e già ...

e già  ...
lo Strutto , oggi quasi non si usa , ma è ottimo per friggere , con l'unica eccezione delle fritture di pesce .

sabato 16 settembre 2023

# Braciole baresi # レモンペースト # コンキリオーニ・リピエーニ・アル・フォルノ # Hungarian soup goulasch # Strudel di mele # salsa ferrarese # 意大利肉酱面 # Pasta con speck e piselli # Pasta with sardines and fennel # Black forest # Spaghetti with clams chefadrianoMennillo # Roman Semolina style # Spaghetti alla carbonara # pasta and potatoes with baked provola # Tripe alla romana # Sweet and sour liver # Chimicurry # Chicken terrine cold # rocoto relleno # Porchettato rabbit # Antichokes stuffed in sicilie style # Spahgetti with three tomateos # Pork with milk # Pipi chini # Ugly but good #

Braciole baresi ( Bari ) # ingredients and doses for 2/3 people - 4 slices of horse meat for braciole -50 gr of lard -1,5 lt of tomato sauce -2 cloves of garlic -1 onion -parsley -evo oil-salt-pepper-parsley- grated pecorino romano cheese -1 glass about red or white wine -cotton thread or toothpick . METHOD-On each slice of meat place chopped garlic and parsley , a small piece of lard, a little grated pecorino romano cheese and a pinch of pepper , wrap on themselves forming roulades (chops) and close with some toothpicks or kitchen string. In a pan slowly sauté the onion in the evo oil, then put the chops and brown well on all sides , add the white wine, let it evaporate, after about half an hour pour in the tomato sauce and to taste the chili pepper and cook for at least 2/3 hours., depends on the type of meat you use , in Puglia they use horse meat where it needs more cooking time or use beef .

Braciole baresi ( Bari ) # ingredienti e dosi per 2/3 persone - 4 fettine di carne di cavallo per braciole -50 gr di lardo -1,5 lt di salsa di pomodoro -2 spicchi di aglio -1 cipolla -prezzemolo -olio evo-sale-pepe-peperoncino-formaggio pecorino romano grattugiato -1 bicchiere circa di vino rosso o bianco -filo di cotone or stuzzicadenti .METHOD-Disporre su ogni fettina di carne un trito di aglio e prezzemolo , un pezzettino di lardo, un poco  di pecorino romano grattugiato e un pizzico di pepe , avvolgere su se stesse formando degli involtini (braciole) e chiudere con alcuni stuzzicadenti o dello spago da cucina.In un tegame  fate soffriggere lentamente la cipolla nell'olio evo,  mettete poi le braciole  e far rosolare ben bene da tutte le parti , aggiungete il vino bianco, fate evaporare, dopo circa una mezz'ora versate la salsa di pomodoro e a piacere il peperoncino e fate cuocere per almeno 2/3 ore., dipende dalla tipo di carne che usale , in Puglia usano quella di cavallo dove ha bisogna più tempo di cottura oppure usate il manzo .


Pesto al limone # ingredienti e dosi -2 limoni biologici -100 gr parmigiano grattugiato -120 ml olio evo -80 gr anacardi -7 gr sale -1 spicchio aglio -1 pizzico zenzero (facoltativo) - q.b. menta (per decorare) .METHOD-Disponete tutti gli ingredienti sul piano da lavoro.Lavate i limoni e asciugateli con uno strofinaccio, con il pelapatate prelevate la scorza, evitate di prendere la parte bianca e inseriteli nel bicchiere del frullatore o nel mortaio.Poi dividete i limoni a metà e spremete il succo, filtrate e versate nel bicchiere del frullatore, aggiungete le bucce, gli anacardi, lo zenzero, il parmigiano grattugiato, il sale, ed infine l'aglio sbucciato, tagliato a metà e privo dell'anima, unite l'olio a filo, azionate la velocità e frullate, dovete ottenere una crema.

レモンペースト #材料と分量 -有機レモン2個 -すりおろしたパルメザンチーズ 100g- エボ・オイル 120ml- カシューナッツ 80g- 7g- ニンニク 1- ショウガ(お好みで) 1つまみ- ミント(飾り用)作り方 -すべての材料を作業台に並べる。 レモンを洗い、ティータオルで水気を拭き取り、ピーラーで皮を取り除き、白い部分は避けて、ミキサーグラスかすり鉢に入れる。 次に、レモンを半分に割って果汁を絞り出し、漉してブレンダーのグラスに注ぎ、皮、カシューナッツ、生姜、すりおろしたパルメザンチーズ、塩を加え、最後に半分に切ったニンニクの皮を魂抜きで加え、オイルを少しずつ加え、回転数を上げて混ぜ合わせると、クリーム状になる。


Conchiglioni  ripieni al forno  ( è il tipo di pasta ) # ingredienti e dosi per 4/5 persone - 32 Conchiglioni-350 gr Ricotta di pecora-350 gr Carne macinata mista-800 gr Passata di pomodoro-100 gr Parmigiano grattugiato-4 Cucchiai di Olio Extravergine di Oliva-1/2 Cipolla-Sale .METHOD -Iniziamo con il preparare il pomodoro.In un tegame, soffriggiamo la cipolla in 2 cucchiai di olio Evo. Quando sarà dorata, versiamo la passata di pomodoro. Saliamo e lasciamo cuocere a fuoco basso,coperto, per circa un’ora, affinché si riduca.In una padella, mettiamo a scaldare 2 cucchiai di olio Evo. Quando l’olio sarà ben caldo, versiamo la carne macinata e sgraniamola con l’aiuto di una forchetta. Saliamo e, a fine cottura, mettiamo a raffreddare la carne in una ciotola.Quando sarà raffreddata, uniamo la ricotta, qualche cucchiaio di formaggio e di salsa di pomodoro .Mescoliamo il composto e lasciamo da parte.Mettiamo a bollire l’acqua per la pasta. Quando raggiungerà il bollore, saliamola e caliamo i conchiglioni. Facciamo cuocere secondo il tempo indicato sulla confezione e scoliamoli.Prendiamo una teglia da forno. distribuiamo sul fondo, un mestolo abbondante di pomodoro. Poi, con l’aiuto di un cucchiaio o di un saccapoche, riempiamo i conchiglioni, con il composto messo da parte, e disponiamoli in modo ordinato nella teglia. Se non avete una teglia abbastanza grande ( oppure 2 teglie di alluminio piccole )  Cospargiamo con altro pomodoro ed altro formaggio, ed inforniamo per 30 minuti a 220°.

