffel Salz -2 Esslöffel natives Olivenöl extra -250 ml Wasser . Für die Füllung: -500 gr frischer Spinat (oder Mangold)-1/2 (halbe) Zwiebel-1 Knoblauchzehe (nach Belieben)-3 EL natives Olivenöl extra zum Braten des Spinats + genug zum Bestreichen der Blätter-300 gr Ricotta-6 gehäufte EL Parmesan-6 Eier (1 für die Spinatfüllung und 5 zum Einlegen)-40 gr Butter-Salz-Pfeffer-frischer Parmesan # Zubereitung: 7/8 Minuten, um den Spinat (oder Mangold) zu kochen + 7 Minuten, um ihn in der Pfanne zu braten + 40 Minuten im Ofen bei 180° für den Kuchen.VERFAHREN- zuerst das Mehl mit dem Salz und dem Öl in eine Schüssel geben, nach und nach das Wasser hinzufügen und kneten, bis ein glatter, elastischer Teig entsteht. Den Teig in 10 Teile teilen, von denen 9 gleich groß und einer größer ist: mit einem Geschirrtuch abdecken und 30 Minuten ruhen lassen.in der Zwischenzeit den Spinat in reichlich Salzwasser kochen, dann abtropfen lassen und grob ausdrücken. 3 Esslöffel Öl, die gehackte Zwiebel und den Knoblauch in eine Pfanne geben, den Spinat dazugeben, salzen und pfeffern und 7 bis 8 Minuten braten, bis der Spinat seine Flüssigkeit vollständig abgelassen hat. Die größte Teigkugel mit einem Nudelholz ausrollen: Sie muss sehr dünn sein und den Boden und die Ränder der Form bedecken, wobei sie ein wenig übersteht. Die Form mit feuchtem und ausgewrungenem Backpapier auslegen, das erste Blatt darauf legen und mit Öl bestreichen.Den Spinat in eine Schüssel geben, den Ricotta-Käse, ein Ei und 3 Esslöffel Parmesan hinzufügen, mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen und die Spinatmasse auf dem Boden verteilen. Mit dem Rücken eines Löffels 5 Vertiefungen formen, mit Abstand zueinander; in jede Vertiefung ein Stück Butter geben und die Eier schälen, mit Salz und dem restlichen Parmesan würzen. Dann die anderen 5 Teigblätter ausrollen und übereinander legen, nachdem man sie mit Öl bepinselt hat; schließlich den Rand nach innen falten, um die Füllung aufzunehmen. Die Oberfläche leicht einstechen, erneut mit Öl bepinseln und 40 Minuten lang backen.Wenn die Torta Pasqualina fertig gebacken ist, sollte man 10 Minuten warten, bevor man sie aus dem Ofen nimmt, damit sie noch warm ist, bevor man sie aus der Form nimmt.

