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lo Strutto , oggi quasi non si usa , ma è ottimo per friggere , con l'unica eccezione delle fritture di pesce .

sabato 16 settembre 2023

# Pistacchio Arancine # Carciofi ripieni con salsicce # Neapolitan Tortano # Casatiello napoletano # Cream of potato and leek soup # Ikan kod dengan buncis # Stuffed beef chops # Buccellato # Blue crab spaghetti # Torta di riso # Braised beef in Barolo # Falsomagro # Lemon profiteroles # saltimbocca alla Romana # Pasta alla buttera # Zuccotto # Timballo di macaroni # Spaghetti all'assassina # Potato croquettes # Paccheri with monkfish # Pumpkin and pistacchio gnocchi # Lasagne with vegetables # Seafood Lasagne # Babà neapolitan # Stockfish with potatoes # Pasta with amberjack sauce # Buccellati # Cotoletta alla milanese # Bignè with pistacchio cream #

Arancine de pistache# Ingredientes e doses: 500 gr de arroz arbóreo, 400 ml de creme de cozinha, 130 gr de pistache Bronte picado, meia cebola picada, 120 gr de presunto cozido em uma única fatia, 150 gr de uma única fatia de queijo, 2 colheres de sopa de queijo parmesão, 00 de farinha, água, óleo de amendoim para fritar, farinha de rosca a gosto e sal. MÉTODO - Encha uma panela com água; assim que ferver, adicione sal e despeje o arroz, escorra-o e deixe-o esfriar. Em uma frigideira, coloque um pouco de azeite de oliva, cebola, presunto em cubos e pistache picado e toste-os. Pegue o arroz e despeje metade do creme de pistache e misture tudo.Coloque um pouco de arroz na palma da mão, modele em formato côncavo e coloque uma colher do creme de arroz e uma noz de filante.Coloque um pouco de arroz por cima e feche em formato de bola ou como preferir.Depois de modelar como quiser, coloque na geladeira por 1 hora. Depois desse tempo, pegue a farinha e a água e faça uma massa. Mergulhe os arancini primeiro na massa e depois na farinha de rosca. Coloque-os novamente na geladeira por pelo menos 1 hora ou, se quiser, pode fritá-los no dia seguinte.


Carciofi ripieni con salsicce # ingredienti e dosi - 1/3  carciofo fresco -1 limone non trattato- 200 gr di salsiccia di maiale- 100 gr di salame napoletano ( or 1 a piacere )- 1 uovo  -30 gr di formaggio grattugiato -2 rametti di timo -50 gr di pangrattato-100 gr di provola affumicata di bufala-50 gr di panna-sale q.b.  METHOD-Mondate il carciofo: eliminate dapprima le foglie esterne (tenetele da parte) sino ad arrivare al cuore. Aprite il carciofo premendolo leggermente sul piano di lavoro quindi privatelo della barba interna con l'aiuto di uno scavino.Strofinate il carciofo con il limone per evitare che si ossidi. Cuocete il carciofo in acqua bollente salata con le sue foglie per 10 minuti e poi fate raffreddare.Preparate il ripieno: in una ciotola mescolate la salsiccia sbriciolata privata della pelle con il salame tagliato a tocchetti, l'uovo intero, il formaggio grattugiato ed il timo. Farcite il carciofo con il condimento ottenuto, spolverate con il pangrattato, trasferite in una pirofila ed infornate a 180° C per 20-25 minuti.Nel frattempo, sciogliete a bagnomaria la provola tagliata a cubetti con la panna. Mescolate bene sino ad ottenere una crema morbida. Filtrate, nappate il carciofo con la fonduta e servite.


Neapolitan Tortano # ingredients and proportions - Ingredients:1 kg of flour - 2 cubes of fresh brewer's yeast - 150 g of lard -Pepper -Salt -100 g of grated pecorino cheese -300 g of pecorino cheese in pieces or other cheeses to taste (provolone, emmental) -400 g of Neapolitan salami (or a mixture of salami, cabbage, bacon, mortadella) -2 glasses of lukewarm water (about 450 ml) - 3 hard-boiled eggs to taste. In Naples, instead of fresh brewer's yeast, they use criscito, a sourdough starter sold by bakers and delicatessens at Easter time.METHOD- to decorate as desired: a few tablespoons of lard and a few eggs to taste.Dissolve the fresh brewer's yeast cubes in a glass of lukewarm water. Put the flour in a large bowl with 2/3 teaspoons of salt and some pepper, then put the room temperature lard in the middle and add the yeast dissolved in the warm water. Start kneading by adding more lukewarm water until a soft dough is obtained. Now knead the dough on the pastry board vigorously, banging it several times on the table or slapping it. Knead for 10 to 15 minutes, then put it to rise in a bowl, covered with a cloth, in a warm place for about 2 hours. The dough should double in volume. Meanwhile, prepare the filling by cutting salami and cheese into small pieces. Once the dough has risen, roll it out with your hands, without using a rolling pin, into a rectangle about 1 cm high. Then sprinkle the cubes of salami and cheese over the dough, sprinkle with pepper and season with salt.  The original recipe also calls for chopped hard-boiled eggs, if you don't like them you can also eliminate them. Then roll the dough tightly and place it in a bundt pan that you have greased with lard. Lightly grease also the surface with lard and leave to rise for another two hours covered with a tea towel.  Bake in a preheated oven at 170° for about 1 hour or even longer until golden brown. Still do the toothpick test to see if it is cooked on the inside.

****** by chefAdrianoMennillo_Tortano is a rustic Neapolitan pizza typical of the Easter festivities, often confused with casatiello because people think it is the same thing. In reality, tortano is richer than casatiello, as it has a rich filling of cold cuts (Neapolitan salami, cabbage, bacon, mortadella) and cheeses and also chopped hard-boiled eggs, so there is less dough than casatiello . Unlike casatiello, tortano can also be eaten on its own, without the accompaniment of cold meats and cheeses. Originally, it was not customary to decorate tortano with eggs on the surface, but today it is also found with eggs added.