コンキリオーニ・リピエーニ・アル・フォルノ(このタイプのパスタです) # 材料と分量 4/5人分 - 32 コンキリオーニ-350 gr リコッタ・ディ・ペコラ-350 gr ミックスミンチ-800 gr トマトピューレ-100 gr おろしパルメザン-4 大さじ1 エキストラ・バージン・オリーブオイル-1/2 玉ねぎ-塩。 作り方 -まずトマトを用意する。きつね色になったらトマトピューレを入れる。フライパンに大さじ2杯のオリーブオイルを熱する。油が熱くなったらひき肉を入れ、フォークでつぶす。冷めたらリコッタチーズとチーズ大さじ2、トマトソースを加え、混ぜ合わせておく。沸騰したら塩を加え、コンキリオーニを入れる。耐熱皿を用意し、底にトマトソースをお玉一杯分入れる。次に、スプーンか菓子袋を使って、コンキリオーニに混ぜ合わせたものを流し入れ、耐熱皿にきれいに並べる。十分な大きさの耐熱皿がない場合は(小さなアルミ皿2枚でもよい)、さらにトマトとチーズをふりかけ、220度で30分焼く。


1) Gonlasch Ungherese ( ricetta originale ) # ingredienti e dosi -  300/400 gr di manzo magro - 5/6  cipolle bionde  ,calcolatene una/una e mezza a testa - 1 spicchio d'aglio  -Cumino dei prati (non quello in polvere ) - Vino rosso dolce - Molta paprika dolce -1 or 2 pomodoro maturo da sugo -4 peperoni gialli e verdi -3 carote -4 patate -acqua - sale e pepe .FATE COSI ( Method ) - Tagliate la carne a dadini di circa un centimetro, poi salatela e pepatela poco. Conservatela in frigo mentre preparerete il resto.In una bella pentola capiente fate andare un po' d'olio extra vergine d'oliva, e fatevi imbiondire la cipolla  tritata.Quando la cipolla sarà ammorbidita, aggiungete qualche cucchiaino colmo di semi di cumino.Mescolate, fate insaporire e a questo punto aggiungete la carne.Regolate di sale, aggiungete un'abbondante presa di pepe nero e coprite col coperchio.La carne rilascerà il suo sughetto, voi fate cuocere a fiamma moderata, mescolando ogni tanto.Quando la carne avrà perso il suo colore rosa è il momento di aggiungere quasi mezza bottiglia di vino. Attenti a quando lo sceglierete: dovrà essere un vino che non superi i 10 vol. alcolici e dal sapore dolce ma non frizzante. E' importantissimo per la buona riuscita del nostro goulash!Dopo qualche minuto aggiungete la paprika: vi sembra molta? Infatti è proprio così .E' arrivato il momento delle verdure: andiamo con i pomodori tagliati a cubetti...Aspettate qualche minuto e aggiungete i peperoni...Aggiungete dell'acqua a temperatura ambiente, tanta da coprire il tutto.E dopo una mezz'oretta (o meglio 45 minuti) potrete aggiungere le carote., 15 minuti prima di servire mettete le patate a cubetti.Chiudete col coperchio e fate cuocere.Il risultato dovrà essere una zuppa liquida, che lascia intravedere le verdure e qualche pezzetto di carne.

1) Hungarian Gonlasch ( original recipe ) # ingredients and doses - 300/400 gr lean beef - 5/6 blond onions ,calculate one/one and a half each - 1 clove of garlic -Prairie cumin ( not the powdered kind ) - Sweet red wine - Lots of sweet paprika -1 or 2 ripe tomatoes for gravy -4 yellow and green peppers -3 carrots -4 potatoes -water - salt and pepper . DO THIS ( Method ) - Dice the meat about an inch thick, then salt and pepper it a little. Keep it in the refrigerator while you prepare the rest.In a nice large pot, run a little extra virgin olive oil, and brown the chopped onion.When the onion has softened, add a few heaped teaspoons of cumin seeds.Stir, let it season, and at this point add the meat. Adjust the salt, add a generous pinch of black pepper and cover with the lid.The meat will release its juices, you cook over moderate heat, stirring occasionally.When the meat has lost its pink color, it is time to add almost half a bottle of wine. Be careful when you choose it: it should be a wine that does not exceed 10 vol. alcohol and tastes sweet but not fizzy. This is very important for the success of our goulash!After a few minutes add the paprika: does it seem like a lot? Indeed it is.Now it's time for the vegetables: let's go with the diced tomatoes...Wait a few minutes and add the peppers...Add water at room temperature, enough to cover everything.And after half an hour (or better 45 minutes) you can add the carrots., 15 minutes before serving put the diced potatoes.Close with the lid and cook.The result should be a liquid soup, which allows a glimpse of the vegetables and a few pieces of meat.