Torta Pasqualina # ( tegame da 24 cm ).ingredienti e dosi -Ingredienti per uno stampo a cerniera con diametro di 24 cm: Per l'involucro: >-500 gr di farina 00-2 cucchiaini di sale -2 cucchiai di olio extravergine d'oliva -250 ml di acqua .> Per farcire:  -500 gr di spinaci freschi (o bietole)-1/2 (mezza) cipolla-1 spicchio d'aglio (se piace)-3 cucchiai d'olio extravergine per la cottura degli spinaci + quello necessario per spennellare le sfoglie-300 gr di ricotta-6 cucchiai colmi di parmigiano-6 uova (1 per la farcia agli spinaci e 5 da inserire intere)-40 gr di burro -sale-pepe-maggiorana fresca # Cottura: 7/8 minuti per bollire gli spinaci (o le bietole) + 7 minuti per ripassarli in padella+ 40 minuti in forno a 180° per la torta .METHOD- per prima cosa mettere la farina con il sale e l'olio in una terrina, aggiungere gradualmente l'acqua e lavorare fino a quando otterrete un impasto liscio ed elastico.Dividere la pasta in 10 parti, di cui 9 uguali e una più abbondante: coprire con un canovaccio e fare riposare per 30 minuti.Nel frattempo, lessare gli spinaci in abbondante acqua salata, quindi scolarli e strizzarli grossolanamente. Mettere in una padella 3 cucchiai d'olio, la cipolla e l'aglio tritati, unire gli spinaci, salare, pepare e fare cuocere per 7/8 minuti, fino a quando saranno perfettamente privi del loro liquido di vegetazione.Spegnere la fiamma e aggiungere la maggiorana tritata. Fare dunque intiepidire.Stendere con il mattarello la pallina d'impasto più grossa: deve essere molto sottile e rivestire la base e i bordi dello stampo, fuoriuscendo un pochino . Rivestire lo stampo con la carta forno bagnata e strizzata, adagiarvi la prima sfoglia e, quindi, spennellarla con l'olio.Stendere ora altre 4 sfoglie e appoggiarle sulla prima, spennellandole con l'olio una dopo l'altra.Mettere gli spinaci in una terrina, unire la ricotta, un uovo e 3 cucchiai di parmigiano, salare e pepare leggermente.Distribuire il composto di spinaci sulla base.Con il dorso di un cucchiaio formare 5 incavi distanziati; in ogni incavo mettere un fiocchetto di burro e sgusciarvi dentro le uova, salare e insaporire con il parmigiano rimanente.Stendere dunque le altre 5 sfoglie e adagiarle, una sull'altra, dopo averle spennellate con l'olio; infine, ripiegare l'orlo verso l'interno, in modo da contenere il ripieno.Punzecchiare con delicatezza  la superficie, spennellare ancora con l'olio e infornare per 40 minuti.Quando la nostra torta Pasqualina è cotta aspettare 10 minuti prima di sfornarla e che sia tiepida prima di toglierla dallo stampo.Servire a temperatura ambiente.


Sartù  rice alla Napoletana #  ingredients and servings for 4/6 people: 450 gr rice, 1 ½ bottles of tomato puree, 2 eggs, 2 pork sausages, 200 gr fresh or frozen peas, 1 onion, 100 gr parmesan cheese, 200 gr mozzarella or scamorza cheese, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs, butter -For the meatballs 300 gr mixed minced meat, 1 egg, salt, pepper, parmesan cheese, 100 gr stale breadcrumbs_do this : First prepare the meat sauce by frying the onion in a few tablespoons of evo oil, sauté the sausages a and then add the tomato puree. Season with salt, lower the heat and simmer for about 1 hour, adding a little water if necessary.  Meanwhile, prepare the sartù filling.  Prepare 2 hard-boiled eggs, let them cool and cut them into slices. Fry the peas in a non-stick pan with a few tablespoons of oil and some thinly sliced onion, salt and pepper. Add a few tablespoons of stock to finish cooking. Prepare the meatballs: Wet and squeeze the stale bread, add it to the minced meat, egg, salt, pepper and Parmesan cheese in a bowl. Mix well and form small meatballs which you fry in hot oil.  Now boil the rice al dente in salted water. Drain and rinse under cold water, season with some of the meat sauce and parmesan. Take a baking tray with a hole in the middle, a bundt pan, grease it with butter or margarine and sprinkle it with breadcrumbs. Pour in some of the rice seasoned with meat sauce and line the tin also along the edges, leaving a hollow in the middle. Fill this void with all the ingredients: sausages cooked in the meat sauce, cut into small pieces, peas, meatballs, boiled eggs, mozzarella or scamorza cheese, sprinkle with grated cheese and cover with more rice, compacting well. Sprinkle more breadcrumbs and a little butter over the surface. Keep some meatballs and peas aside to decorate the dish. Bake in a hot oven for about ½ hour. Remove from the oven and, with the help of a knife, pull it away from the edges and turn out onto a serving plate. Pour some of the meat sauce, peas and the meatballs you set aside in the centre, bring to the table, cut into slices and serve_. 

*** ** conseil du chef adrianomennillo_ In the 18th century, several cooks of French origin worked in Naples and these were called Monsù, Neapolitanising the French term Monsieur. In Naples, pasta was much cooked, but rice was little cooked, but these French cooks, who were very experienced in cooking rice, tried to invent recipes that the Neapolitans liked. Of all the recipes these cooks came up with, they liked a baked rice flan, topped with tomato sauce and garnished with meatballs and peas on the surface, which in French is called 'sur tut' and this word was also Neapolitanised into sartù. Initially it was a delicious meal destined for the tables of the nobility, but later it also passed to the tables of the poor.