Tortano  napoletano # ingredienti e dosi - Ingredienti:1 kg  di farina - 2 dadi di lievito di birra fresco  - 150 gr di sugna -Pepe -Sale -100 gr di pecorino grattugiato -300 gr di pecorino a pezzi o altri formaggi a piacere (provolone, emmental) -400 gr di salame napoletano (oppure misto salame, cicoli, pancetta, mortadella) -2 bicchieri di acqua tiepida (circa 450 ml) - a piacere 3 uova sode. ,a Napoli al posto del lievito di birra fresco si usa mettere il criscito, un lievito madre che vendono i fornai e le salumerie nel periodo pasquale.METHOD- per decorare a piacere : qualche cucchiaio di sugna e a piacere qualche uovo.Sciogliere i dadi di lievito di birra fresco in un bicchiere di acqua tiepida. Mettere in una grossa ciotola la farina con 2/3 cucchiaini di sale e del pepe, mettere poi al centro la sugna a temperatura ambiente e aggiungere il lievito sciolto nell’acqua tiepida. Cominciare ad impastare aggiungendo altra acqua tiepida fino ad ottenere un impasto morbido. A questo punto lavorare l’impasto sulla spianatoia con forza,  sbattendolo più volte sul tavolo oppure schiaffeggiandolo. Lavorate per 10/15 minuti, poi mettetelo a lievitare in una ciotola, coperto da un canovaccio, in un luogo tiepido per circa 2 ore. L’impasto dovrà raddoppiare di volume. Intanto preparare il ripieno tagliando salame e formaggio a pezzetti. Una volta che l’impasto è lievitato stenderlo con le mani, senza usare il matterello,  a forma di rettangolo alto circa 1 cm. Quindi cospargere sull’impasto i dadini di salame e formaggio, spolverizzare di pepe e salare.  La ricetta originaria prevede anche uova sode a pezzetti, se non piacciono si possono anche eliminare. Quindi arrotolare la pasta strettamente e disporla in una teglia a ciambella che avrete unto con la sugna. Ungete leggermente anche la superficie con della sugna e far lievitare per ancora due ore coperto da un canovaccio.  Far cuocere in forno già caldo a 170° per circa 1 ora o anche di più finché non sarà bello dorato. Fare comunque la prova dello stecchino per vedere se è cotto anche all’interno.
****** by  chefAdrianoMennillo_Il tortano è una pizza rustica napoletana tipica del periodo delle feste pasquale, spesso confuso con il casatiello perché si pensa sia la stessa cosa, in realtà il tortano rispetto al casatiello è più ricco, in quanto ha un ricco ripieno di salumi ( salame napoletano, cicoli, pancetta, mortadella) e formaggi e anche uova sode a pezzetti, quindi c’è meno impasto del casatiello . Il tortano a differenza del casatiello  , si può mangiare anche da solo, senza accompagnamento di salumi e formaggi. Originariamente non si usava decorare il tortano con uova sulla superficie, ma oggi si trova anche con aggiunta di uova.


Casatiello napoletano- # ingredienti e dosi - 1 Kg di farina - 40 gr di sale - 2 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva - 1 panetto di lievito- 20 gr di zucchero- 1 l di acqua tiepida- 400 gr di salsiccia secca (o salame napoletano)- 200 gr di pancetta a cubetti- 300 gr di provolone dolce a dadini- 70 gr di pecorino grattugiato - 70 gr di parmigiano grattugiato- 150 gr di strutto- pepe q.b. METHOD-Disporre la farina a fontana su una spianatoia e formare un buco a centro.Sciogliere in un bicchiere d'acqua tiepida lo zucchero e il panetto di lievito.Versare il contenuto del bicchiere al centro della fontana di farina ed aggiungere il sale e l'olio.Iniziare ad impastare con l'acqua tiepida fino a quando l'impasto risulterà morbido ed elastico.Mettere la pasta di pane in una ciotola, coprirla con un canovaccio pulito e lasciarla lievitare per 2 ore in un luogo asciutto e caldo.Quando la pasta sarà lievitata aggiungere 3 cucchiai di strutto e il pepe.Lavorare l'impasto finchè lo strutto e il pepe non si saranno ben incorporati.Aggiungere la salsiccia, la pancetta, il provolone, il pecorino, il parmigiano e impastare delicatamente finchè il tutto non si sarà amalgamato.Ungere con lo strutto uno stampo e disporre l'impasto a forma di ciambella.Far lievitare ancora per 3 ore.Quando sarà lievitato, ungere la superficie con lo strutto e disporre le uova.Infornare a 160°C per un'ora a forno già preriscaldato.


Vellutata di porri e patate # ingredienti e dosi -3 patate -500 gr di porri -1 lt di brodo vegetale  - 20 gr di burro -2 cucchiai di olio extra vergine di oliva -1 bustina di zafferano ( a piacere) -sale e pepe q.b. -erba cipollina .METHOD-Preparate il brodo vegetale.Lavate i porri e tagliateli a fettine sottili.Sbucciate le patate e tagliatele a cubetti. In una casseruola fate soffriggere i porri e le patate con l'olio e il burro. Aggiungete il brodo vegetale e sciogliete lo zafferano.Salate e portate a cottura per circa venti minuti, una volta cotto, frullate il tutto con il mixer ad immersione.Servite ben caldo, accompagnando la crema con crostini di pane passati nel burro e decorando con qualche filo di erba cipollina.Pepate a piacere.Ho preso spunto da una ricetta trovata sull'opuscolo "Zafferano Passione Rossa", se volete potete arricchirla con due cucchiai di  ricotta o di panna, a me piace così.