Hungarian Soup Goulasch # ingredients and doses - 800 g beef - 3/4 onions - e.v.o. oil - salt - black pepper - tomato concentrate - water - marjoram - nutmeg - strong pepper - + spices to taste - potato starch to thicken - DO THIS - Take the meat and cut it into cubes. Finely slice the onion and fry it in a pan with oil. when it is tender add the meat, salt and pepper, fry it, add half a tube of tomato paste and plenty of water (for part of the water do the following: in a separate saucepan put a teaspoon of marjoram with water, bring to the boil and then strain through a sieve. ) Add the nutmeg, paprika (which should not be put in first, if it burns it becomes bitter) and cook for 2½ hours. Even 3.The longer you cook the better.,If needed add potato starch to adjust the density.

******* consil du chefAdrianoMennillo - Some people put cumin, actually this is a translation error, the original recipe speaks of kummel, otherwise known as meadow cumin or caraway, and not caraway. Kummel has a milder and less spicy taste than its near namesake, so either use this or with cumin you risk covering up any other flavour .


2)Soup goulasch Ungherese # ingredienti e dosi - 800 gr di carne di manzo - 3/4  cipolle - Olio e.v.o. - Sale -Pepe nero -Concentrato di pomodoro -Acqua-Maggiorana-Noce moscata-Paprika forte ( or peperoncino forte ) -+ Spezie a piacere -Fecola di patate per addensare .FATE COSI -Prendete la carne e tagliatela a cubetti.Affettate la cipolla finemente e fatela rosolare in una padella con dell'olio.Quando è tenera aggiungete la carne, salate, pepate.Fate rosolare, aggiungete mezzo tubetto di concentrato di pomodoro e abbondante acqua.(per una parte dell'acqua fate così: In un  pentolino a parte mettete un cucchiaino di  maggiorana con dell'acqua.Portate ad ebollizione e poi filtrate tutto con un colino. Avrete così un l'aroma più delicato della maggiorana.)Aggiungete la noce moscata, la paprika (che non va messa prima, se brucia diventa amara ).A questo punto lasciate cuocere per 2 ore e mezzo. Anche 3.Più fate cuocere e meglio è.,Se serve aggiungete la fecola di patate per aggiustare la densità.

******* consil du chefAdrianoMennillo - C'è chi mette il cumino, in realtà di tratta di un errore di traduzione, la ricetta originale parla di kummel, altrimenti detto cumino dei prati o carvi, e non del cumino. Il kummel ha un sapore più delicato e  meno piccante del suo quasi omonimo, quindi o usate questo o con il cumino rischiate di coprire ogni altro sapore..


2) Soup goulasch all'Ungherese # ingredienti e dosi -2 cipolle - 2 cucchiai di olio -   375 gr di spezzatino di manzo -  2 cucchiai di paprica in polvere dolce -   1 lt di brodo vegetale - 2 peperoni (1 verde e 1 rosso)  - 3 patate -2 peperoncini rossi piccanti -Sale-Pepe-Maggiorana-2 cucchiaini di cumino-2 cucchiaini di addenzante .METHOD-Pelare le cipolle e tagliare a dadini . Tagliare i pezzi di manzo alla grandezza desiderata.Scaldare l’olio in una pentola e rosolare le cipolle con la carne .Cospargere la polvere di paprika dolce , aggiungere il peperoncino tagliato finemente e  il brodo vegetale. Lasciare cuocere a fuoco lento per 45 minuti.Nel frattempo pelare le patate e tagliare a dadini . Pulire i peperoni e tagliare a fettine fini. Quindi aggiungere patate e peperoni alla zuppa e condire con sale , pepe , maggiorana e cumino e lasciare cuocere per altri 25 minuti.Alla fine aggiungere l'addenzante ( fecola di patate or poca farina   per ottenere la consistenza desiderata.


Studel di mele ( X 2 strudel ) # ingredienti e dosi :Per la pasta: 300 gr di farina, - 1 uovo, - un cucchiaio di zucchero, -50 gr di burro fuso, -½ bicchiere di acqua tiepida, - un pizzico di sale.> Per il ripieno: 1 kg di mele golden, -70 gr di zucchero, -70 gr di uva sultanina, -70 di pinoli (per me noci), -70 gr di burro, -6 cucchiai di pangrattato, -2 cucchiai di brandy (secondo il vostro gusto), -un po’ di cannella in polvere (secondo il vostro gusto).FATE  COSI (METHOD) -Lasciare in ammollo l'uvetta con acqua tiepida e liquore.Scaldare il forno a 180°C.Preparare la pasta formando una fontana con la farina, aggiungere tutti gli altri ingredienti e l'acqua poco per volta, lavorare a lungo fino ad ottenere un impasto liscio ed omogeneo,  sbattere più volte l'impasto sul bordo del tavolo poi formare una palla e coprire con un pentolino in cui abbiamo fatto bollire dell'acqua e vuotato.Lasciare riposare l'impasto.Intanto preparare il ripieno, pelare le mele e tagliarle a fettine sottili, fondere il burro e mescolarlo con il pangrattato, unire le mele, lo zucchero, le noci spezzettate, la cannella e l'uvetta scolata e amalgamare il tutto.Stendere l'impasto, diviso in due parti, in una sfoglia sottile, ci si può aiutare con uno strofinaccio, per ottenere una sfoglia sottilissima prenderla in mano e tenendola sopra le mani lavorarla con i pugni chiusi (per non romperla con le unghie) per renderla più sottile, con delicatezza, è molto elastica, non preoccupatevi.Distribuire il ripieno sopra l'impasto, richiudere la pasta sui bordi e quindi arrotolare, mettere i due strudel sulla placca del forno imburrata o rivestita di carta forno e cuocere a 180°C per 40 minuti.Servire tiepido con una spolverata di zucchero a velo e, se volete esagerare, della panna montata alla vaniglia .