Braised my way # Ingredients and doses -750 gr of beef (choose the priest's hat cut)1/2 onion -1 carrot -2 celery sticks-1 sprig of rosemary-1 bottle of red wine -15 gr of butter -½ glass of oil -salt q.b. - pepper . METHOD - First of all it is necessary to marinate the meat: take the piece of meat, dry it of any blood present and arrange it in a bowl. Clean and wash the carrot, celery and onion and cut them into large pieces. Also wash and dry the rosemary sprig, tie it with string and arrange all the vegetables in the bowl containing the meat. Then pour the wine so as to almost completely cover the meat. Cover with plastic wrap and leave to rest for at least 2/3 hours. After the marinating time, pour the oil and butter into a terracotta pot and let it melt over a low flame. When it is completely melted, add the meat and brown it on each side so that it forms a light crust. When it is golden brown, take the vegetables and add them to the meat and cook for about 10 minutes. At this point add salt and pepper and sprinkle with the marinade. Cover and cook for at least 2 and a half hours over low heat so that the braised meat simmers slightly. Once the meat is cooked, remove it from the saucepan and keep it warm while you prepare the accompanying sauce: take the rosemary sprig and pass the cooking liquid to the mixer. Put it back on the fire and let it boil for a few minutes until it thickens, slice your braised meat and serve it accompanied with a few spoonfuls of the sauce.********* Advice from chef Adriano Mennillo: the braised meat prepared in this way can also be cooked day before and reheated before being served, the important thing is not to let the sauce dry too much.


Lasagne alla Bolognese # ingredients and doses for 4/5 people - 300 gr  of minced beef pulp
300 gr of minced pork  -1 carrot - 1 stick of celery -1/2  onion - 1 l. of tomato puree  -
1 glass of milk - a knob of butter - extra virgin olive oil - Salt to taste. - pepper as needed - nutmeg
grated cheese - For the bechamel: >>  50 gr of butter -50 gr made with flour - 500 ml of milk  -
1 pinch of salt - 1 pinch dionee nutmeg. Pasta: > I used about 300 gr. of rough and porous egg pasta sheets, commercially available. METHOD-Chop the onion, celery and carrots and fry with oil and butter in a large saucepan .Add the meat that will have to brown, then blend with the white wine.
Once evaporated, add the tomato puree, season with salt and pepper and grate the nutmeg.
The glass of milk will serve to dampen the acidity of the tomato and to make the sauce not very "red".
Let it cook for a couple of hours.Meanwhile, prepare the béchamel by melting the butter in a saucepan to which you will add the flour, taking care to avoid the formation of lumps; then slowly add the milk. Cook until the sauce becomes thick, adding salt and nutmeg.Finally, all that remains is to assemble the ingredients. Then take a rectangular pan in which you will first place the ragù, followed by the pasta, again the sauce, then a layer of béchamel and grated cheese. Continue with this sequence until you run out of ingredients. Bake for about half an hour at 180°.


 Aubergines # ingredients and doses -500 gr of aubergines -
-300 gr of cherry tomatoes -6/7 fresh basil leaves --salt --pepper -
-oregano -abundant olive oil -Cooking: 10 minutes of frying for the aubergines +5 minutes for the cherry tomatoes + about 10 minutes for the complete preparation.METHOD- wash and cut the aubergines into cubes (not too small), sprinkle with salt and leave them to rest for 30 minutes. After this time, rinse and dry the cubes. Heat a large frying pan with plenty of olive oil and fry the aubergines in it for the indicated time, turning them occasionally. Drain and place on absorbent paper to remove the excess oil. Wash and cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add them to the frying pan of the aubergines together with a clove of garlic and the basil leaves broken up with your hands; salt, pepper, perfume with the oregano and cook for five minutes. At this point add the fried aubergines, mix well and continue cooking for another ten minutes.