Cream of potato and leek soup # ingredients and doses -3 potatoes -500 gr leeks -1 litre vegetable stock - 20 gr butter -2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil -1 sachet of saffron (to taste) - salt and pepper to taste - chives. -chives .METHOD-Prepare the vegetable stock.Wash the leeks and cut them into thin slices.Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes. Fry the leeks and potatoes in oil and butter in a saucepan. Add the vegetable broth and dissolve the saffron, season with salt and cook for about twenty minutes, then blend with an immersion blender. Serve hot, accompanying the cream with bread croutons dipped in butter and decorating with a few strands of chives, pepper to taste. I took my cue from a recipe found in the "Zafferano Passione Rossa" booklet, but if you like you can enrich it with two tablespoons of ricotta or cream, I like it like this.



Ikan kod dengan buncis ( baccalà con ceci ) # Bahan untuk dua orang: 300 gr ikan kod yang sudah dibumbui -semolina gandum durum - 200 gr buncis yang sudah direbus (satu toples) - 2 tangkai rosemary - -2 siung bawang putih - 1 lembar daun salam - 2 lembar daun sage - 250 gr bayam - garam, lada hitam - minyak zaitun extra-virgin -kulit lemon dipotong menjadi batang korek api dan direbus selama 2 menit. LAKUKAN INI >Tiriskan buncis dari cairan pengawet, bilas sebentar dan panaskan dengan sedikit air mendidih, beri sedikit garam dan bumbui dengan daun salam. Masukkan 2 sendok makan minyak zaitun extra virgin yang lezat, satu siung bawang putih, daun sage, dan setangkai rosemary ke dalam wajan kecil. Panaskan dengan sangat perlahan agar semua aromanya keluar tanpa membuat warna bawang putih berubah. Pada titik ini, tiriskan buncis, buang daun salam; letakkan dalam mangkuk kecil dan tuangkan minyak wangi ke atasnya, saring. Sesuaikan garam dan bumbui dengan merica yang banyak. Tetap hangat. Cuci bayam dan masukkan ke dalam wajan dengan hanya menyisakan air yang menempel di daunnya. Tumis di atas api besar selama beberapa menit; tambahkan sedikit garam, lalu, dengan bantuan penjepit, keluarkan dari wajan dan letakkan di dalam mangkuk, buang semua air yang tersisa. Bumbui dengan sedikit minyak zaitun extra virgin dan biarkan tetap hangat. Keringkan fillet ikan kod dengan baik; kupas dan potong menjadi 6 bagian kecil. Baluri dengan tepung. Panaskan sedikit minyak zaitun extra virgin dalam wajan dengan siung bawang putih kedua dan sisa tangkai rosemary. Saat minyak sudah panas, angkat bumbu dan masukkan potongan ikan kod, masak beberapa menit di setiap sisinya. Terakhir, keringkan di atas kertas penyerap. Susun bagian bawah bayam yang sudah direbus di atas piring panas; bagikan buncis di sekelilingnya, letakkan tiga potong ikan kod di tengah-tengahnya untuk setiap pengunjung. Hiasi dengan fillet kulit lemon dan sedikit minyak zaitun extra virgin.


Stuffed beef chops # ingredients and servings -8 slices of horse meat (or beef) about 100 gr each, not too thin -8 small, thin slices of lard - 200 gr tomato puree -1 tablespoon of tomato paste -80 gr pecorino cheese cut into slivers -4 cloves of garlic -One onion -One glass of red wine (about 150 ml) -Parsley -Basil -Black pepper -Extra virgin olive oil -FATE COSI (Method)Thin the slices with a meat tenderizer, then on each one place a slice of lard and 10 g of pecorino cheese flakes. Add half a clove of garlic, a few parsley leaves, very little salt and a generous amount of freshly ground pepper. Roll up the roulades and tie with kitchen string.Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a pan, place the roulades in the pan and brown on all sides over a moderately high heat. When they have browned, douse with half of the wine and then turn the roulades until the wine has completely evaporated.Add the finely chopped onion to the pan and let it season for a few minutes on a low heat. As soon as the onion has wilted a little, pour in the tomato puree together with the tomato paste dissolved in a little boiling water. Stir and simmer for 15 minutes.Finally sprinkle with the remaining wine and season with a pinch of salt. Cover the pan and cook on very low heat for 70/80 minutes or more, until the meat is very tender. Turn the rolls several times and add a little boiling water if necessary. 10 minutes before turning off the heat, top with 7/8 chopped basil leaves. Off the heat, you can serve your beef chops Bari style immediately, piping hot. Much better, however, to let them sit in their seasoning for an hour or two and then serve them after reheating.


Torta di riso # ingredienti e dosi -ngredienti x1 stampo da ø24cm: 1 litro di latte intero fresco -200 gr di riso -250 gr di zucchero di canna-1 limone non trattato -3 uova medie -1 cucchiaino di estratto naturale di vaniglia -1 pizzico di sale -method-In una pentola capiente e dai bordi alti cuocere il riso nel latte insieme al sale e alla scorza del limone fino ad assorbimento, circa 40 minuti. Poi eliminare la scorza.Fuori dal fuoco aggiungere lo zucchero e mescolare bene. Far completamente raffreddare.Unire 1 uovo e 2 tuorli, l'estratto di vaniglia e mescolare energicamente con una frusta a mano. A parte montare a neve ferma 2 albumi con 1 cucchiaino di succo di limone. Aggiungere all'impasto con movimenti delicati dal basso verso l'alto.Rivestire una tortiera apribile con carta da forno bagnata e strizzata. Versare l'impasto e livellare.Cuocere in forno caldo preriscaldato a 180°C nell'ultimo ripiano in basso per circa 45 minuti o fino a doratura.Per valutare la corretta cottura della torta, fare la prova stecchino.Sfornare e far intiepidire prima di toglierla dallo stampo. Poi metterla su una gratella e una volta fredda, adagiare sul piatto di portata, eliminare delicatamente la carta da forno e trasferire in frigorifero per circa 2 ore.Servire sempre a temperatura ambiente, a piacere con una spolverata di zucchero a velo. ******consil du chefAdrianoMennillo_-La scelta del riso è fondamentale per ottenere il giusto risultato. Io ho utilizzato un carnaroli  perché avevo quello in casa e anche perché noi amiamo sentire il chicco di riso sotto id enti quando mangiamo un dolce al riso.L'ideale sarebbe un riso Roma dal chicco piccolo e rotondo che con la lunga cottura nel latte quasi si disfà rendendo la torta molto più cremosa. Un'altra alternativa valida è il riso originario, soprattutto a chi ama il sapore del riso nei dolci ma non vuole sentirlo nella sua interezza.La scorza del limone io l'ho lasciata intera ed eliminata una volta che il riso era pronto. Potrete anche utilizzarla grattugiata (in questo caso solo metà frutto) se amate il suo sapore.Se si possiede una tortiera in alluminio, ungere ed infarinarla, quindi cuocere senza carta da forno.La torta si conserva fino a 4 giorni in frigorifero, possibilmente coperta con una campana o una pellicola per alimenti.Personalmente sconsiglio di congelarla. Non ho mai avuto buoni risultati a cuocere i piatti a base di riso, però basatevi sulla vostra esperienza., a piacere sopra aggiungete lo zucchero a velo .