意大利肉酱面(或按口味制作的意大利面) #配料和份量 -意大利面 500 克 -去皮番茄 1 千克(番茄肉) -酸豆 4 勺 -凤尾鱼 10 只 -黑橄榄 150 克 -大蒜 3 瓣 -Prezzemolo -辣椒。清洗大蒜,去皮和内核。 大蒜开始变色时,将其从火上熄灭,加入水瓜和橄榄,用大火翻炒几分钟。倒入番茄浆,用文火煮 30 分钟,随时品尝,如果觉得咸,可以加一点糖,这样可以抑制番茄的酸味。 烧开水,倒入意大利面条,我建议在烹饪前几分钟沥干水分,然后在锅里用大火炒,加入普特纳斯卡酱和一勺适量的烹饪水。


Pasta with sardines and fennel (  Palermo-style ) # ingredients and servings for 2/3 people - 200-300 gr bucatini - 250 gr cleaned sardines (open, peeled and without the tail and head) - 250 gr wild fennel -½ onion (not too small, however) or two to three shallots - 2/3 anchovies in oil - 50 gr sultanas and pine nuts - 1 sachet of saffron - 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce - salt to taste - enough evo oil, but not too little -pepper or hot chilli pepper ( to taste ) ¼ glass of dry white wine -breadcrumbs to taste METHOD- Clean the fennel and boil it in salted boiling water for fifteen minutes. In the meantime, fry the sardines in very little olive oil for no more than fifteen seconds per side (mine were small, if they are larger, a few seconds more) and a little at a time, not all at once, because they can break while turning, which we would not like. They also stick easily to the bottom of the pan, so arm yourself with a silicone scoop to turn them gently. In five minutes, the 250 g sardines are ready. Place them on some kitchen paper to soak up the excess oil. Then finely, but very finely, chop the onion and fry it with plenty of olive oil in the same pan as the sardines, nice and dirty, add a little of the fennel cooking water (by the way, never throw it away because you will be cooking the bucatini in the remaining water!) and let it soften. It should become a cream (help yourself with the tip of a wooden spoon to crush the larger pieces). When the onion is well cooked, pour over the fennel (finely chopped), let it cook for a few minutes with a little cooking water (a little) and as soon as it dries, pour over the sardines (setting aside a few, the healthiest ones, for the final decoration of the dish), pour in the dry white wine, let the alcohol evaporate and finally add enough cooking water from the fennel, lower the flame to the minimum and cook for half an hour. At this juncture, add to the sauce: the two anchovies dissolved in the fennel cooking water; the passolini (sultanas) and pine nuts, previously soaked in warm water and then drained; the saffron dissolved in a little cooking water; salt and pepper or chilli pepper; and finally a tablespoon of sauce, no more if you prefer. I always put it in. Always pour in the fennel cooking water to keep the sauce creamy and smooth. But don't turn it too much or too quickly because the sardines easily disintegrate, while glimpsing a healthy piece every now and then, instead of a creamy fish sauce, is much more pleasant. After half an hour, turn off the heat, cover and let it rest as long as you like. At this point, at the time of eating, cook the bucatini al dente in the fennel water (for coeliacs I use the Schaer ones, they cook for fifteen minutes, you drain them at the twelfth minute and finish cooking them in the pan), drain them and put them in the pan with a little of the heated sauce and mix. Most of the sauce should be placed in a separate pan, kept on the (low) heat and kept soft and creamy. After stirring and cooking the bucatini for a couple of minutes, distribute them on plates and pour over the sardine sauce that has been set aside and is still steaming, decorate with the sardines that you have kept whole, sprinkle with toasted breadcrumbs and ... that's it! Serve, but don't be in too much of a hurry to consume! Take a whiff, inebriate yourself with the fragrances of this Mediterranean island... and then start to savour, slowly, with a nice glass of chilled white wine... This pasta (I prefer my spaghetti a little large, if you like) can also be served lukewarm.

*****consil du Preparation time: 30/40 minutes plus some 50 minutes resting time (to allow the various flavours to blend better), but if you are in a hurry, don't wait!


      salsa ferrarese ( or fricandò ) # ingredienti e dosi _                                                 800 gr di cipolle rosse -800 gr di peperoni verdi -900 gr di pomodori rossi-Sale-Olio evo.

Tagliare in fette sottilissime le cipolle rosse.>METHOD-Lasciarle rosolare in in una padella con olio evo.Tagliare a listarelle i peperoni verdi.Aggiungerli in padella.Tagliare a cubetti i pomodori e togliere i semi.Aggiungerli in padella.Lasciar cuocere con coperchio per due ore., Questa salsa si pùò anche conservare in barattoli di vetro .


Pasta con speck e piselli # ingredienti e dosi -gr. 300 di fusilli - 3 manciate di piselli (io surgelati) -
gr. 400 di pomodorini  -1 spicchio di aglio -gr. 70 di speck a fette -olio extravergine di oliva -
sale -peperoncino -vino bianco secco -parmigiano grattugiato -METHOD-
Tagliate lo speck a cubetti e soffriggetelo in una padella con lo spicchio di aglio e l'olio; bagnate con un pò di vino ed attendete che evapori. Unite i piselli surgelati, rimestate per qualche minuto dopodichè unite anche i pomodorini, il peperoncino, un filo di olio e un pò di acqua calda. Aggiustate di sale e cuocete finchè il sugo sarà cotto (io avevo tempo e ho cotto circa 2 ore), unendo altra acqua calda di tanto in tanto. Cuocete e scolate la pasta al dente, versatela nella padella con il sugo, mescolate a fuoco vivo qualche secondo e servite spolverizzando di parmigiano grattugiato a piacere.