Capitone all'arancia # Ingredients and doses: 1 1 kg eel -2/3 oranges - 2/3 onion - -1 clove of garlic -30 g sultanas -flour -1,5 dl marsala -olive oil -salt -pepper .METHOD - Peel and clean the fish, wash it and cut it into cubes. Marinate the eel for 1 hour in a mixture of marsala and orange juice; turn it from time to time. Sauté chopped garlic and onion in oil; add the eel, which you have drained and floured. After browning the fish, drain and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook the eel again with the sultanas softened in warm water and the marinade sauce. Let it cook for 30 minutes, stirring well until the sauce becomes thick. Then place the fish in a tray and cover it with the sauce, garnishing with the remaining orange cut into slices.

Seafood vol-au-vents # Ingredients and servings for 4/6 people: mussels already shelled, 1 tin of frozen langoustines, 1 bag of frozen scallops, 200 gr champignon mushrooms, 125 g butter, 50 gr flour, 50 cl milk, 1 pinch of nutmeg, 6 ready-made vol-au-vents, 1 egg yolk, 100 gr fresh cream, salt, pepper Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes. METHOD- Thaw the seafood (the frozen ones), drain and pat dry with kitchen paper. Wash the mushrooms and cut them into strips and fry them in a pan with 25 g butter for 10 minutes.Prepare a béchamel sauce with 50 g butter, flour and milk.Add salt and pepper and nutmeg.Cut the scallops into two or three pieces, then fry them in 50 g butter with the langoustines for 8 minutes.With 3 minutes to go, add the mussels and finish cooking.Heat the vol-au -vents in the oven for 10 minutes, then pour in the mushrooms previously mixed with the seafood and the béchamel sauce and heat for a further 3 minutes. Separately, beat the egg yolk with the cream.Pour the cream over the filled vol-au-vents, keeping them warm, off the heat, until serving.
********* consil du chefAdrianoMennillo _ I always use these ingredients of mine: 12 vol-au-vents (ready-made) -1.2 kg clams-1 clove of garlic-1/2 chilli pepper- chopped parsley-dried white wine-1 tablespoon of pengrattato- extra virgin olive oil-salt.

Linguine with grouper _ ingredients and servings for 3/4 persons -350 gr linguine(or spaghetti) - 1/2 kg grouper - 1/2 kg red tomatoes - 1 onion - 2 cloves of garlic - 1 small glass of gin - parsley to taste - chilli powder to taste - salt - extra virgin olive oil -METHOD- Slice the onion and fry it together with the garlic in a pan with 3 tablespoons of oil. Cut the grouper into chunks and add it to the fry, pour in the gin and let it evaporate. Add the tomatoes (diced) + the chilli, cook for 10/12 minutes, lastly season with salt. Boil the linguine, drain when al dente, then toss in the pan with the sauce, add chopped parsley and serve.
************* consil du chefAdrianoMennillo _ or these ingredients: linguine or spaghetti - grouper - ripe tomatoes-1 courgette-1 spring onion- celery-2 teaspoons of pistachios-1 clove of garlic-parsley-pepper, gin, extra virgin olive oil, salt.


my Rosa >

                         *** my military 1972 - ROMA 

Scallops with quinoa # ingredients and servings for 4 people : 8 /10 prawn tails , 4 scallops nuts , 100 gr  quinoa , 20 gr fresh ginger , 1 celery stalk , 1 carrot , 1/2 onion , 2 sheets of wantan paste , cardamom , salt flowers , extra-virgin olive oil , salt and pepper . METHOD - Soak the quinoa for 1 hour in lightly salted celery , carrot and onion with a little extra oil , bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes , when the quinoa is cooked , turn off the heat and let it rest in its cooking water . Cut the scallops in half and form 4 skewers, alternating them with the shrimps without the intestinal thread, then brown the skewers in a non-stick frying pan with a little oil, season with salt and pepper. Drain the quinoa, then season with salt and pepper, oil and chopped ginger, cut the wantan pasta sheets in half, forming triangles, sprinkle with cardamom and bake them in the oven at 170 degrees until golden and crispy, Finally, place the lukewarm quinoa salad with the fish skewer in the centre of each plate and dress with extra virgin olive oil, complete with a few grains of flor de sal and finish with the crispy cardamom leaves.