Beccellato ( dolce di Lucca ) # ingredienti e dosi per 1 tortiera di 24 cm _200 gr di farina  -200 gr di zucchero -125 gr di burro fuso -2 uova -latte q.b. -lievito per dolci .METHOD-In una planetaria, o volendo lavorare a mano in una ciotola, versare la farina e aggiungere le uova e lo zucchero.Iniziare a lavorare lentamente e aggiungere a filo il burro fuso.Versare il latte a filo fin quando non si ottiene un impasto denso e cremoso. Aggiungere il lievito e continuare a lavorare per 2-3 minuti.Versare il composto in una tortiera imburrata e infarinata e informare a 180 gr per 30 minuti circa.La ricetta tipica prevede l'aggiunta di uva passa all'impasto, ma si può aggiungere un po' di tutto: pinoli, noci, nocciole, mandorle...LOOH my PHOTO


Blue crab spaghetti # ingredients and servings -6 blue crabs -8/10 cherry tomatoes -1 onion - 220 gr spaghetti - Parsley - Evo olive oil .METHOD- Bring a pot of water to a boil . Place crabs inside and let them boil 10 minutes until they change color from brown to red .Remove the crabs and let them cool. Meanwhile, cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters after washing them .Finely chop the onion and add it to a pan with Evo oil until it browns. Add the cherry tomatoes and put a lid on for 10 minutes on low flameIn the meantime arm yourself with patience and gloves and extract the pulp from the crabs and set aside both the body after removing the carapace and the clawsAdd then the crab meat to the pan and let it cook 10 minutes .Bring the water for the spaghetti to a boil and cook it. When cooked, add the spaghetti to the pan with the sauce with some of the starch-rich cooking water, mix and finally serve hot .



Braised beef in Barolo wine # Ingredients for 4 people -500 g adult beef stew - 3 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil -1\2 blond onion -2 sage leaves, a sprig of rosemary, 1 bay leaf -2 juniper berries -1 clove of garlic -2 cup of tomato puree -1 clove - salt, pepper - 500 ml of Barolo red wine. METHOD - Finely chop the onion and garlic, sage and rosemary and sauté in an earthenware pot with oil. when the mixture is golden brown, add the pieces of stew previously seasoned with salt and pepper, add the bay leaf, clove, juniper berries and lower the heat to the minimum, close with a lid. At this point the cooking should continue slowly for at least 3 hours, at the beginning the meat will produce its own cooking water, once it has dried out add a little water at a time.When the meat is tender let the cooking water dry out completely, until you hear it sizzle and add the tomato puree lightly and add the wine to cover the meat. Continue cooking over a low heat until the wine has reduced, you choose the density of the sauce. At this point the dish is ready, it is usually served hot with mashed potatoes.

****** CONSIL DU CHEFADRIANOMENNILLO: some people use to add a chopped celery and carrot to taste


  • Falsomagro # ingredients and doses -1 slice of 700 gr of veal rump enlarged in the shape of a rectangle -150 g of cooked ham -200 gr of fresh pork sausage -4 hard-boiled eggs -80 gr  of minced meat -2 onions - 1 egg -1 clove of minced garlic -100 g of diced spicy caciocavallo cheese or provolone cheese -60 gr of grated pecorino cheese -4 tablespoons of breadcrumbs -Minced parsley 2 tablespoons -50 gr of cooked peas with a little water, 1 small onion , salt and a drizzle of oil -2 tablespoons of pine nuts and 3 tablespoons of raisins -Tomato sauce 1 heaped tablespoon -1 liter of tomato sauce -3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil -1 splash of red wine (optional) - Salt and pepper -1 teaspoon of sugar (to taste).METHOD-Beat the meat well, place it on baking paper, arrange the ham on the slice, then a filling made up of minced meat, crumbled sausage, egg, parsley , the garlic, the breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, half a chopped onion, pine nuts, raisins, pecorino. Spread the mixture well with the help of your hands, now add the peas and the diced caciocavallo. Arrange the eggs in a row in the centre. Now roll up the large slice of meat and, tie it tightly like a roast with kitchen twine, place the “falsamagro” in a large saucepan and brown it on both sides with the oil and the rest of the roughly chopped onions, all this over a flame. low average. Shade with wine. Add the tomato sauce, diluted with a glass of hot water and the tomato sauce, two pinches of salt and a teaspoon of sugar, cook with the lid on over low heat for about an hour, add the remaining peas and finish to cook for another 20 minutes. When serving, cut the string, never before, in such a way that by cutting the slices about two centimeters thick, you will notice the colors of the filling in the centre.Serve with the cooking sauce. If you want to add more tomato sauce, you can dress the pasta with the sauce, so you will have a first and second course.