Black forest # ingredients and doses -cocoa sponge cake -300 gr eggs - 220 gr sugar -130 gr flour-30 gr cocoa-40 gr boiling water-40 gr wheat starch-2 teaspoons of yeast-2 pinches of salt -cherry filling and syrup -500 gr pitted cherries - 50 gr icing sugar -50 gr maraschino cherries -560 gr of cream -50 gr icing sugar-1 pinch of vanilla seeds-decoration-apricot jelly -grated dark chocolate -cherries >Method>Sponge cake: Whisk the eggs with the sugar, adding the boiling water in a ribbon fashion.Incorporate the flour, wheat starch, cocoa, sifted baking powder and salt.Mix gently from the bottom to the top.Pour the batter into a buttered and floured mold and bake in a hot oven at 170° for 37 minutes.Cool the cake on the wire rack.>>>Filling and syrup: Pour the sugar, pitted cherries and liqueur into a pan, cook for 5 minutes, then cool and drain the juice.Whip the cream with the powdered sugar and vanilla seeds.Pare the cake and divide it into three disks.Wet the first disc of sponge cake with half of the juice, distribute about half of the cherries and top it with 200 gr of whipped cream.Overlap the second disk and repeat the operation with the juice, cherries and about 200 g more cream.Settle the last cake disk and brush it entirely with apricot jelly.Spread a thin layer of cream around the cake and adhere the grated chocolate.Spread the remaining cream on the surface and "move" it around with a spatula.Complete the decoration with the cherries.Firm the cake in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving .


Spaghetti with clams chefAdrianoMennillo # Ingredients and servings for 3 people _600 /700 gr clams (or lupine, which does not have horns) -350 gr spaghetti - 3 cloves of garlic - extra virgin olive oil - parsley (or coriander) chilli pepper - salt and pepper - 1/2 glass of vodka, to taste a little grated lemon peel (no white) _Method- - bring water to the boil to cook the spaghetti, clean the clams then put them in a frying pan (no iron), cover with a lid and let them open on a high flame shaking the pan often for 2/3 minutes, turn off the fire as soon as the clams have opened: do not continue cooking or you will compromise the flavour. Remove the clams from the pan with a skimmer and shell a little more than half of them, leaving the remaining ones in their shells. Strain the liquid released by the clams through a strainer covered with gauze and set the sauce aside. Heat plenty of extra virgin olive oil in a large frying pan and fry the finely chopped garlic in it, or whole (poached) garlic for a more delicate flavour, add a piece of chilli pepper (optional) and then the cooking water from the clams that you have set aside. Cook the spaghetti. Let the sauce thicken a little in the pan and finally add the clams and over a high flame add the vodka and let it evaporate, taste and add salt (if necessary) and pepper. Drain the spaghetti al dente and toss in the pan with the clams for ( 1 minute) until cooked through. Chop some parsley ( if you like , you can use coriander ) small grated lemon peel and serve .
 ***** conseil du chefAdrianoMennillo , from my notes , today 07/08/2015 _ European Union ( The Euro ) are ignored , where the clam must not be less than 25 mm , feel the palate of this recipe of mine and forget about the morons , ignorant of the European Union !!!


Roman Semolina style _ingredienti e dosi per 5/6 persone : 1 1/2 cups 250 gr Semolina -1 quart/4 cups 1 liter milk - 2 cups 100 gr freshly grated - Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese - 1/4 cup unsalted butter - 2-3 egg yolks - 1/4 cup melted unsalted butter -Fine sea salt, to taste .FATE COSI ( method)_Bring the milk to a boil, and gradually stir in the semolina, constantly stirring to prevent lumps and keep the mixture from sticking to the pot. The mixture will become quite thick; continue cooking and stirring for about 20 minutes, and remove the pot from the fire.Beat the yolks with a little more milk, and add them to the semolina, together with the cheese, solid butter, and a pinch of salt.Mix well and spread the mixture a little less than a half an inch thick (1 cm) on your work surface.Let the semolino cool for 2 hours, and cut it into squares or diamonds. Butter a pan and layer the squares in it, spreading a little more grated cheese between the layers (there should be 3/4). When all is used up, sprinkle the melted butter over the gnocchi, slowly, to allow it to penetrate.Bake the gnocchi for 15 minutes in a hot (400 F or 200 C) oven, until golden, and serve at once.


Spaghetti alla carbonara _ ingredienti e dosi per 4/6 persone :1 pound dry spaghetti ( or 500 gr di spaghetti  ) -4 large eggs, as fresh as possible -8 ounces 

  • guanciale, pancetta or slab bacon, cubed -1/2 cup freshly grated parmigiano-reggiano -1/2 cup -freshly grated pecorino -Freshly cracked black pepper - sea salt >> FATE  COSI >Bring about 6 quarts of generously salted water (it should taste like the ocean) to a boil. Add the spaghetti and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente. When the pasta is done, reserve 1/2 cup of the water, then drain.While the pasta is cooking, heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add the guanciale and sauté for about 3 minutes, or until the meat is crispy and golden and has rendered its fat. Turn off the heat.In a small bowl whisk the eggs and the cheeses until well-combined.Return the guanciale pan to medium heat, and add half of the reserved pasta water to the pan. Toss in the spaghetti and agitate the pan over the heat for a few seconds until the bubbling subsides. Much of the water will evaporate.Remove the pan from the heat and add the egg mixture and stirring quickly until the eggs thicken. The residual heat will cook the eggs but work quickly to prevent the eggs from scrambling. If the sauce seems too thick, thin it out with a little bit more of the reserved pasta water.Season liberally with freshly cracked black pepper. Taste for seasoning; depending on the kind of pork used, it may not need any salt.Divide the pasta into bowls and serve immediately .