Risotto with 4 mixed cheeses # ingredienti e dosi per  2/3 persone - 320 gr of Carnaroli rice -
- 150 gr of raspadura- 100 gr of fresh cheese- 200 gr of sweet gorgonzola- 100 gr of Piedmontese toma
- 2 slices of caciocavallo- 50 gr of grated cheese- 150 gr of shelled walnuts- 30 gr of butter- vegetable broth- Bay leaves- burnet leaves- salt and white pepper .METHOD-In a hot frying pan, melt 2 slices of caciocavallo and let it brown on both sides. In a saucepan, toast the shelled walnuts with a knob of butter. Add the rice and let it toast again. Pour in the vegetable broth and bring to the boil. At the end of cooking, stir in the grated cheese, the fresh spreadable cheese, the diced Piedmontese toma, the pan-grilled caciocavallo. Mix and serve with the flaked raspadura, gorgonzola and burnet on top.


Pasta alla wodka # ingredients and servings -400 gr penne -1 onion -3 garlic cloves  -
A teaspoon of brown sugar  -Salt and pepper -600 gr peeled tomatoes   -300 gr of prawn tails -
200 ml fresh cream -½ glass of vodka -chilli -parsley  -Salt and pepper -Olive oil - METHOD
Fry the onion, garlic and chilli in a frying pan until golden brown, then add the peeled tomatoes. Adjust the salt, pepper and sugar and cook with the lid on for about 10 minutes. 
When the cooking is finished, blend the mixture with an immersion blender until you obtain a smooth, orange-coloured sauce. Cut the shrimp tails in half lengthwise into two thin slices and fry them in an oiled frying pan for about 30 seconds.In the pan with the prawns, add half a glass of vodka and let it evaporate. Stir the tomato sauce into the pan, dilute with cream and let the mixture thicken for 2/3 minutes. In the meantime, cook the penne in plenty of salted water and drain, then sauté for a few minutes in the pan with the previously prepared sauce. Once the pasta is cooked, season it with plenty of chopped parsley, salt, pepper and chilli pepper to taste.

Bun bo gio heo ( Vietnam )#ingredienti e dosi> – 1 kg pork leg – 1kg beef - – 2 kg pork or beef bone– 1.5kg vermicelli noodles– 40 stalks lemon grass– 10 chillies, fresh– 1 bunch perilla– 1 bunch cockscomb mint– 1 bunch of Asian basil– 200 gr green bean sprout– 100 gr dried spring onion– 200 gr green onion– 200 gr banana flowers, thinly sliced– lime, sugar, salt, fish sauce, garlic, dried tamarind,bamboo shoots, shrimp sauce, dried chilli powder.To prepare:– Soak pork in salt, roll and tie with bamboo.– Slice beef and place with pork and bone in water – bring to boil and strain.– Crunch lemon grass and crush white stalks.– Wash banana flowers and thinly slice, then soak in water with dash of lime for 15 minutes.– Wash chilli, sprouts and onion, then thinly chop onion.>>>>To cook: Bring to boil five litres of water, add lemon grass, chilli, beef, and pork and return to the boil. Remove and allow to marinate for 90 minutes, then simmer in open pot after setting aside meat.Flavour with fried onion, chilli powder.Then mix fish sauce, sugar, lime juice, and crushed garlic to make serving sauce.The dish is also usually served with shrimp sauce added with lime juice and fresh chilli.>>>>>To serve:Thinly chop beef. Untie pork from bamboo slats and slice. Serve with chopped onions and cover with stoc .