Lemon profiteroles # ingredients and doses _lemon scented custard: - lemon cream - lemon scented whipped cream. Ingredients for the cream puffs: 250 gr of water - 250 gr of butter - 6 gr of salt - 250 gr of flour - 450 gr of whole eggs .Ingredients for the glaze:- 1kg of whipped cream - 1lt of fresh milk .Ingredients for decorating:- white chocolate disc - candied lemon zest.METHOD-For the puff pastry: bring the water to the boil in a saucepan together with the soft butter and salt. When the butter is completely melted and the water is boiling, add the flour all at once. Stir vigorously and leave on the heat until the mixture detaches from the walls. Transfer to a stand mixer or bowl and leave to cool. Then, starting to mix, add the eggs all together. Work until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous, transfer it into a pastry bag with a 1cm smooth nozzle and form the cream puffs, the size of a walnut, on a baking tray covered with parchment paper . We bake at 180° C, preheated and static oven, for about 35 minutes. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. For the lemon cream: heat the lemon juice with the grated lemon peel. Separately, we work the yolks with the sugar and salt. We add the heated and filtered lemon juice. Put it back on the heat and, stirring, bring it to 80°C. Remove from the heat and cool quickly to 50°C. Now add the butter in chunks and blend with an immersion blender. Cover with cling film and leave to cool in the fridge. For the lemon custard: heat the milk with the cream and the grated lemon zest. We bring to a boil. On the side, mix the egg yolks with the sugar, vanilla seeds, corn starch and salt. We combine the hot and filtered milk and cream mixture. Put it back on the fire and, stirring, let it thicken. Transfer immediately to a large, cold container. Cover with cling film and let it cool quickly. We mix the lemon cream with the custard. We transfer to a pastry bag. Fill the cream puffs with the cream obtained. For the topping: add the whipped cream to the remaining cream, dilute with milk until you obtain the perfect consistency for glazing the cream puffs. We dip the filled cream puffs in the diluted cream and place them on the serving plate. Place a disc of chocolate on top and make another layer of filled and glazed cream puffs. Decorate with whipped cream and candied lemon zest.

Saltimbocca alla Romana # ingredients and doses : 4 slices of veal - 4 slices of raw ham - 4 sage leaves - 30 gr of butter - 1/2 glass of white wine - salt - pepper . METHOD -Eliminate any sinew from the meat and beat it with a meat mallet after having "closed" it between two sheets of parchment paper. Wash and dry the sage being careful not to break it.
Place a slice of ham on each slice of meat then arrange a sage leaf on each slice, securing with a toothpick. Melt the butter and when it begins to brown, place the saltimbocca and cook until browned for a couple of minutes on each side. Once browned, deglaze with the white wine and leave to cook. Season with salt and pepper then serve by basting them with the cooking sauce.

Pasta alla buttera # classic Tuscan recipe # ingredients and doses -320 gr of pasta (spaghetti or penne or rigatoni) -320 gr of tomato pulp -2 pork sausages - 2 wild boar sausages -20 black olives -2 garlic cloves-1/2 onion -1 chilli pepper -4 spoons of extra virgin olive oil -grated Tuscan pecorino cheese to taste -salt -METHOD- pasta that we are going to cook respecting the cooking times indicated in the package (both short and long will still be fine, we have chosen rigatoni for this recipe). Once this is done, we prepare the ingredients. So let's take the onion, peel it, wash it and cut it very finely. Let's do the same with the garlic. We peel the sausages and cut the black olives into rounds, depriving them of the stone. Important do not buy the olives already pitted in the bag, they will not give the same taste. Let's put everything aside. Now put a pan on the heat with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Sauté both the onion and the garlic and add the sausages that we will have chopped up and the chilli pepper cut into small pieces. Finally, add the sliced olives. Brown everything over medium heat, stirring occasionally for a few minutes. Finally, add the tomato pulp, continuing to stir the sauce with the wooden spoon. We adjust the salt but be careful not to add too much as the sausages are already salty. also pour a few ladles of pasta cooking water into the sauce and continue cooking. When the rigatoni are al dente, drain them and pour them directly into the pan with the sauce, finishing cooking in the pan. Serve and sprinkle with a nice handful of already grated aged pecorino. The buttera pasta is ready.


Zuccotto # ingredients and doses_Pan di Spana: gr 300 - Cream gr 500 - Dark chocolate (bar): gr 100/120 - Candied cherries and citron 50 gr - Caster sugar 80 gr - Icing sugar 50 g - Butter 25 gr - 1 small glass of Cognac - 2 small glasses of sweet liqueur (Grand Marnier, Maraschino, Kirsch, Rum) - 2/3 heaped tablespoon of bitter cocoa_Methods-First prepare a chocolate syrup by putting the butter, cocoa, caster sugar and 3 tablespoons of water in a small saucepan. Then whip the cream with the icing sugar; take about ⅓ of it and mix it with the chocolate syrup; to the remaining cream add the chopped candied fruit and the roughly chopped chocolate. Remove the crust and edges from the sponge cake and then cut it horizontally into disks about 1 cm high; cut out a small circle to put in the bottom of a plastic zuccotti mould (or a semi-spherical container like a "polsonetto") with a capacity of about 1.5 l and many long rectangles to line the walls of the container. Soak the slices with a brush dipped in liqueur and cover with a layer of chocolate cream, then fill the mould with the remaining cream and top with more liqueur-soaked sponge cake.Press well with a round of greaseproof paper and place the zuccotto in the refrigerator for about 5 hours.

***** consil du chef adrianomennillo_ I have also tried it with these ingredients for 6 people - for the sponge cake: 75 gr flour -75 gr potato starch - 150 gr sugar - 6 eggs - 1 lemon, butter and flour for the mould _for the filling > 80 gr sugar, 30/40 gr bitter cocoa, 50 gr amaretti biscuits - 1/2 litre liquid cream, 1/2 glass amaretto-type liqueur, pinch of cinnamon, cocoa powder. ( today in 2016 you can find sponge cake already made ).