Pasta and potatoes with baked provola # recipe Napoli #  ingredients and doses -400 gr of pasta (pasta to taste) -500 gr of potatoes -200 gr of provola -60 gr of grated cheese -4 tablespoons of tomato purée -
1 shallot -1 stick of celery -Extra virgin olive oil -salt .METHOD-Peel and wash the potatoes, then cut them into small piecesChop the onion and celery and fry them in a saucepan with high edges. Add the potato chunks and immediately after the tomato purée. Let it infuse for a few minutes, then add hot water according to the pasta you are cooking.Cook the potatoes (about 30 minutes) which will have to release their precious starch into the cooking water, which will make the dish creamy. Cook the pasta together with the potatoes and turn it off al dente. Add the diced provola and the grated cheese, mix and pour into a baking dish, sprinkle with more cheese. Put the pasta and potatoes in the oven at 180°C, cooking for about 20 minutes or until a nice crunchy crust has formed. Serve hot or warm.

Tripe alla romana # ingredients and doses - 1kg of tripe -- 150 gr of celery - 70 gr of onion - 50 gr of carrots - 100 gr of bacon - 1 clove of garlic - chilli pepper - salt and pepper - extra virgin olive oil
>> Ingredients for the aromatic water: 2 bay leaves - 5 cloves - ½ glass of apple cider vinegar - ½ glass of white wine- 400 gr of tomato pulp - 100 gr of pecorino romano - 1 bunch of spearmint - 1 lemon - meat broth .METHOD-Prepare a pot with plenty of water and flavor it with bay leaves, cloves, apple cider vinegar and white wine. Cook the tripe for 10 minutes in boiling water, previously rinsed (even if what we find on the market will already be pre-cooked). Let it cool and cut it into strips. Cut all the vegetables and bacon into cubes.Pour the oil and celery into a saucepan, add the bacon and simmer for 5 minutes, then add the carrots, onion and whole clove of garlic; let it smell for a few minutes. Simmer all the vegetables, add the tripe, cook over low heat for about 5 minutes and then add the tomato and meat broth, if necessary. Let it cook for about 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, season the tripe with grated pecorino romano, mint leaves, lemon zest and chilli pepper.


Sweet and sour liver # ingredients and doses -Ingredients for 4 people: 600 gr of liver--3/4 white onion -50 gr of vinegar -1/2 teaspoon of sugar -breadcrumbs -salt and pepper to taste-extra virgin olive oil - METHOD-Take a pan and put the onions cut into very thin slices, cook with a little water, cook over low heat until the onions are soft. Prepare 2 bowls, one with the breadcrumbs and one with the oil. Pass the liver slices first in the oil and then in the breadcrumbs. Put the liver slices together with the onion, add plenty of oil and cook over high heat until the liver will be golden.
Arrange the slices of liver on a serving plate, while the onion will continue to cook together with the vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper for another 5 minutes. Pour the onion over the slices and serve warm

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Chimicurry # ingredients and doses: 1 bunch of parsley - 40 gr of fresh oregano - 3/4 cloves of garlic, the more adventurous can even dare 5 / 60 gr of fresh spring onion - 1 small chilli pepper, deseeded and minced - the half a lemon -3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar -120 gr of olive oil - salt and pepper .METHOD-The recipe is simple: wash, dry and chop all the vegetables and then mix them all in a bowl, season with oil, salt and pepper and leave to rest overnight in the refrigerator. For a perfect chimichurri, have the patience to chop everything up with a knife, if you use the mixer that's fine, but the consistency is more liquid and the sauce slips off the meat faster.

******consil du chefadrianomennillo: the bitter and spicy taste of garlic marries wonderfully with the succulence of the meat and it is difficult to find a better accompaniment for your asado! Of course, after a nice chimichurri-based dinner your social relationships won't be at their best, with a not exactly fairy-like breath, but it's really worth it! Here is the original recipe for chimichurri sauce, which you can serve with meat, but also brush on while cooking the meat or as a marinade for kebabs. A little advice: parsley and garlic must be absolutely fresh, for oregano dried oregano is also fine. The only variables with which to experiment and which can be critical are the garlic and chilli pepper, on which the degree of spiciness of the sauce depends. The doses we have given you are for a rich sauce, with a strong taste, but nothing prevents you from finding your balance. The chimichurri sauce is excellent not only with meat, but also for dressing tomato salads and fresh vegetables, for pinzimonio or for a grilled fish fillet


Spaghetti with garlic, oil, chilli pepper and walnuts # ingredients and doses : 350 gr of spaghetti - 8 spoonful of olive oil - 1 minced garlic clove - 1 sprig of minced parsley - 40 gr of walnut kernels - 1 chilli pepper - 1 teaspoon of pepper powder . METHOD- Bring plenty of salted water to the boil in a saucepan where you will cook the spaghetti. Meanwhile the pasta is cooking in a pan, heat the oil with the garlic, the parsley, the chopped walnuts and the chilli pepper, as soon as the oil starts to fry, add the senise pepper and turn off the heat. Drain the pasta and season it, serve hot.