 Pizza Escarola ( Napoli )  #  Ingredienti e dosi ;;1.500 gr packets of Jus-Rol puff pastry (or easily make ypur own  using olive oil and/or coconut oil) - 800 gr escarole (see note above) or Swiss chard, roughly chopped, including stems - 100 gr Gaeta olives preferably or Kalamata, pitted and roughly chopped  - 3 garlic cloves, smashed -50 gr sultanas/raisins, soaked in warm water -30 gr salted capers, rinsed-30 gr pine nuts, toasted-2 sheets nori, thinly sliced-1 Tablespoon tamari or dark soy sauce -1/4 teaspoon salt if necessary-1 Tablespoon olive oil (scant) -soy milk for glaze (optional) .FATE   COSI > Pre-heat the oven to 200C (or 180C if fan assisted).Soak the sultanas in a bit of warm water and set aside for a few minutes until they are puffy and soft.Ensure that your vegetables are washed and very clean. Escarole can be very sandy.Use a 9-inch (23cm) pie dish. Line the dish with parchment/baking paper and arrange the bottom of the pie crust carefully in the dish. You will need to blind bake the bottom crust (not the top). I like to prick the crust all over with a fork and use the beans method (see HERE for a helpful guide). After blind-baking, take out of the oven and set aside while you prepare the filling.Heat oil in a large, lidded saucepan on medium heat. Add the garlic and cook until slightly golden. Then add the olives, nori and tamari and cook until the nori has wilted thoroughly. If you need to, add a tiny bit of water or more oil if that’s more your thing. Now add the escarole, mix and cover with a lid until the escarole has wilted. It will fill up your saucepan. Once you have room to manoeuvre in the saucepan, add the sultanas, capers and pine nuts, mix well and cook for five minutes or until all the ingredients are well mixed (see photo below). You may need to lower the heat, depending on your cooker, to avoid burning. Taste for seasoning and add salt if necessary. Remove and discard the garlic.Once it’s all cooked through, take off the heat and set aside to cool. Before it can go into to the pie shell, it should be cool to the touch, but can be tepid.Put the filling into the crust (see photo below) and cover the pie with the pie top.Place in oven and cook for approximately 30-40 minutes depending on your oven. This is what is looks like fresh out of the oven.Let it cool on a cooling rack before serving warm or cold. The pizza di scarola keeps well for a few days and is even better the next day, cold! You may serve it as a starter if you cut it up into squares, or a side dish, or a snack or as the main event with a side salad. It’s whatever you want, really.

TeTette delle Monache (Puglia ) #  ingredients and doses -100 gr granulated sugar - 10 eggs - 200 gr cake flourFor the chantilly cream: 2 egg yolks -180 ml fresh cream - 50 gr granulated sugar -2 egg yolks -15 gr flour 00 . The zest of an organic lemon (or, if desired, half a vanilla pod)-250 ml whole milk.METHOD- Whip the egg yolks with 90 gr sugar for 15/20 minutes with an electric mixer, gradually add the sifted flour, mixing well with a spatula. Whip the egg whites very stiffly with 10 g sugar adding the juice of half a lemon a little at a time, add two tablespoons of the whipped egg whites to the yolks and mix, after which pour the yolks into the egg whites and mix very gently from top to bottom, pour the mixture into a pastry bag with a wide, smooth nozzle and form circles on a baking sheet , leaving the traditional tip.Bake in a static oven already hot at 180 degrees for about 15/20 minutes, they should turn a nice golden color. Keep the oven, static, a little ajar so the moisture comes out.After cooked turn off and let cool in the oven.Prepare the Chantilly cream: pour the milk into a saucepan along with the lemon zest and bring it to the boiling point. In a second saucepan, work the egg yolks with the caster sugar with a whisk. Add the sifted flour and continue stirring until combined. Pour in, slowly and in several batches, the hot milk, always stirring. Bring it back to the heat and continue stirring until the cream has thickened. Transfer to a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let the custard cool; In a bowl, whip the cream with electric whips or a planetary mixer. Add the sifted powdered sugar, stirring from the bottom to the top so the cream does not come apart; When the custard is completely cold, add the whipped cream and whisk the two creams together until frothy, smooth and homogeneous.Here is your Chantilly cream ready! We take a pastry syringe and fill from the bottom side, lay on the paper ramekins and sprinkle with powdered sugar; If you like, there is also the ricotta filling, with 500 gr of ricotta and 150 gr of sugar, you sift the ricotta , it should become nice and smooth, add the sugar and mix well, then again, with the syringe, fill the sighs, let them rest a little before serving.