Timballo di ziti (macaroni or pasta as you like) # ingredients and servings for 4 people_400 gr tomato puree -320 gr macaroni -200 g minced meatballs -100 gr sausage -40 gr grated Parmesan cheese -30 gr peas-1/2 mozzarella-1/2 onion -1 clove of garlic - a little breadcrumbs, extra-virgin olive oil - salt - butter. METHOD-Begin by preparing the meat sauce: heat a little oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan and season the finely chopped garlic and onion together. When the mixture has taken on a slightly golden colour, add the meatballs, the skinned and chopped sausage and finally the peas, drained of their preserving liquid and rinsed. Season with salt and stir, then cook for a few minutes until the meat starts to change colour, add the tomato puree. Cover the casserole dish and cook for one hour over moderate heat. Meanwhile, cut the mozzarella fiordilatte into cubes. Boil the macaroni in plenty of salted water, drain when al dente, season with the meat sauce and leave to cool completely, then add the mozzarella fiordilatte and grated Parmesan cheese. Grease a high-sided mould and sprinkle breadcrumbs all over the walls. Pour the seasoned macaroni into the mould, level the surface and sprinkle with more breadcrumbs and butter flakes. Bake in a preheated oven at 180° for about 40 minutes. When the surface of the timbale is golden brown, remove it from the oven and let it rest. once cool, unmould and serve.


Spaghetti all'assassina # classica recipe di Bari # ingredients and dosage -350 spaghetti -200 ml of tomato paste - 2/3 cloves of garlic - 200 gr of tomato puree - 3 dried hot chilli peppers - a pinch of olive oil - METHOD-Dilute the tomato paste in plenty of slightly salted water, this will be the "broth" that will be used to cook our spaghetti.In a frying pan, preferably an iron one, brown the garlic, then add the chilli peppers and the tomato puree. Pour in the uncooked spaghetti, moving them around a little with a wooden fork so they don't stick together. Add our 'broth' (i.e. the water with the tomato paste) a little at a time, adding a ladleful at a time only when the previous one has been completely absorbed and the spaghetti have stuck slightly to the bottom of the pan. When they are cooked and have absorbed the broth, leave them in the pan a little longer, turning them so that the part that was previously on top is on the bottom. The result should be spaghetti of a dark red colour, slightly 'burnt' evenly so that they are just crispy and very, very tasty.


Potato croquettes # ingredients and doses - For the croquettes >>800 gr of potatoes --1 egg and 2 egg whites-50 gr of Parmesan-salt-pepper-nutmeg-200 of scamorza for the delicious filling.>>For the breadcrumbs:-2 eggs-breadcrumbs mixed with white flour and cornmeal-salt-peanut oil for frying .METHOD-
  boil the potatoes (obviously putting them cold in salted water) and cook them for about thirty minutes (the cooking time depends on their size). When the potatoes are cooked, drain them, mash them with a potato masher and then let them cool down. At this point add the egg and the egg whites, then the salt, pepper, nutmeg and grated Parmesan. Prepare a panure with the breadcrumbs, white flour and cornmeal in equal measure. Form the croquettes giving them the classic cylindrical shape and insert a small piece of cheese inside. Beat the eggs in a bowl with a pinch of salt. When all the croquettes are formed, dip them in the egg and then in the panure of breadcrumbs and flour. peanuts and fry the croquettes on each side for a total of ten minutes. Pass on absorbent paper, add salt and...enjoy your meal.

Paccheri with monkfish # ingredients and quantities for 3/4 people: 360 gr paccheri -500 gr monkfish -300 gr prawns -30 cherry tomatoes from Pachino -30 yellow tomatoes -10 salted capers - 1 clove of garlic -2 spoons of evo oil -a little salt -1/3 of chilli pepper -1/2 glass of white wine - 1 tuft of parsley - - Method - Dice the monkfish, shell the shrimps keeping the heads aside and removing the crustacean guts. Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut them in two. Fry the garlic in the oil, removing it before it darkens. Squeeze out the heads and pour the result of the squeezing into the pan, into which you then pour the tomatoes, the lightly desalinated capers and the chilli pepper. When the cherry tomatoes begin to wilt, add the pieces of monkfish. Leave to cook for six or seven minutes on a moderate heat. After this time, add the shrimps, turn up the heat and pour in the wine. Continue cooking for one minute or until the shrimps turn a nice pink colour. Turn off the heat and pour the drained paccheri into the sauce. Garnish the dish with finely chopped, unchopped parsley.



Pumpkin and pistachio gnocchi # ingredients and doses ::300 gr pumpkin puree - 300 gr boiled potatoes - butter - salt and pepper -180 gr '00' flour - 60 gr potato starch - salt - nutmeg , 70 gr gorgonzola and pistachio granules - METHOD-Clean the pumpkin by removing the skin and seeds. Cut it into slices and bake it in the oven at 180 degrees for 25/30 minutes.In the meantime boil the potatoes.When they are ready let them cool. Pour the pumpkin and potato puree into a bowl and mash well with a fork, add grated nutmeg and salt. Lastly, we gradually add the flour and starch, transfer to a work surface and knead quickly to form a dough ball, cut the dough into several pieces and form small rolls. Cut the dough into several pieces and form the rolls into small dumplings. cut the dumplings into centimetre-sized dumplings and with a cotton thread or a wooden stick form the classic pumpkin stripes (or mix the pumpkin puree with potato starch). For the seasoning, you can sauté them in a pan with butter and sage or cook them in boiling salted water and then serve them with a gorgonzola fondue, melting it until it is thick, and season with a little butter and pistachio grains.