Chicken & turkey terrine (cold) # ingredients and doses ; 250g chicken breast -
- 250 gr turkey breast
- 10 chard leaves
- 250 gr green beans
- 250 gr carrots
- 250 gr peas
- 300 gr cooked ham
- 1 egg
- 4 egg whites
- 1 lemon
- 125 gr yoghurt
- extra virgin olive oil to taste
>> Ingredients for the sprint mayonnaise:
- 1 egg
- 1/2 orange
- 1 glass of corn oil
- 1 tablespoon of mustard
- Salt and Pepper To Taste. > METHOD-Blend the previously boiled chicken and turkey with the cooked ham, egg, egg whites, yoghurt, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a blender until you obtain the consistency of a mousse. Grease a rectangular mold and cover it with the boiled chard leaves (keeping some aside), then pour a third of the chicken mousse into it. Cover with a layer of boiled carrots cut into slices, press everything down well and cover with another layer of mousse. Continue with a layer of green beans and peas (sautéed in a pan with oil) and finish with the chicken mousse, then cover the all with the remaining chard leaves, then put the mold in a larger one with a little water and cook in a bain-marie in a preheated oven at 200°C for about 30 minutes. Serve the terrine in slices, accompanied by a sprint mayonnaise: put an egg, a glass of corn oil, the juice of half an orange, a spoonful of mustard, salt and pepper in the glass of the immersion blender. Blend for two minutes and SERVE.


Rocoto   relleno ( Stuffed hot peppers  #  ingredienti e dosi _ • 7 rocotos with a wide base • 3/4 cup of red vinegar • 200 gr (1/2 lb) of ground beef • 100 gr (1/4 lb) of ground pork • 3 tablespoons of olive oil • 3 tablespoons of tomato sauce • 1/2 glass of dry white wine • 2 tablespoons of cream • 1/4 cup of ground peacans • 1/2 cup of beef stock • 1 tablespoon of aji panca paste • 6 small potatoes, cooked and peeled • 1 red onion, chopped • 2 cloves of garlic, ground • 1/4 cup or margarine or butter -  1/2 tablespoon of flour • 3/4 cup of mozzarella cheese • 1/2 cup of grated parmesan cheese • 2 tablespoons of chopped garlic -  METHOD- The Rocotos (Chili Pepper): In the first place, cut the upper part of 7 rocotos as a lid. It's extremely important to take out all the seeds and to clean it. Cook in water with salt and vinegar. Repeat this process four times.Prepare the stuffing: Make a seasoning in a frying pan with the margarine, the ground garlics and onion. Once you do this, add the aji panca paste.Then, you must season the meats with salt and pepper and add them to the seasoning. Mix good. Chop the remaining rocoto (in very small pieces) and add it with the peacans and the flour. Mix again. Wait some moments and add the stock and cream. Mix and take out from the flame. Using hot oil, fry the chopped garlic in olive oil, add the tomato sauce and the wine. Let it cook for 5 minutes.Now, stuff the rocotos with the meat mix. It's mandatory to be gentle in order to keep the rocotos intact.Spread tomato sauce on a tray and place the stuffed rocotos and the potatoes. Cover them with parmesan and mozzarella cheese. You are almost done! Bake to 350º F (150º C) until the cheeses get melt. Serve immediately with white baked potatos and salad if you feel like.
********* consigli dallo chefAdrianoMennillo > è uno dei piatti più noti rocoto in Perù , oltre alla carne , può essere farcito con altri ingredienti  , recipe  Andina _


Porchettato rabbit # ingredients and servings :1.5kg boneless rabbit - 250 gr fresh Lucanian sausage -5 or 6 green and red Senise peppers - 200 gr thickly sliced bacon - 200 ml white wine - 1 kg of new potatoes -Small livers -2 cloves of garlic -Ground Senise pepper powder to taste -Wild fennel to taste - Salt to taste -Pepper to taste -Olive oil to taste -Rosemary to taste .METHOD-Wash and dry the peppers, place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper and roast them in a hot oven at 180/190° for 15/20 minutes, turning them often. Remove the peppers from the oven, peel them, remove the filaments and seeds, cut them into strips, place them in a bowl and season with roughly chopped garlic, salt and oil. After washing and drying the rabbit, place it on a flat surface and flatten it with a meat tenderizer. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, ground pepper, wild fennel and distribute the pepper fillets without the garlic over the entire surface of the rabbit. Cut up the livers and arrange them on the peppers. Remove the intestines from the sausage and reshuffle it to form a loaf, place it on a short side of the rabbit and roll it up along its length. Place the bacon on the roll and tie well with kitchen string. Insert sprigs of rosemary. In an oven dish, place a little oil, the rest of the bacon and lay the rabbit roll on top. Sprinkle with the white wine. Cover the dish with aluminium foil and bake at 180° for one hour in a ventilated oven. Remove the paper, brush with the cooking juices and bake for a further 20 minutes. Leave to cool and cut into 1.5 cm thick slices. Wash and dry the fries, place them in a bowl and pour the oil over them, grease well, add 1 clove of garlic cut in half and the rosemary needles. Place the fries on a baking tray and bake in a ventilated oven at 180° for 40-45 minutes. Check the cooking with a toothpick. Serve the rabbit on a serving plate, arranging the potatoes around it.


  Artichokes stuffed in sicilien style # Ingredienti e dosi - 4 handfuls of fine breadcrumbs -5 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese -3/4 tablespoons Sicilian peppered (or pecorino) grated cheese-Italian garlic clove-parsley-salt-ground black pepper-extra virgin olive oil-3/4 potatoes-water-lemons .METHOD-Toast the grated bread in a pan, let it cool. Mix cheeses, grated bread, salt, pepper, parsley and chopped garlic with extra virgin olive oil.Clean the artichokes from the outer leaves, cut the tips and soak them in water and lemon juice for 30 minutes.Enlarge the leaves of the artichoke and fill it with the preparation.Arrange the artichokes in a pot vertically, placing the potatoes to keep the artichokes straight.Add water and salt and a little oil on the artichokes and close the pot with the lid. Cook the stuffed artichokes for 45 minutes on low heat .