Roast veal in the oven (stuffed) #  ingredients and doses _800 gr of veal rump open like a book - 80 gr of speck - 40 gr of dried porcini mushrooms -40 gr of toasted shelled walnuts -1 tablespoon of breadcrumbs -1 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese grated -1 glass of dry white wine -1 glass of dry Marsala -fresh thyme -1 shallot - olive oil -20 gr of butter - 1 tablespoon of flour -1 bay leaf - 2 cloves of garlic -fresh sage - salt - pepper - METHOD-Put the mushrooms to soak in a container with warm water and leave them there for 30 minutes. After this time, squeeze them very well and chop them finely. Sauté the chopped shallots in the oil in a non-stick pan, add the dried mushrooms and cook them until the cooking liquid is dry, season with salt and pepper. Leave to cool. In the mixer, chop the mushrooms cooked at room temperature with the Parmesan cheese, the breadcrumbs, plenty of thyme and the toasted walnuts. Season with salt and pepper, calculating that the speck is also included in the roast filling. Spread the meat on a cutting board and place the speck slices inside so as to cover it completely. Also add the prepared filling and level it well with your hands, leaving a couple of centimeters from the edges. Roll up and tie tightly with kitchen string. Rub the meat with salt and pepper. Start cooking: brown the roast in a saucepan with 3 tablespoons of oil and the butter. Turn it with two wooden spoons so that you never pierce it, otherwise the meat juices will leak out and the roast will have a stringy texture. When the surface of the meat is well browned (not white, golden) blend with the white wine and Marsala. Let it evaporate over high heat and add the cloves of garlic, bay leaf and sage. Lower the heat and cover with the lid to seal. Cook for about 1 hour or in any case until a core temperature of 75° is reached inside the roast, which can be measured with a kitchen thermometer. Last phase (see my photo) set the whole roast aside before serving , in its cooking liquid ) add a little flour , turn up the heat and stir with a whisk to bind the sauce, then pass it through a sieve and add it to the slices of veal .Let the roast rest for 10 minutes, then cut into slices and serve, adding the cooking juices.

photo by adrianomennillo agosto 2013  
 (1) to Colla  Micheri - Medioval  Village ,
Laigueglia >>  Rosa is already nice when you can walk on foot is beautiful _

Calamari with peas # ingredients and doses - 1 kg of squid .1/2 shallot - 2 cloves of garlic - parsley -extra virgin olive oil -2 pieces of chilli pepper -salt -400 g of peas -½ glass of white wine dry - 300 g of tomato puree. METHOD-Clean the squid by detaching the tentacles and emptying the bags, remove the internal transparent bone, wash very well and cut into rings of about 1 cm while leaving the tentacles whole. Wash the parsley, the garlic and the shallot, finely chop everything and put the mince in a saucepan with the olive oil, fry gently for a couple of minutes, add the squid and the tentacles, the chilli pepper and fry for about 10 minutes, evaporate with the wine, add the tomato purée, the peas, the salt and a glass of hot water, cook for 25/30 minutes, until the sauce has reduced.
Switch off and serve hot with polenta or slices of toasted homemade bread.


Spaghetti with Nero di Troia # ingredients and doses for 4 people ;; 450 g of spaghetti - 1 bay leaf - 2 glasses of Nero di Troia - - 1 liter and a half of vegetable broth (hot water to taste) - extra virgin olive oil - parsley or rocket - 1 garlic - 1 chilli pepper - salt _Method - In a large saucepan, brown the garlic in the oil. Meanwhile, boil the spaghetti in the broth for 1 minute, then throw them into the pan with the oil, brown for 1 minute and add the red Trojan wine, cook while stirring and adding the broth a little at a time (if necessary) the mixture too drya, add a little broth or water (like making a risotto) when cooked, add the chopped parsley or rocket.

***** consil du chef adrianomennillo> spaghetti should always be cooked for 1 or 2 minutes in broth or water, then with a fork, or drain them without throwing away the hot water, add the spaghetti to the pan and finish cooking according to the minutes indicated on the package.