 LASAGNE WITH VEGETABLES # 200 gr puff pastry for lasagne-500 gr mixed vegetables -2 cloves of garlic -2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil -q.b. Salt - pepper - fresh thyme - 4 tablespoons grated parmesan → For the light bechamel sauce with olive oil - 500 ml milk - 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil - 30 gr flour - to taste. Salt - pepper - nutmeg. METHOD >Start by preparing the vegetables. Clean the garlic cloves and cut the vegetables of your choice into pieces of similar size, not exceeding 1 cm in thickness.heat the oil with the garlic cloves and add the vegetables, season with salt and pepper, also add thyme. Cover with a lid and cook over a low heat until the vegetables are tender. While the vegetables are cooking, turn on the oven to 200°C and start preparing the béchamel sauce by heating the milk. Add some of the hot milk and stir with a whisk until the sauce is smooth and lump-free.Add the rest of the milk and place on the heat, cook over a medium heat, stirring until it boils.Turn the heat to low and continue cooking for 10 minutes, stirring often to prevent the béchamel from sticking to the bottom.Take a lasagna pan and place some of the béchamel on the bottom. Take a lasagne tin and place a layer of béchamel on the bottom, then cover with béchamel, some vegetables, grated cheese and fresh thyme if you like.Continue to layer the lasagne in this way until all the ingredients are in place, finish with a generous sprinkling of parmesan.Bake the lasagne in the oven for 25 minutes, if you like a crispy crust, turn on the grill for the last 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and serve.

**********Chef's AdrianoMennillo_you can use as many mushrooms and aubergine, peas and other vegetables as you like; the lasagne can be stored ready to cook for 1 day in the fridge, or you can cook and freeze it for up to 2 months. Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days. For the béchamel sauce, use vegetable soya or oat milk to season the layers instead of parmesan, almond flour with a few pinches of salt, or buy the lasagne already prepared.


Seafood  Lasagne #  Ingredients: lasagne sheet, butter, flour, milk, curry powder (to taste), nutmeg, salt, oil, honey, garlic, parsley, pepper, white wine, salmon (or white meat fish), king prawns.METHOD-Prepare the sheet as you usually do, blanch it and put it to dry. Prepare the béchamel (again, I'd say everyone knows how to make this) and add a teaspoon of curry powder, a pinch of nutmeg and salt at the end. Marinate the fish and prawns with a clove of garlic and a pinch of ground ginger, a tablespoon of honey, salt and pepper. Then sear both fish and prawns - but separately - in a pan with a tablespoon of oil and a splash of white wine. The fish should not be cooked through, but just seared, as it will have to finish cooking in the oven. Cut the prawns horizontally, and coarsely chop the salmon flesh. Keep the sauce produced while cooking.Now prepare the lasagne by pouring a little béchamel sauce onto the bottom of the pan. Arrange the first layer of pasta, some béchamel sauce, half of the prawns, a little chopped parsley and half of the fish sauce. Now make a second layer with pasta, béchamel sauce, salmon, parsley and sauce. Continue until you run out of ingredients. Finish with a layer of pasta, a layer of béchamel sauce and a couple of prawns that you have left whole and not blanched. Again, a little parsley, a drizzle of oil and off to the oven for about 15 minutes. The result is a lasagne with a delicate but cloying flavour, thanks to the presence of the curry.


Neapolitan baba# ingredients and doses :for the dough >500 gr American flour (manitoba),50 gr sugar,150 gr butter softened to room temperature, or 1 ounce lard,fine salt - a teaspoonful,8 eggs,2 brewer's yeast loaves. VERY IMPORTANT >>2 Version with raisins500 gr American flour (manitoba),50 gr sugar,150 gr butter softened at room temperature, or 1 ounce lard,fine salt - a teaspoon of coffee ,8 eggs,150 g raisins soaked in hot water and then squeezed,2 brewer's yeast buns.>>,For the water bath ::2 liters of water -600 gr sugar -1 whole peel of untreated lemon, -rum . .METHOD -Place the flour, sugar, chopped butter or lard, salt and crumbled yeast in the rotating bowl of the mixer. Start the beaters and mix everything together. Add the eggs one by one ( and only when the previous one has been well absorbed).The dough should be elastic and stick to the whips. To achieve this, the quantity of eggs is important: avoid choosing them too large; if they are, put in the first seven, always one at a time, and eventually add only half of the last one.  Knead with the whips until the dough rises on the whips until it almost covers the shafts and is not rubbery. In the version with raisins, at this point add the raisins soaked in hot water, squeezed and lightly floured to the dough and continue kneading for a few minutes.  To check that the dough has risen properly, take a pinch of dough between your index finger and thumb and spread your fingers apart: if it is elastic and almost rubbery, it is ready. Grow the dough in the bowl itself until it reaches the rim. Transfer to a single buttered center-hole mold (or multiple small, truncated-cone molds) and grow again until it reaches the edges of the container(s). Bake in a hot oven at 180°C (350°F) for about 20 minutes. Prepare the syrup: Heat the water, sugar, lemon peel and rum (the amount will depend on taste) until the sugar is dissolved. Discard the lemon peel. Place the baba on a wire rack (oven rack is fine) and set it on a baking sheet or a fairly large container. Poke holes with a toothpick in the top surface of the baba (the shiniest one) and begin to moisten using a ladle. Turn the baba over and continue wetting several times. When the soaking finishes retrieve it from the pan on which the grating rests (that's what it's for), possibly reheat it and continue wetting the baba. Then let the baba drip on the grate for a few hours. Serve the baba slices by adding more liquid (which will have been set aside) if necessary or desired.If small 7-cm-high truncated-cone molds were used (in each of which 35 or 50 grams of dough should be placed), the resulting babas can be wetted by quickly dipping them in their entirety into the bath and retrieving them with a skimmer.The baba can be indifferently accompanied by sweet (rosolî) or dry (cognac and/or brandy) liqueurs .


Stockfish with potatoes # ingredients and servings for 3/4 persons _1/2 - white onion - 4 pieces of stockfish 350 gr each - 400 gr potatoes cut into large cubes - 200 gr cherry tomatoes - 4 teaspoons capers - oregano and parsley to taste - evo oil. METHOD: In a large pan, fry the onion in the oil, add the tomatoes cut in half and the capers. Halfway through cooking the potatoes add the pieces of stockfish, making space between the potatoes, perfume with the aromatic herbs and cover with a lid. Lower the flame and check the cooking of the stockfish by moving it slightly. Cooking time varies from 18 to 30 minutes depending on the thickness of the stockfish.