  • Spaghetti with three tomatoes # ingredients and doses - 400 gr spaghetti; 100 gr of red datterino tomatoes; 100 gr of yellow Pachino tomato; 80 gr of dehydrated tomato; 30 gr of tamari sauce; 30 gr of raw cane sugar; half a glass of white wine; basil; extra virgin olive oil; salt.METHOD.Wash and dry the cherry tomatoes, cut them in half and place them in a fairly large container;Marinate the tomatoes by adding a pinch of salt, the sugar, the tamari sauce, the white wine, a drizzle of oil inside the container extra virgin olive oil and basil leaves broken up by hand; Then add the dehydrated cherry tomatoes and leave to marinate for about 2 hours; At this point, let the marinated tomatoes dry for about 8/9 minutes over low heat; Drain the spaghetti al dente and keep them in the pan; Turn off the heat and add a drizzle of raw oil and a few chopped basil leaves Serve creating a nest of spaghetti and pour over a cascade of cherry tomatoes; Decorate with fresh basil as desired.


Pork with milk # ingredienti e dosi per 6 persone ::1 1/2 lb. boneless center-cut pork loin - Salt and freshly ground black pepper  -1 tbsp. olive oil -3 tbsp. butter, DIVIDED -Leaves from 1 bunch fresh sage, roughly chopped, about 5 large leaves (DIVIDED)-1 cup whole milk, 3.5%-1 cup heavy/whipping cream, 35%-Strips of zest from 1/3 of a lemon.FATE  COSI :Heat oil and 1 tbsp. of the butter in a medium heavy-bottomed Dutch oven over medium-high heat until butter melts. Add pork, fat side down, and cook until browned on all sides, 2–3 minutes per side.Pour off fat from casserole, reduce heat to medium, and add the remaining 2 tbsp. of the butter. When butter melts, add half the sage leaves and fry for a few seconds. Slowly add milk and cream (**Hands well back, as it will spatter and steam!) Add lemon zest, season with a bit of salt and pepper, and bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to medium-low to low, partially cover pot with lid, and gently simmer for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, turning pork after 30 minutes. If liquid in pot gets too low, add a splash of warm water. Check meat for doneness starting at about 45-50 minutes of cooking time, with a meat thermometer. It is done when it reaches 145-150° F. Remove meat to a cutting board and tent with foil. Let rest.Meanwhile, add the remaining sage leaves to the pot and using a wooden spoon, stir and scrape the bottom of the pan to loosen all the browned goodness at the bottom. As you do, the gravy will gradually become darker and thicker. If it gets too thick, add a bit more milk to thin. Taste and add salt and pepper, to taste.After meat has rested 10 minutes or so, thinly slice and place on a serving patter. Spoon warm sauce over meat.



Pipi chini ( Calabria ) # ingredients and doses : 8 / 12 peppers (according to size), preferably green and small -600 gr of minced pork -150 gr of stale breadcrumbs -600 gr of tomato pulp- 1 egg-70 gr of grated sweet pecorino cheese-2 cloves of garlic-Parsley-Basil-Pepper-Oil for frying-Extra virgin olive oil .METHOD-Wash and dry the peppers, then cut off the cap and remove the seeds inside. Be extremely careful not to break them. Soak the breadcrumbs in water, squeeze them well and crumble them in a bowl. Add the pork, the egg, the grated pecorino cheese, 1 tablespoon of minced parsley and 1 clove of very finely minced garlic (or, better, passed through a garlic press). Complete with a pinch of salt and a generous sprinkling of freshly ground pepper. Mix well, preferably with your hands, until you obtain a perfectly homogeneous mixture. Salt the inside of the peppers very little and stuff them with the meat and breadcrumbs mixture. Squeeze just enough to get the mixture to the tip, always taking care not to break them. Pour plenty of oil for frying into a pan and heat it over a moderate heat. When it is hot, add the peppers and let them fry for 2 minutes. Then turn them and continue to cook them for another two minutes in the very hot oil. Drain them and let them dry for a few minutes on kitchen paper. In a separate pan, crush the remaining garlic and brown it over a very low heat with 3 tablespoons of oil. Add the tomato pulp, 6/7 chopped basil leaves, season with salt and leave to flavor for 5 minutes over low heat and covered. Arrange the stuffed peppers in the sauce and cook for 10 minutes over low heat with the lid on. Then turn them and cook for another 10 minutes without a lid, adjusting the heat to obtain the right density of the sauce. Which you will then use in part to accompany your Calabrian stuffed peppers on the table, but mostly as an excellent sauce for pasta.


 Ugly but Good ( cookies -Brutti ma Buoni) # Ingredients and servings for 20 pieces-160 gr toasted hazelnuts-150 gr granulated sugar-2 egg whites_Cooking: 10 minutes on gentle heat for the dough + 40 minutes in a 150° oven for the cookies . METHOD-Preparation: first coarsely chop the toasted hazelnuts.Put the egg whites (strictly at room temperature) in a bowl and start whipping with electric whips; when they are almost whipped, start gradually adding the caster sugar. Continue until you have obtained a firm meringue.At this point, add the hazelnut crumbs, stirring from the top down so as not to disassemble the mixture.Now transfer the mass to a saucepan with a thick bottom and cook for about ten minutes over low heat, stirring constantly.Continue cooking until the mixture is slightly amber-colored and pulls away from the sides of the saucepan.Form the ugly but good ones with the help of two spoons dipped each time in cold water and place them a little bit away from each other, because they will rise during baking.Bake in a preheated oven at 150° for about 40 minutes.
Wait until the ugly but good ones have cooled before moving them from the baking sheet.

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