  ********photo and recipe Neapolitan chef, Spaghetti with Troy black ink to adrianomennillo / 2016


Tikka Chicken # Ingredients and servings : 2 skinless chicken breasts (or 4 thighs) - 2 tablespoons of plain yoghurt - 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil -The juice of fresh lime or lemon -A small piece of fresh ginger -1 shallot -A small piece of parsley - 1 cup of tomato sauce -Half a cup of water - 1 tablespoon of cooking cream - Salt - 2 teaspoons of tikka masala spices. METHOD - Mix the spices in a small bowl.In a large bowl combine chicken, yoghurt, lime juice, garlic, ginger and about half of the spice mix you have just prepared and marinate in the fridge for at least an hour.Melt the clarified butter in a pan over medium-high heat; add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes.Add the remaining spice mix, chopped tomatoes and water and bring the sauce to the boil. Reduce the heat, partially cover and simmer the sauce until it has thickened slightly, about 25 minutes.In the meantime, cook the chicken in the oven.Add the chicken to the sauce, cream, put the lid back on and cook for another 5 minutes.Remove the pan from the heat, stir in the chopped coriander (or parsley) and serve with basmati rice



Rendang # ingredients and servings #1 teaspoon salt - 1 teaspoon coriander seed powder - 1/4 teaspoon turmeric -1 small piece of coarsely chopped ginger - -4 cloves of garlic coarsely chopped -4 large scallions, net weight 150 gr - chili flakes to taste (1 1/2 tablespoons ) - peanut seed oil ( or coconut oil ) -800/900 gr beef - 2 sticks of lemongrass, white part only, not chopped - 4 leaves of kaffir lime -1 piece of sliced galangal -1 can of coconut milk -1 tablespoon of palm sugar or dark sugar -METHOD- Put the salt, coriander, turmeric, ginger, garlic, scallions and chili flakes in a mini blender and reduce to a smooth paste. Add the oil to a heavy-bottomed pot and brown the meat well, even several times. Transfer it to a bowl. Add the lemongrass, lime leaves and galangal and fry until fragrant and combine with the meat. Here I admit that I only put in the lemongrass. Definitely the dish lost! As I understand it though, it's the turmeric leaves that really characterize rendang and in this part of the world they are hard to find. Turn down the heat and fry and dry the dough without letting it burn, stirring constantly. This will take 10 to 15 minutes. Add the coconut milk and sugar, combine the meat with the other spices, cover, leaving a small gap and lower. Stir occasionally and cook for about 4 hours. By this time the gravy will have mostly evaporated. Uncover, raise the heat a little and stir, letting the remaining liquid evaporate. There will be oil left in the pot that will fry all the remaining solids and make the rendang more flavorful.The rendang is ready when there is no more gravy and the meat has turned a very dark color. A day's rest benefits this prepration greatly, so it is best to prepare it in advance. Serve with steamed rice.

Tagliatelle paglia e fieno al ragù # Ingredients and doses- 250 gr paglia e fieno -250 gr minced pork and veal meat - mixture for sautéing (onion, celery, carrot) -Extra-virgin olive oil to taste -50 ml dry wine - salt to taste -750 ml tomato puree. METHOD - Prepare the Bolognese sauce by frying the mixture for sautéing in 2 spoonfuls of oil. Add the minced meat, letting it brown gently and blending with the white wine. Finally pour in the tomato puree and leave to simmer for 20 minutes, stirring. cook the tagliatelle for 5/6 minutes, drain and dress with the meat sauce. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Ragout Bolognese # ingredients and servings for 6/8 persons -1 medium onion
1 medium carrot 
1 celery stalk 
200 gr fresh minced pork belly
200 gr minced pork meat
200 gr minced beef pulp
1 litre of tomato puree
3/4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
> METHOD- Finely chop celery, carrot and onion
Fry them in the oil for 5 minutes on a high flame
Add the bacon first, deglaze it well using a wooden spoon and once browned add the pork meat, same thing, deglaze it and brown it well, finally the beef meat Once the meat is browned, still over a high flame, add the tomato puree, lower the flame to a minimum, put a lid on and leave to simmer for 3 to 4 hours, checking the cooking time, stirring occasionally until it has reduced to about half its volume.
If you want to be on the safe side so as not to burn everything, there are cast-iron plates to place between the pan and the fire. Only almost at the end of the cooking time do we add a level tablespoon of coarse salt. The most suitable and also the most classic pasta to combine with the meat sauce is hand-rolled Tagliatella, but it is such a tasty condiment that it will do honour to any format of fres

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