Jole and Massimo Mennillo à 2021 #


Pasta with amberjack  sauce # ingredients and doses: 350 gr bavette (or fusilli, based) 200 gr tomato puree sauce (cherry tomatoes cut in half - 1 small tuft of parsley -1/4 white onion - 300 gr amberjack roe - extra-virgin olive oil -1 glass of white wine - salt. METHOD_In a non-stick frying pan, heat some evo oil, as soon as it is hot, fry the onion in it. Let it brown and add some chopped parsley and the amberjack eggs, taking care to carefully remove the skin from the bag in which they are contained. Stir with a wooden spoon, add a little salt and deglaze with half a glass of white wine. After about 3 minutes, when the wine and the egg water have dried up, add the tomato sauce. Season with salt, stir and add the remaining half glass of white wine. Cook for a couple more minutes until the sauce has reduced. Bring the cooking water for the bavette to the boil, cook the pasta in salted water for the cooking time indicated on the package. Stir occasionally. Drain the pasta, dress with the prepared sauce.

***** consil du thatAdrianoMennillo_( see my photo ) at the end I sprinkled a little salted ricotta cheese to taste add parsley .


Buccellati # ingredients and quantities -1 kg cake and shortcrust flour -300 gr sugar -300 gr lard - 5 egg yolks + 1 for the filling - 2 tablespoons milk + enough 10 gr ammonia for cakes # For the filling :150 gr walnut kernels - 300 gr dried figs  -60 gr pistachios -100 gr sultanas -150 gr dark chocolate - 150 gr toasted and chopped almonds -A pinch of cinnamon powder-4 tablespoons of orange marmalade -4 tablespoons of fig jam -½ glass of Marsala wine  .METHOD-In a large bowl pour the flour, ammonia for cakes dissolved in a little milk, sugar and softened lard, mix the ingredients well (preferably with a planetary mixer); continue to knead the dough and add the eggs and milk as needed, until the mixture is smooth and consistent.Form a dough ball and wrap it in cling film and leave it to rest in the fridge for at least an hour.# for the filling :Coarsely chop the figs together with the marsala in a bowl, add the egg, sultanas, cinnamon, chopped walnuts and almonds.Mix well and place on the heat for about ten minutes.Off the heat add the orange marmalade, fig jam and leave to cool, lastly add the chopped dark chocolate, mix well and set aside to cool.# for the buccellati >>Take the prepared dough out of the fridge. Roll out a thick rectangular pastry sheet (about 1 cm) with a rolling pin, cut out a long narrow strip of pastry, place the prepared filling in the centre along the pastry sheet, close the flaps of pastry and form a sausage, cut the biscuits to the size and shape you prefer.Place the Buccellati Siciliani spaced out on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake in a preheated static oven at 200°C for about 15-20 minutes.When they are golden brown on the surface, take them out of the oven and let them cool.Once cold, sprinkle with icing sugar and serve.


        Cotoletta alla milanese # Ingredients for 4 people -Veal  - Eggs 3/4 Bread crumbs 300 gr Buttermilk 300 gr - Salt, only as necessary -METHOD-To prepare the rib to the milanese, first of all, get some beef ribs. To make them, cut the meat by sliding the knife between bones. At this point, scratch the bone with the tip of the knife, to clean it completely.  Using a meat softener, soften it slightly, to unify the texture. Using the knife again, remove the nerves, which during cooking would cause the rib to shrink.Prepared the veal carré, break the 4 eggs into a bowl and beat. In another bowl, put the breadcrumbs. Taking the ribs from the bone, first, pass through the breadcrumbs, then dip them in the beaten egg and roll them in breadcrumbs; this for twice. At the end, with the unsightly part of the knife, draw on the ribs a kind of grid. Once ready for cooking, take a saucepan with the melted butter and add them until they are ready, adding a little salt. It is typical to accompany the ribs to the milanese with fries.



Bigne with Pistachio cream # Ingredients and doses )-500 ml milk -2 egg yolks -50 gr potato starch -1 sachet of vanillin -3 tablespoons of pistachio cream -120 gr sugar .METHOD-Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar. Add the potato starch and the milk. Mix well. Add the vanilla. Add the pistachio cream. Put on the heat and let it thicken, stirring continuously. Your pistachio cream is ready... it is useful both for filling cakes and for filling Bignè (cream puffs).>>>FOR THE BIGNE' >>250 gr water -125 gr butter -150 gr flour 00 -4 whole eggs -1 pinch of salt -1 sachet of vanillin ->> PASTRY CREAM:  500 ml milk (you can use whole milk or semi-skimmed for a lighter cream) -150 gr sugar -60 gr flour -4 egg yolks -peel of 2 lemons -1 sachet vanillin -packaged pistachio cream -packaged white hazelnut cream ->>PREPARATION OF BIGNE': Bring the water together with the butter to the boil. Turn off the heat and throw in the flour all at once, stir vigorously. Put the mixture in the planetary mixer (or in a large bowl) and add one egg at a time (you can only add the next one when the first one has been completely absorbed). Line the oven tray with baking paper. Put the mixture into a pastry bag (I'm happy with the stiff one) and make many little tufts (the size of a hazelnut). With a wet paper towel I flattened the tips of the puffs and baked them in a static oven at 190 degrees for 15/20 minutes.PREPARATION OF THE PASTRY CREAM: Heat the milk together with the vanillin and lemon zest over low heat for 10 minutes. In a separate container whisk the egg yolks with the sugar, the pinch of salt and the flour. Now add half of the previously heated milk (and remove the lemon peel). Mix well and then combine the two mixtures, letting them thicken over the heat. To obtain the two creams, I mixed half of the classic custard with the pistachio paste and the other half with the white hazelnut cream. Once the puffs were out of the oven, I filled half of them with the pistachio cream and the rest with the hazelnut cream. I 'poached' the heads of the cream puffs ,in the remaining creams and finished with pistachio and hazelnut grains.


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